Considering reconstruction - I need to hear from you

oddcouple85 Member Posts: 3
I'm considering reconstruction with implants. I'm a little concerned and would like to hear from some other ladies who have gone thru this. I had my right breast removed 10 years ago because of cancer. Lymph nodes were also removed on my right side. Went thru chemo and radiation then. Last year I had my left breast removed because of cancer, only had two lymph nodes removed from the left side. Went thru chemo again, but did not require radiation on the left side. Thankfully over the last 10 years I've had no problems with my right arm swelling. I'm concerned that going thru reconstruction might start problems with swelling. Anyone out there want to share their reconstruction experiences with me? I just need to hear from other women out there who have been thru this please. Thank you!


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Welcome to the family
    Sorry that you had to go through cancer treatment twice. I have had immediate reconstruction on my left side using my own tissue DIEP flap. I had 21 nodes removed, 10 were positive. I am having lymphedema, however I do not think due to reconstruction.
    Please talk to both breast and plastic surgeons about your concerns.
    Good luck
  • missingtexas
    missingtexas Member Posts: 146
    I had delayed (1 year)
    I had delayed (1 year) reconstruction. My expander on my radiated side ruptured last night. :( Surgery in the morning. They will try to put in the implants. I get some swelling occasionally but it's not significant and it didn't worsen following reconstruction. Good luck to you!!!!
  • oddcouple85
    oddcouple85 Member Posts: 3

    Welcome to the family
    Sorry that you had to go through cancer treatment twice. I have had immediate reconstruction on my left side using my own tissue DIEP flap. I had 21 nodes removed, 10 were positive. I am having lymphedema, however I do not think due to reconstruction.
    Please talk to both breast and plastic surgeons about your concerns.
    Good luck

    New Flower
    Thank you so much for responding. I hate that I had to go through treatments twice too! I'm just glad treatments are behind me and I can start thinking about reconstruction now. I'm sorry you are experiencing lymphdema. I will talk with my general surgeon and my plastic surgeon again about my concerns before making a decision. Thank you again and I wish you the best!
  • oddcouple85
    oddcouple85 Member Posts: 3

    I had delayed (1 year)
    I had delayed (1 year) reconstruction. My expander on my radiated side ruptured last night. :( Surgery in the morning. They will try to put in the implants. I get some swelling occasionally but it's not significant and it didn't worsen following reconstruction. Good luck to you!!!!

    I had delayed (1 year)
    Thank you so much for responding! I'm so sorry that your expander ruptured! I really hope your surgery goes well and you have no problems with your implants. Let me hear from you. I really do want to know how you are. Thank you!
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    No recon yet
    I am just over a year since bilateral mastectomy. So far, I am not considering recon. I don't really mind being boobless (not that I don't have my days) but the thought of surgery, pain, and recovery just seems too much right now. Who knows what the future my bring.

    Good luck!

  • Monicalynn
    Monicalynn Member Posts: 61
    mamolady said:

    No recon yet
    I am just over a year since bilateral mastectomy. So far, I am not considering recon. I don't really mind being boobless (not that I don't have my days) but the thought of surgery, pain, and recovery just seems too much right now. Who knows what the future my bring.

    Good luck!


    haven't had mine yet
    I thought I would immediately want reconstructin but decided on the delayed option. It's only been since Janurary that I had the masectomy. Am getting chemo now and will wait untioli after chemo is done before I decide. I have been fine without the reconstruction so far and think I might just get a prosthetic for the time being.
  • missingtexas
    missingtexas Member Posts: 146

    I had delayed (1 year)
    Thank you so much for responding! I'm so sorry that your expander ruptured! I really hope your surgery goes well and you have no problems with your implants. Let me hear from you. I really do want to know how you are. Thank you!

    I had the tissue expanders
    I had the tissue expanders removed this morning (there was a tear and a chest full of saline...but keep in mind, the expanders are not the same as implants and are designed for the short term. I also don't think I did myself any favors. My children are very young and I was probably doing more than I should have.) The surgery was not bad at all. My radiated/deflated expander side hurts worse mainly because they had to jam that implant in a space that was compromised when the expander ruptured. So, over all, the experience was ok. As far as the expanders and fills...I felt it was REALLY painful and have said in the past that it was the worst part of the whole ordeal. I still believe that but ONLY on the radiated side. The other side never hurt for me. I had contemplated not having reconstruction. There were a lot of reasons I chose to do it and one of those reasons is my 3 year old daughter. Kids want to look like their parents...I never wanted her to feel different etc. I also did it for me. :)
  • concord
    concord Member Posts: 5
    mamolady said:

    No recon yet
    I am just over a year since bilateral mastectomy. So far, I am not considering recon. I don't really mind being boobless (not that I don't have my days) but the thought of surgery, pain, and recovery just seems too much right now. Who knows what the future my bring.

    Good luck!


    no recon yet
    I have recurrence and will have a mastectomy very soon. Since I already had radiation, I have no choice. My surgeon suggesed that I wait for reconstruction saying You don't need another operation at this time. However. I wanted a bilateral since this is my second bnout. No one wants to remove a healthy breast. suggestion??
  • missingtexas
    missingtexas Member Posts: 146
    concord said:

    no recon yet
    I have recurrence and will have a mastectomy very soon. Since I already had radiation, I have no choice. My surgeon suggesed that I wait for reconstruction saying You don't need another operation at this time. However. I wanted a bilateral since this is my second bnout. No one wants to remove a healthy breast. suggestion??

