goodbye chicken and fish hello nuts and berries and vegetable smoothies oh yum! UPDATED protein prob

We spent a few hours going over the story.
She was pretty happy with me, and said lets call this pete vegan project.
so the 100grams a day of animal and my beloved organic freerange poached eggs are now in my food museum.
the wife is ok with this, so the whole family is going vegan.
doing markers on tomorrow and then again in 4 weeks.
besides the protein, she stressed the amount of sleep i get.
so 10pm in bed every night for a solid 8 hours sleep.
supplements dropped iodine picking up kelp
vit d down to 1000ui down from 5000ui which is down from 10000ui a month ago.
dropping vit c for 3 weeks.
if i can get the natural food form a vitamin, thats where its going to come from
we are off camping on the beach for about 3 weeks with friends ( not vegans )
so we will live on organic veg and fuit and some nuts.
the only supplement i am boosting is b12.
planning on lots of surfing and meditation and no internet, to that end i will not take the laptop. i may take a few good books.
goto dash to yoga.
this doctor was pretty happy with my health, she did a skin test for cartononoids and mine were excellen. the beetroot, celery and carrot juices have helped.
most of my supplements have been reduced as i am in good levels across all my tests.
sleep is the number one priority now.
ps i will do the test, but i won't get the results until i get back
pps don't try anything that i do, its just a big fun experiment for me!
so my cea yesterday is 30, up by 3 over 4 weeks.
saw my onc she is kind of positive that is the marker stabilises at this level it is a good prognostic indicator. so i am happy, my onc is pretty conservative.
so was concerned about my vegan diet, and i offered her the deal that i will be 90 kg of muscle only in 2 more months or i will see her nutritionist.
i have also dropped vitamin C for the last 4 weeks as i was away in the bush and on a vehan retreat.
the theory is that if it is a recurrance then either the vit c has caused a small reduction or the vegan diet has caused a small increase. A movement of a point up or down is within the tolerance of the tests, so basically my cea is stable for the last 2 months with no conventional treatment.
I am seeing now possiblity of adding back the vitamin c, the accuptuncture as well as keeping the vegan lifestyle going using the sledgehammer diet from misty mountains and the interval traing and sauna based therapy at the gym.
goto run , literally right now.
my digestion is rock solid, perfect results from the latest indicans test, and my motions appear good. one lingering problem is the lack of production of stomach acid, ie weakness in digesting proteins. i am supplementing these. i need to get the stomach cells manufacting hcl asap naturally. of course, i am still taking a vast array of key supplements.
I am sleeping very well in bed religiously 10pm and waking 5am most days refreshed. The sun is rising here. another beautiful day. I bit sad today as dave and dave passed away recently one was in my bowel cancer support group and the other the meditation support group. as you know with my mind set these deaths only serve to motivate me more.
it is a really glorious sunrise downunder, my family is committed to the vegan experiment to keep dad alive, i asked the kids principle about pulling the kids out of school to go on another advanced gawler couples retreat, she said yes, so did the wife.. so the family is driving 3000km round trip in a few weeks to visit friends and family on a farm and in the mountains and then develop our meditation skills further.
I also asked about pulling the kids out of school for 2 terms and going to live on the health retreat where i have been offered a job helping to develop their organic garden.
I thought i woul;d share my good news. I am feelign positive and looking forward to today and the relay for life tomorrow which should be interesting.
ps i still have to see my teams of naturopaths and doctors and doing more tests and awaiting many results. i am still keen to start chelation therapy, in the interim i am doing a couple of colonics a week, with enemas on the non colonic days. the focus is on keeping the vegan diet and nutrition at optimum levels while still pushing selected anti cancer alternative therapies like bi card, b17, avemar, mcp, sfn, vitc ? artemether, genistan etc etc etc. as the alternative/complementary window is still open for me to experiment as conventional has nothing to offer me at present. I pray these strategies work everyday and maybe i will just have to leave conventional medicines bigs loaded in the top draw. hopefully that draw can stay closed and i can stay here.
my world
Hey Pete,
Welcome to my world. No meds, No supplements then only vit D and juicing, plus Monaviejuice, green gold and purple alternately.
I will have fish and some chicken, but I am mainly vegan.
Love my protein powder in the fruit smoothies. I have lots of energy.
Works for me, onc says I am healthier then ever, doing CT scan on may 7, first after dx and resection.
