that stupid number

Is there like a rule of thumb for the CA-125? My first one before treatment one was 236, before second treatment 119, a drop of 117 points. I was encouraged, at least it was out of the two hundreds, and quite a big drop. Today it is 92, which is only a drop of 27 points. Is this discouraging? Or does the rate at which it drops matter as much as the fact it is going in the right direction?
I look to you all who have more experience. Thank you


  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    I'm pretty sure the
    I'm pretty sure the direction is the most important thing. Everyone is different some people never get into single digits others do everyone's low is not the same. Some people's numbers go up and down . I think you are okay as long as it is going down,but even that is no sure thing with this disease. I would be happy if I were you. Good Luck
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Going in the right direction is always something to dance about. Someone on the board once spoke of visualizing little pac-men gobbling up those beastie cells. In my experience as the numbers get closer to the normal range, the rate of drop decreases, but I celebrate any and all good news.
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • 2timothy1 7
    2timothy1 7 Member Posts: 345
    My Number before sx was
    My Number before sx was 3200. After 1st treatment and sx,1600. I've had 5 round of treatments and it is 76. I do find the amount it goes down is smaller after each treatment but at least it is going down . Shows chemo is working. For some that number doesn't even go down on their current chemo. So I wish my number was lower too but for now I'm focusing on the positive. It is going down.and you several more treatments to keep pushing it down too!
  • undertreatment2012
    undertreatment2012 Member Posts: 126

    My Number before sx was
    My Number before sx was 3200. After 1st treatment and sx,1600. I've had 5 round of treatments and it is 76. I do find the amount it goes down is smaller after each treatment but at least it is going down . Shows chemo is working. For some that number doesn't even go down on their current chemo. So I wish my number was lower too but for now I'm focusing on the positive. It is going down.and you several more treatments to keep pushing it down too!

    numbers game
    thanks. for all your comments. I just wish all of us were better
  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member

    numbers game
    thanks. for all your comments. I just wish all of us were better

    A drop of 27 points is good news!
    I agree with the other women that any drop in the right direction is good news. I know you'd like to see a bigger drop, but a drop of 27 points is very significant and good to hear. I'm sending you good thoughts and praying that your number continues to move in the right direction.

    Take care,
  • Gottalovelife
    Gottalovelife Member Posts: 45
    I hate that stupid number
    Know how horrible it is worrying about that number. Before I started chemo my number was 200, after third treatment was 18 then it started going back up went to like 25 then 28 then 32 and that was the final number when I finished treatment. Which you can see is not a low number then 8 weeks later it jumped to 57, scared me to death, then it went down to 38 then 30 then back up to 35 then 38 and last time was 47. Went to get 3 month check up cat scan still clear Praise God. So everybodys numbers seem to be different and my tend to go up and down and it is scarier than he**. So it sounds great that your numbers are coming down. Will keep praying that they keep coming down for you. I don't think there is a rule of thumb, some women have low numbers, some jump up and down and some women have high numbers and are still NED so that is why for a lot of women these numbers are not a good marker for them to go by. But you need to feel good that your numbers are coming down no matter how big or small as long as they are coming down.

  • AnneBehymer
    AnneBehymer Member Posts: 738 Member
    my number before treatment was 2000
    The first drop was huge and then as it got closer to normal it was smaller drops, but as long as it drop that is a good thing. Also understand that the number can go up and down and it has nothing to do with the cancer. I heard that the number can go up just because there is infections somewhere in the body. Mainly if the tumor is not grwoing and reducing it is a good thing. My doctor is going by the size of the tumor not just my number.

    Love, Hugs, and Prayers
  • Gottalovelife
    Gottalovelife Member Posts: 45
    Sorry it posted twice trying
    Sorry it posted twice trying to delete 2nd post.