    I'm confused about your question...however, they said mine would be delayed becaaue of radiation. I had a healthy breast removed with the cancer one. Just told them that is what I wanted, period.
  • concord
    concord Member Posts: 5

    I'm confused about your question...however, they said mine would be delayed becaaue of radiation. I had a healthy breast removed with the cancer one. Just told them that is what I wanted, period.

    Thank you missing texas for
    Thank you missing texas for your reply:
    I am confusing everyone: I originally had a lumpectomy 13 years ago- had radiation. Laat month had a bad mammo- ultrasound and biopsy proved malignant. I went for second opinion - then a third. I am now set for my pet; etc scans. I was told by all three that a mastectomy is a must since I had rads before. BUT they all told me not to worry about the good breast. I am not having reconstruction at this time- maybe later.

    Now I am afraid that if I insist on a bilateral, they will push the opeation out - who knows. I am tentatively scheduled for next wk or early the week after.

    Did I make sense this time? Plus I am a wreck about the PET scan: Never ends.
    thanks so much
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I had reconstruction
    following a mastectomy on my right breast. Insurance declined bilateral, said no reason to remove a healthy breast. I had expander's on both sides w/mast. I was really small breasted. Got a rash in the form of a square on the rt side but not on the left. Gave me antibiotics and Benedryl. It took care of it.

    No fills til after chemo per MO. Had exchange surgery, woke up next morning and my right side was flat. Called the dr, he had me come right in. Thought there was a leak, had swelling under my arm and into my back. Surgery 1 week later. The implant was still there and full I was just sporting a boob in my back! (lol) We really did get quite a laugh out of it.

    The second one stayed in place, but was really odd shaped and about 2 cup sizes smaller than the left. It sunk into the area that use to have breast tissue. This was in 2002. There was a new implant being released in a few weeks that was for reconstruction. I opted to wait and have been happy with it. They are not completely symmetrical, but my rib and collar bones have always been more prominent on my left side.

    The Nipple construction was a bust! it started out being much bigger than my real one, he said it would shrink to about the same size, it did but kept shrinking till it was flat.
    Rather than another surgery, I had a tattoo artist friend who was going to tattoo one on. But when I got there I opted for a beautiful hummingbird with a hibiscus and smaller Hawaiian flowers. It is still beautiful 10 years later.

    They still look really good, and I don't have to wear a bra! I was not going to have reconstruction, but my sisters and the plastic surgery were very convincing as to the pros, as long as I stuck with saline. I am not sorry I had it done, but I don't know that I would do it again, however, I would still tattoo all the scars away, I don't see cancer when I look in the mirror, I see beautiful flowers that remind me of Hawaii!
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    My insurance wouldn't pay
    My insurance wouldn't pay for a double so I had to pay for it. I opted for no reconstruction knowing I could change my mind later. That was 05/10. I had great boobs! So I really thought I would do reconstruction later. Right now I don't think I will ever put myself thru that. Being flat chested doesn't bother me. Love going bra less. For those special occassions I wear my foobs.

    It is a personal decision. Do what makes you feel best. The great thing is you don't have to make the decision immediately.
  • missingtexas
    missingtexas Member Posts: 146
    concord said:

    Thank you missing texas for
    Thank you missing texas for your reply:
    I am confusing everyone: I originally had a lumpectomy 13 years ago- had radiation. Laat month had a bad mammo- ultrasound and biopsy proved malignant. I went for second opinion - then a third. I am now set for my pet; etc scans. I was told by all three that a mastectomy is a must since I had rads before. BUT they all told me not to worry about the good breast. I am not having reconstruction at this time- maybe later.

    Now I am afraid that if I insist on a bilateral, they will push the opeation out - who knows. I am tentatively scheduled for next wk or early the week after.

    Did I make sense this time? Plus I am a wreck about the PET scan: Never ends.
    thanks so much

    Tried to reply...don't know
    Tried to reply...don't know what happened. I get it now! I hope I didn't sound snotty when I said I was confused. My insurance covered it and it was the right decision for me. My surgeon originally tried to steer me away from it too. My surgery was after chemo so I had some time to discuss those things. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    I had delayed (1 year)
    I had delayed (1 year) reconstruction. My expander on my radiated side ruptured last night. :( Surgery in the morning. They will try to put in the implants. I get some swelling occasionally but it's not significant and it didn't worsen following reconstruction. Good luck to you!!!!

    I had a lumpectomy with rads
    I can't offer any advice but wanted to wish you good luck!

    Sue :)
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    concord said:

    no recon yet
    I have recurrence and will have a mastectomy very soon. Since I already had radiation, I have no choice. My surgeon suggesed that I wait for reconstruction saying You don't need another operation at this time. However. I wanted a bilateral since this is my second bnout. No one wants to remove a healthy breast. suggestion??

    bilateral too
    I had a healthy breast removed too. No one questioned my decision. Maybe I didn't give them the option.....
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    mamolady said:

    bilateral too
    I had a healthy breast removed too. No one questioned my decision. Maybe I didn't give them the option.....

    Sending my best wishes and
    Sending my best wishes and the best of luck with your reconstruction.

    Hugs, Lex