I declined the chemo and radiation, MY decisission and I am glad I did.
I hope it works for you also.
i read the book Natural Cures from Kevin Trudeau I don.t know if you know this book.
Lots to ponder about in that one.
Enjoy your vacation, make lots of memories for later so you can look back on them.0 -
thanksthingy45 said:my world
Hey Pete,
Welcome to my world. No meds, No supplements then only vit D and juicing, plus Monaviejuice, green gold and purple alternately.
I will have fish and some chicken, but I am mainly vegan.
Love my protein powder in the fruit smoothies. I have lots of energy.
Works for me, onc says I am healthier then ever, doing CT scan on may 7, first after dx and resection.
I declined the chemo and radiation, MY decisission and I am glad I did.
I hope it works for you also.
i read the book Natural Cures from Kevin Trudeau I don.t know if you know this book.
Lots to ponder about in that one.
Enjoy your vacation, make lots of memories for later so you can look back on them.
I just hope the vegan approach works and keeps us well, I will get the book.
Pete0 -
I am mostly vegan too. Itpete43lost_at_sea said:thanks
I just hope the vegan approach works and keeps us well, I will get the book.
I am mostly vegan too. It wasn't really a concious decision. Evan though I still crave meat I can't bring myself to eating it or dairy. I think it is my survival instinct wanting to do everything I can to beat this beast.0 -
i thought i was alsojanderson1964 said:I am mostly vegan too. It
I am mostly vegan too. It wasn't really a concious decision. Evan though I still crave meat I can't bring myself to eating it or dairy. I think it is my survival instinct wanting to do everything I can to beat this beast.
this hard core vegan doctor, insisted that the 150 grams of chicken and fish a day was responsible for acid environment, she has succeeded in other cases of marker increase, so i said i am yours for 3 months.
the family is following also, if it works i am vegan for life, if not well we are all going to die someday.
still plenty of more things to try if the vegan approach fails, but i am optomistic, its a geneitc failing of mine.
i am just glad i am not embarking on this solo. i sincerely appreciate the support. its a big commitment. i have just spent $600aud on vegan nuts berries and others for our family camping holiday over 3 weeks.
pete0 -
Eat mainly whole food plant dietpete43lost_at_sea said:i thought i was also
this hard core vegan doctor, insisted that the 150 grams of chicken and fish a day was responsible for acid environment, she has succeeded in other cases of marker increase, so i said i am yours for 3 months.
the family is following also, if it works i am vegan for life, if not well we are all going to die someday.
still plenty of more things to try if the vegan approach fails, but i am optomistic, its a geneitc failing of mine.
i am just glad i am not embarking on this solo. i sincerely appreciate the support. its a big commitment. i have just spent $600aud on vegan nuts berries and others for our family camping holiday over 3 weeks.
We eat mainly a raw whole food plant diet.
There is so much information out there about the health benefits.
Former president Clinton eats a vegan diet to protect his heart.
Video on Clinton's diet
Two videos among many on eating a whole food plant diet
Forks over knives....can view on Netflix
Right now my husband is ned...would like to keep it that way.0 -
Be very careful of your iron....
my friend who turned vegan was very low, without realizing!!! Green, I don't know....Kohl!!!! And Endive!!!
Knuffels, Kathi
(BTW, The Netherlands is banning all but free-range eggs...all of the big egg farms are being dismantled. Result? Immediate price hike...gotta love the enterprising Dutch, not all eggs are freerange yet, but all are sold at the higher prices...*smile*)0 -
plant based diet - ironKathiM said:Be very careful of your iron....
my friend who turned vegan was very low, without realizing!!! Green, I don't know....Kohl!!!! And Endive!!!
Knuffels, Kathi
(BTW, The Netherlands is banning all but free-range eggs...all of the big egg farms are being dismantled. Result? Immediate price hike...gotta love the enterprising Dutch, not all eggs are freerange yet, but all are sold at the higher prices...*smile*)
It's important with a plant based diet to eat
a variety of foods especially greens.
After eating a plant food diet my husband's blood
numbers improved. His Hemoglobin which was always
on the low side for over a year improved to normal.0 -
I eat 3 salads a day and mixtoyfox said:plant based diet - iron
It's important with a plant based diet to eat
a variety of foods especially greens.
After eating a plant food diet my husband's blood
numbers improved. His Hemoglobin which was always
on the low side for over a year improved to normal.
