I am ready to jump if i cant get this thing out of my throat

hi, my name is eileen..i am new to the club. i just finished 32 radiation treatments for squamous cell of the laranyx. im sorry if im not spelling correctly or even making sense right now as i am sitting here crying and can feel my neck still cooking. i have what feels like a rock sitting near my gag reflex and every few minutes i start having dry heaves. i am taking roxicet which seems to have calmed the coughing and gagging alot but when i swallow it feels like a hard rock is there..does anyone else have this? i cant see my ent until friday and i am so tempted to stick something in my throat and pull it out.thank you eileen


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    Throat Jam
    Hey Eileen, welcome aboard; I'm glad that you are here, and sorry that you are here at once. First you must know that you will be punished severely by the Board Gramarian Beatress Spellinrite for all missspelling and gramatical errors; she visits my posts often. Congratulations on finishing the Rad gauntlet, at least that is now behind you. I did not experience your situation, so I can't help you as far as what you might expect, and where the relief is. I do suggest that you call your ENT first thing in the morning and report what is happening, and find out what he/she has to say. In the meantime, hang in there, as they say, and it's true, this too shall pass. Remember, "you can do this," even if it is just for this nano second; and then say it again as many times as necessary-- that mantra has gotten me thru a whole lota minor and very major challenges during both treatment and recovery. If possible, find a distraction for now, something very funny (CD, DVD, etc) might help redirect your attention. I'm hoping that you are feeling better sooner than later.

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    survivors are not allowed
    hi eileen, welcome. just wanted you to know that survivors are not allowed to jump:-)

    sounds strange but for me the last 4 weeks of radiation and the 4 weeks post treatment were the worst. the gift(radiation) just keeps on giving and giving and then seems like even more giving. best is that your well half way thru that part. since your new to site and you may not have seen it before so i will say it "IT WILL SLOWLY GET BETTER" and no matter what is said or done it is just not fast enough. it will get better.

    your a survivor and will be for many many years to come, be positive and continue the fight with baby steps and no leaps :-)

    congrats on completing radiation

  • thesontupes
    thesontupes Member Posts: 11
    fisrpotpe said:

    survivors are not allowed
    hi eileen, welcome. just wanted you to know that survivors are not allowed to jump:-)

    sounds strange but for me the last 4 weeks of radiation and the 4 weeks post treatment were the worst. the gift(radiation) just keeps on giving and giving and then seems like even more giving. best is that your well half way thru that part. since your new to site and you may not have seen it before so i will say it "IT WILL SLOWLY GET BETTER" and no matter what is said or done it is just not fast enough. it will get better.

    your a survivor and will be for many many years to come, be positive and continue the fight with baby steps and no leaps :-)

    congrats on completing radiation


    thank you
    Its so good to have a place to come and let it all out..My little rock on my throat is now a big lump and believe it or not it feels better then the tiny hard one..I am so greatful to know someone is out there and I am not alone in this. Thank you so much for responding..
  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member

    thank you
    Its so good to have a place to come and let it all out..My little rock on my throat is now a big lump and believe it or not it feels better then the tiny hard one..I am so greatful to know someone is out there and I am not alone in this. Thank you so much for responding..

    Are you on the ground floor?
    Hopefully you managed a weak chuckle. Immediately following radiation is typically the worst time for us with the cumulative effects of treatment trying their hardest to kill us. If that is what it is, then you will get through it as all of us here did. Are you eating by mouth? What I want to know is if you are able to swallow? If you look down your throat can you at least see an open pathway? Are you breathing without difficulty? It sounds like you are experiencing what goes along with radiation treatment. If at any time you have difficulty breathing, then don't hesitate calling for help. There really are better days ahead, just over the next hill and one floor up at a time.
  • Mrs. Sarge
    Mrs. Sarge Member Posts: 206 Member
    ratface said:

    Are you on the ground floor?
    Hopefully you managed a weak chuckle. Immediately following radiation is typically the worst time for us with the cumulative effects of treatment trying their hardest to kill us. If that is what it is, then you will get through it as all of us here did. Are you eating by mouth? What I want to know is if you are able to swallow? If you look down your throat can you at least see an open pathway? Are you breathing without difficulty? It sounds like you are experiencing what goes along with radiation treatment. If at any time you have difficulty breathing, then don't hesitate calling for help. There really are better days ahead, just over the next hill and one floor up at a time.

    Your post grabbed my attention big time! I also have SC of the larynx, stage 1 no lymph node involvement. I am to start my radiation May 7. Already been fitted with the mask and all exams done.....just gotta start! So did this lump just come up or have you felt it awhile? Are you able to swallow and eat a little or do you have a PEG? If you're uncomfortable answering, please disregard, I guess I'm just wanting another viewpoint on what to expect. Thanks so much for posting and according to all the veterans....we will get thru this battle!!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Welcome Eileen...
    Many great people here, and you'll fit right in I'm sure.

