Memoir of a Debulked Woman


  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member
    I appreciate that she is getting the word out too, but I found the interview to be unnecessarily grim. I'm just glad I didn't listen to an interview like this while I was in treatment.
  • mom2greatkids
    mom2greatkids Member Posts: 528
    Tethys41 said:

    I appreciate that she is getting the word out too, but I found the interview to be unnecessarily grim. I'm just glad I didn't listen to an interview like this while I was in treatment.

    I'm only on maintenance
    I'm only on maintenance Avastin now, and I can not listen to anything that is grim. Many OVCA patients are living much longer lives now, that even a few years ago. yeah, I'm not naive, but I also know there is hope for us. It truly does effect our (or I know it does mine) attitudes. My medical oncologist says that the glass is always half full. I'm glad I have an optimistic doctor. He's also honest. He has said since before I started chemo that he is optimistic about my chances.

    But I am thankful for those who are getting the word out.

  • undertreatment2012
    undertreatment2012 Member Posts: 126
    oddly enough my son sent me this same link on Facebook today. Personally, I find it refreshing someone is getting the word out AND the honesty with which she is doing it. Yes her words are grim. But truthful. These are the things I strive to learn. As much as I can. I try not to wallow in the depression of it all either. But am also sick of everyone telling me it's all fine. When I am NOT FINE!. Thanks for this.
  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205
    Tethys41 said:

    I appreciate that she is getting the word out too, but I found the interview to be unnecessarily grim. I'm just glad I didn't listen to an interview like this while I was in treatment.

    I just got the book. 'am anxious to read it. I will be anxious to see my reaction. I did read the transcriptt and did not find it very grim, compared to my own story. I wish there were more hopeful survivor stories out there, but I think we all know why.
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    I found this very interesting
    and no more grim than the statistics that we are bombarded with. But, I'll admit I'm hearing this through a six year survivors ears and not someone who is just about to undergo debulking. I'd like to hear from anyone who has read the whole book.
    (((HUGS))) Maria