I eat 3 salads a day and mix kale in with my morning carrot juice.0 -
cea 30, up 3 but basically stable for 2 months
so my cea yesterday is 30, up by 3 over 4 weeks.
saw my onc she is kind of positive that is the marker stabilises at this level it is a good prognostic indicator. so i am happy, my onc is pretty conservative.
so was concerned about my vegan diet, and i offered her the deal that i will be 90 kg of muscle only in 2 more months or i will see her nutritionist.
i have also dropped vitamin C for the last 4 weeks as i was away in the bush and on a vehan retreat.
the theory is that if it is a recurrance then either the vit c has caused a small reduction or the vegan diet has caused a small increase. A movement of a point up or down is within the tolerance of the tests, so basically my cea is stable for the last 2 months with no conventional treatment.
I am seeing now possiblity of adding back the vitamin c, the accuptuncture as well as keeping the vegan lifestyle going using the sledgehammer diet from misty mountains and the interval traing and sauna based therapy at the gym.
goto run , literally right now.
my digestion is rock solid, perfect results from the latest indicans test, and my motions appear good. one lingering problem is the lack of production of stomach acid, ie weakness in digesting proteins. i am supplementing these. i need to get the stomach cells manufacting hcl asap naturally. of course, i am still taking a vast array of key supplements.
I am sleeping very well in bed religiously 10pm and waking 5am most days refreshed. The sun is rising here. another beautiful day. I bit sad today as dave and dave passed away recently one was in my bowel cancer support group and the other the meditation support group. as you know with my mind set these deaths only serve to motivate me more.
it is a really glorious sunrise downunder, my family is committed to the vegan experiment to keep dad alive, i asked the kids principle about pulling the kids out of school to go on another advanced gawler couples retreat, she said yes, so did the wife.. so the family is driving 3000km round trip in a few weeks to visit friends and family on a farm and in the mountains and then develop our meditation skills further.
I also asked about pulling the kids out of school for 2 terms and going to live on the health retreat where i have been offered a job helping to develop their organic garden.
I thought i woul;d share my good news. I am feelign positive and looking forward to today and the relay for life tomorrow which should be interesting.
ps i still have to see my teams of naturopaths and doctors and doing more tests and awaiting many results. i am still keen to start chelation therapy, in the interim i am doing a couple of colonics a week, with enemas on the non colonic days. the focus is on keeping the vegan diet and nutrition at optimum levels while still pushing selected anti cancer alternative therapies like bi card, b17, avemar, mcp, sfn, vitc ? artemether, genistan etc etc etc. as the alternative/complementary window is still open for me to experiment as conventional has nothing to offer me at present. I pray these strategies work everyday and maybe i will just have to leave conventional medicines bigs loaded in the top draw. hopefully that draw can stay closed and i can stay here.
pss everyday i am touched by kindness, today the naturopath in my local health shop gave me a complimentary jar of arnica cream to rub on my thigh where its swollen when i fell through this bridge. i am getting ready the relay for life. And yesterday an old business friend Dan who is one of australias largest coffee roasters and importers gave me a big bag of organic coffee. he knows what its for, and i might have my own blend named after me. pete's blend specially for enemas. i think that kind of a hoot!
pps my vit d has crashed down to 127 from 256. i have dropped my daily dose down to 1000ui from 10000ui. over the last month i have done as much sunbaking as possible. i suspect i will be upping the dose to 5000ui, but i will stick at 1000ui until i get a conses from naturopaths and doctors about whats a good target level.
ppps doing colonics and infrared saunas. the guy, his name is guy kindly through in the sauna when i come for a colonic. i won these about 6 months ago. i needed a letter of clearance from my gp about being ok to have colonics. its a year today when i was reconnected. thats a strange anniversay if their was everone. the recoonection blues are as vivid as ever. not something i would go through again if i had a choice in it.0 -
Knuffels, lieverd...pete43lost_at_sea said:cea 30, up 3 but basically stable for 2 months
so my cea yesterday is 30, up by 3 over 4 weeks.
saw my onc she is kind of positive that is the marker stabilises at this level it is a good prognostic indicator. so i am happy, my onc is pretty conservative.
so was concerned about my vegan diet, and i offered her the deal that i will be 90 kg of muscle only in 2 more months or i will see her nutritionist.
i have also dropped vitamin C for the last 4 weeks as i was away in the bush and on a vehan retreat.
the theory is that if it is a recurrance then either the vit c has caused a small reduction or the vegan diet has caused a small increase. A movement of a point up or down is within the tolerance of the tests, so basically my cea is stable for the last 2 months with no conventional treatment.
