Finished Rads

Randall72 Member Posts: 34
Finally finish my 7 weeks of rads.On April 19th. Family and friends threw me a congrats party on the 21st.Now back to work full time + , doing well. just the fatigue,and some urinary/bowel inconsisties but thats normal. Other wise feel great!!!! Thank all of you for your support. Trying to put together a team to walk/run in the local Gary Papa foundation event on Father's day. Will go for my followup in July. Thanks again Randall :)


  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010
    Congrats on the completion
    Congrats on the completion of your treatments! We look forward to reading good reports on your followup in July.

  • djs123
    djs123 Member Posts: 102
    finished rads
    Congratulations, wishing you wonderful health.
  • Randall72
    Randall72 Member Posts: 34
    PSA after rads
    Last PSA 0.05 holding steady. considering pre RP 4.8
  • CThughes
    CThughes Member Posts: 21
    Randall72 said:

    PSA after rads
    Last PSA 0.05 holding steady. considering pre RP 4.8

    what type of rad
    What type of radiation did you have and why. Sorry if you've been through this all elsewhere, I'm still relatively new.
  • CThughes
    CThughes Member Posts: 21
    Randall72 said:

    PSA after rads
    Last PSA 0.05 holding steady. considering pre RP 4.8

    what type of rad
    What type of radiation did you have and why. Sorry if you've been through this all elsewhere, I'm still relatively new.
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,692 Member
    CThughes said:

    what type of rad
    What type of radiation did you have and why. Sorry if you've been through this all elsewhere, I'm still relatively new.

    Right in the Bull’s Eyes
    Hi Randall
    RT was a straight hit at the “Bull’s eyes”. Congratulations for the PSA in the Zeros.
    Let’s keep them the whole way through.

  • Jonkny
    Jonkny Member Posts: 8 Member
    Just started my rads. Hoping it goes as well for me.

    I'm very happy for you.

    Best of Luck!
  • Randall72
    Randall72 Member Posts: 34
    CThughes said:

    what type of rad
    What type of radiation did you have and why. Sorry if you've been through this all elsewhere, I'm still relatively new.

    type of rad
    hey CT I had the IMRT about 20 min. tx everyday for 7 weeks, all went well, except from some fatique. Hope all goes great for you also. randall
  • Randall72
    Randall72 Member Posts: 34
    Jonkny said:

    Just started my rads. Hoping it goes as well for me.

    I'm very happy for you.

    Best of Luck!

    HoPE all goes well for you also Jon just remember NEVER GIVE IN !!!!!!