I am seeing now possiblity of adding back the vitamin c, the accuptuncture as well as keeping the vegan lifestyle going using the sledgehammer diet from misty mountains and the interval traing and sauna based therapy at the gym.
goto run , literally right now.
my digestion is rock solid, perfect results from the latest indicans test, and my motions appear good. one lingering problem is the lack of production of stomach acid, ie weakness in digesting proteins. i am supplementing these. i need to get the stomach cells manufacting hcl asap naturally. of course, i am still taking a vast array of key supplements.
I am sleeping very well in bed religiously 10pm and waking 5am most days refreshed. The sun is rising here. another beautiful day. I bit sad today as dave and dave passed away recently one was in my bowel cancer support group and the other the meditation support group. as you know with my mind set these deaths only serve to motivate me more.
it is a really glorious sunrise downunder, my family is committed to the vegan experiment to keep dad alive, i asked the kids principle about pulling the kids out of school to go on another advanced gawler couples retreat, she said yes, so did the wife.. so the family is driving 3000km round trip in a few weeks to visit friends and family on a farm and in the mountains and then develop our meditation skills further.
I also asked about pulling the kids out of school for 2 terms and going to live on the health retreat where i have been offered a job helping to develop their organic garden.
I thought i woul;d share my good news. I am feelign positive and looking forward to today and the relay for life tomorrow which should be interesting.
ps i still have to see my teams of naturopaths and doctors and doing more tests and awaiting many results. i am still keen to start chelation therapy, in the interim i am doing a couple of colonics a week, with enemas on the non colonic days. the focus is on keeping the vegan diet and nutrition at optimum levels while still pushing selected anti cancer alternative therapies like bi card, b17, avemar, mcp, sfn, vitc ? artemether, genistan etc etc etc. as the alternative/complementary window is still open for me to experiment as conventional has nothing to offer me at present. I pray these strategies work everyday and maybe i will just have to leave conventional medicines bigs loaded in the top draw. hopefully that draw can stay closed and i can stay here.
pss everyday i am touched by kindness, today the naturopath in my local health shop gave me a complimentary jar of arnica cream to rub on my thigh where its swollen when i fell through this bridge. i am getting ready the relay for life. And yesterday an old business friend Dan who is one of australias largest coffee roasters and importers gave me a big bag of organic coffee. he knows what its for, and i might have my own blend named after me. pete's blend specially for enemas. i think that kind of a hoot!
pps my vit d has crashed down to 127 from 256. i have dropped my daily dose down to 1000ui from 10000ui. over the last month i have done as much sunbaking as possible. i suspect i will be upping the dose to 5000ui, but i will stick at 1000ui until i get a conses from naturopaths and doctors about whats a good target level.
ppps doing colonics and infrared saunas. the guy, his name is guy kindly through in the sauna when i come for a colonic. i won these about 6 months ago. i needed a letter of clearance from my gp about being ok to have colonics. its a year today when i was reconnected. thats a strange anniversay if their was everone. the recoonection blues are as vivid as ever. not something i would go through again if i had a choice in it.
Ik heb je rug (direct translation from English...I have your back)....
Beste, Kaatje0 -
Proud VeganKathiM said:Knuffels, lieverd...
Ik heb je rug (direct translation from English...I have your back)....
Beste, Kaatje
Hi, Pete!
Congratulations on becoming Vegan! I feel much better being vegan. When you are saying you are boosting B12 - does that mean you are taking it or you are not? I know that B-12 is the only thing that is missing from a Vegan diet but there is a data that B-12 is not good for colorectal cancer. If you are taking B-12 please do some research to determine if you want to continue with that.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding but did you say the Vegan diet can raise your CEA levels without there being cancer?
Wishing you the best, Pete! I am very happy for you!0 -
I always read your postspete43lost_at_sea said:cea 30, up 3 but basically stable for 2 months
so my cea yesterday is 30, up by 3 over 4 weeks.
saw my onc she is kind of positive that is the marker stabilises at this level it is a good prognostic indicator. so i am happy, my onc is pretty conservative.
so was concerned about my vegan diet, and i offered her the deal that i will be 90 kg of muscle only in 2 more months or i will see her nutritionist.
i have also dropped vitamin C for the last 4 weeks as i was away in the bush and on a vehan retreat.
the theory is that if it is a recurrance then either the vit c has caused a small reduction or the vegan diet has caused a small increase. A movement of a point up or down is within the tolerance of the tests, so basically my cea is stable for the last 2 months with no conventional treatment.
I am seeing now possiblity of adding back the vitamin c, the accuptuncture as well as keeping the vegan lifestyle going using the sledgehammer diet from misty mountains and the interval traing and sauna based therapy at the gym.
goto run , literally right now.
my digestion is rock solid, perfect results from the latest indicans test, and my motions appear good. one lingering problem is the lack of production of stomach acid, ie weakness in digesting proteins. i am supplementing these. i need to get the stomach cells manufacting hcl asap naturally. of course, i am still taking a vast array of key supplements.
I am sleeping very well in bed religiously 10pm and waking 5am most days refreshed. The sun is rising here. another beautiful day. I bit sad today as dave and dave passed away recently one was in my bowel cancer support group and the other the meditation support group. as you know with my mind set these deaths only serve to motivate me more.
it is a really glorious sunrise downunder, my family is committed to the vegan experiment to keep dad alive, i asked the kids principle about pulling the kids out of school to go on another advanced gawler couples retreat, she said yes, so did the wife.. so the family is driving 3000km round trip in a few weeks to visit friends and family on a farm and in the mountains and then develop our meditation skills further.
I also asked about pulling the kids out of school for 2 terms and going to live on the health retreat where i have been offered a job helping to develop their organic garden.
I thought i woul;d share my good news. I am feelign positive and looking forward to today and the relay for life tomorrow which should be interesting.
ps i still have to see my teams of naturopaths and doctors and doing more tests and awaiting many results. i am still keen to start chelation therapy, in the interim i am doing a couple of colonics a week, with enemas on the non colonic days. the focus is on keeping the vegan diet and nutrition at optimum levels while still pushing selected anti cancer alternative therapies like bi card, b17, avemar, mcp, sfn, vitc ? artemether, genistan etc etc etc. as the alternative/complementary window is still open for me to experiment as conventional has nothing to offer me at present. I pray these strategies work everyday and maybe i will just have to leave conventional medicines bigs loaded in the top draw. hopefully that draw can stay closed and i can stay here.
pss everyday i am touched by kindness, today the naturopath in my local health shop gave me a complimentary jar of arnica cream to rub on my thigh where its swollen when i fell through this bridge. i am getting ready the relay for life. And yesterday an old business friend Dan who is one of australias largest coffee roasters and importers gave me a big bag of organic coffee. he knows what its for, and i might have my own blend named after me. pete's blend specially for enemas. i think that kind of a hoot!
pps my vit d has crashed down to 127 from 256. i have dropped my daily dose down to 1000ui from 10000ui. over the last month i have done as much sunbaking as possible. i suspect i will be upping the dose to 5000ui, but i will stick at 1000ui until i get a conses from naturopaths and doctors about whats a good target level.
ppps doing colonics and infrared saunas. the guy, his name is guy kindly through in the sauna when i come for a colonic. i won these about 6 months ago. i needed a letter of clearance from my gp about being ok to have colonics. its a year today when i was reconnected. thats a strange anniversay if their was everone. the recoonection blues are as vivid as ever. not something i would go through again if i had a choice in it.
Good for you for becoming even more committed to a healthy lifestyle and your own special path of getting there.
Glad to hear you family is with you this round...I mean, that's what it's all about, living that is. Love, and being with our loved ones.
A Vitamin C toast to you Pete!
Take care~0 -
Pete, How is your bowel
Pete, How is your bowel functioning on this diet? I know you said your digestion is good. I'm due for a takedown pretty soon and after post-op period want to move more towards a vegan diet but I am curious about how you and others "function" with this diet, and with juicing too. I notice when I have a lot of greens in my juice the ostomy output is fast, so curious about that after takedown too.
Sounds like you keep on keepin on.
Have a great trip, sounds like so much fun.
Laura0 -
best looking poos of my life, nowlauragb said:Pete, How is your bowel
Pete, How is your bowel functioning on this diet? I know you said your digestion is good. I'm due for a takedown pretty soon and after post-op period want to move more towards a vegan diet but I am curious about how you and others "function" with this diet, and with juicing too. I notice when I have a lot of greens in my juice the ostomy output is fast, so curious about that after takedown too.
Sounds like you keep on keepin on.
Have a great trip, sounds like so much fun.
ps will reply to the others in 24 hours going for the relay for life marathon in 15 minutes.0 -
Vegeanpete43lost_at_sea said:best looking poos of my life, now
ps will reply to the others in 24 hours going for the relay for life marathon in 15 minutes.
One wonders, my husband of 6 years is 67 and he was a big meat eater still loves it but I wont let him have much. I on the other hand have almost never like any meat my whole life vegtables are my favorite food. I have had digestive problems all my life but no cancer. I tend to think had I been a big meat eater I would have cancer of the colon.
My husband was 4 years cancer free but now has 2 nodes swollen and is doing Chemo. Cea has gone from 46 to 17. Good to see you can do the things you love.0 -
thanks dyanclarkDyanclark said:Vegean
One wonders, my husband of 6 years is 67 and he was a big meat eater still loves it but I wont let him have much. I on the other hand have almost never like any meat my whole life vegtables are my favorite food. I have had digestive problems all my life but no cancer. I tend to think had I been a big meat eater I would have cancer of the colon.
My husband was 4 years cancer free but now has 2 nodes swollen and is doing Chemo. Cea has gone from 46 to 17. Good to see you can do the things you love.
i hope your husband's health improves.
its nice to hear from other vegetarians , not to many on this board.
I am new to the vegan life, its getting easier day by day.
pete0 -
Glad to hear Food Changespete43lost_at_sea said:thanks dyanclark
i hope your husband's health improves.
its nice to hear from other vegetarians , not to many on this board.
I am new to the vegan life, its getting easier day by day.
Glad to hear you have found eating healthy, local, fresh is better than supplements we do not know what has been added or how they are manufactured. The nutritionists say food better than supplements, local in season picked fresh is best.
My husband and I are transitioning to a more local seasonal vegan diet.
NB0 -
thanks nbrelaxoutdoors08 said:Glad to hear Food Changes
Glad to hear you have found eating healthy, local, fresh is better than supplements we do not know what has been added or how they are manufactured. The nutritionists say food better than supplements, local in season picked fresh is best.
My husband and I are transitioning to a more local seasonal vegan diet.
As a family are doing the vegan experiment.
As long as the cea is stable and my health improves I am sticking to the vegan life and selected therapies.
Saving alot of money on supplements on hold and alternatives.
It's nice to have a few vegans here on csn.
I have another scan and cea in 6 weeks.
So I will see how the sulphorapane and glisodin supplements work.
As of today I am dropping alpha lipoic acid and activated qercetin and trying to get these from diet.
Pete0 -
CEA Levelspete43lost_at_sea said:thanks nb
As a family are doing the vegan experiment.
As long as the cea is stable and my health improves I am sticking to the vegan life and selected therapies.
Saving alot of money on supplements on hold and alternatives.
It's nice to have a few vegans here on csn.
I have another scan and cea in 6 weeks.
So I will see how the sulphorapane and glisodin supplements work.
As of today I am dropping alpha lipoic acid and activated qercetin and trying to get these from diet.
Hi, Pete... I turned full vegan in January. You mentioned something about the vegan diet effecting CEA levels. Please let me know what you found out about that. Also, about the B12, because I know the vegan lifestlye is missing it but I had heard that B12 wasn't good for colorectal cancer. I am new to the vegan way so an insight would be great. Thank you!0 -
vegan alternative Doctor promised results to lower ceaVickilg said:CEA Levels
Hi, Pete... I turned full vegan in January. You mentioned something about the vegan diet effecting CEA levels. Please let me know what you found out about that. Also, about the B12, because I know the vegan lifestlye is missing it but I had heard that B12 wasn't good for colorectal cancer. I am new to the vegan way so an insight would be great. Thank you!
I am new to this as well , let's share our vegan tips and tricks.
Get 24 hours urine results today. They are important focusing on all sufficiencies.
said I am yours for 3 months, my focus is the diet, it's detailed,
Focus on legumes, vegetables and then nuts and seeds.
B12 is essential, will ask doctors, I used to get it meat now I get it sub lingually.
Can you post issues for colorectal and b12.
My focus over next 2 months is gaining muscle.
Ps doing green smoothies, juicing. Got organic kale yesterday.
Pps praying like he'll something works, I hope with a large H that something gets my cea down. The miracle of our biology.0
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