    Sorry for your discomfort, we all have a little extra we take with us from treatment, especially rads.

    While I think of it, here's a link to the SuperThread..tons of great info her as well;


    Hang in there and get to feeling better soon.....

    They have a habit of nicknaming you around here if you have a side effect too long. So you don't want us to be calling you "Lumpy" do you?

    They just put a hex on me, and made a Voo Doo doll to stick in me when I get too rowdy,


  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408

    thank you
    Its so good to have a place to come and let it all out..My little rock on my throat is now a big lump and believe it or not it feels better then the tiny hard one..I am so greatful to know someone is out there and I am not alone in this. Thank you so much for responding..

    I bet I know what it is.
    I'm no Radiation or Chemo Oncologist.....(thank heavens)......but I'm gonna take a guess that it's your swollen Epiglottis. In swampology, it's that little flap that goes over your windpipe to keep food/liquids from getting into your lungs when you swallow. That bugger may take a few weeks (of course dependent on the individual) before it settles down and acts right. But then again, like everything else going on today, I'm probably wrong.

  • thesontupes
    thesontupes Member Posts: 11
    Skiffin16 said:

    Welcome Eileen...
    Many great people here, and you'll fit right in I'm sure.

    Sorry for your discomfort, we all have a little extra we take with us from treatment, especially rads.

    While I think of it, here's a link to the SuperThread..tons of great info her as well;


    Hang in there and get to feeling better soon.....

    They have a habit of nicknaming you around here if you have a side effect too long. So you don't want us to be calling you "Lumpy" do you?

    They just put a hex on me, and made a Voo Doo doll to stick in me when I get too rowdy,



    i dont even know you guys but i love you all
    thank you so much for all your advise and mostly your humor..i am usually a very happy funny person myself but boy did i get caught off guard yesterday..i was truely under the impression that the radiation is over so its all up hill from here..holy moly did i get a shock..i totally panicked..i am feeling alot better today..i still have the lump buts its not as scarey.thank god for all of you.
    to the person that will be starting radiation that i scared the crap out of..the radiaition treatments are not bad you dont feel anything at all. when you get home make sure you get rest.. sleep whenever you feel like it.that was hard for me to do because i am running all the time and never learned to sit still..it feels real good to take care of just me for a bit. i adopted my grandaughter when she was a baby and she is 9 years old now. i have taken care of her like she is a princess but for the last week or so she has had to fend for herself a bit..holy cow she is doing things better then me..i see alot of good things came and are coming out of this experience. one of them meeting you all..see you soon.. love LUMPY
  • thesontupes
    thesontupes Member Posts: 11

    Your post grabbed my attention big time! I also have SC of the larynx, stage 1 no lymph node involvement. I am to start my radiation May 7. Already been fitted with the mask and all exams done.....just gotta start! So did this lump just come up or have you felt it awhile? Are you able to swallow and eat a little or do you have a PEG? If you're uncomfortable answering, please disregard, I guess I'm just wanting another viewpoint on what to expect. Thanks so much for posting and according to all the veterans....we will get thru this battle!!

    hi mrs sarge
    im sorry you have to wait until may 7th to get started..i was very lucky to not have to wait to get into the radiologist and get moving. dont stress.. i know its hard not to do. i inially had a pain in my throat and hoarseness which caused for me to see an ent from there biopsy and radiation. i was able to eat all during radiation. i made sure i drank boost as well. they say protien helps in the healing process plus the boost is tasty. the best part is that they dont want you to loose any weight i did even better i gained weight.all my family and friends thought i would fall apart (so did i) during the radiation but i did justy the opposite..i was fine. noone told me about the post radiation so i was not prepared for the pain and lump in my throat yesterday. ( 5 days later) i think if i would have known i wouldnt have been so upset. i am not a big one for pain meds but yesterday was the first time i took them. (roxicet) i have been taking it for the last 24 hrs and i feel so much better.
    you will meet such great people while going through the treatments. i think the people that need the peg usually are having chemo with radiation. ill be here if you ever need to talk. my name is eileen and my email is.... thesontupes@aol.com.
  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813

    i dont even know you guys but i love you all
    thank you so much for all your advise and mostly your humor..i am usually a very happy funny person myself but boy did i get caught off guard yesterday..i was truely under the impression that the radiation is over so its all up hill from here..holy moly did i get a shock..i totally panicked..i am feeling alot better today..i still have the lump buts its not as scarey.thank god for all of you.
    to the person that will be starting radiation that i scared the crap out of..the radiaition treatments are not bad you dont feel anything at all. when you get home make sure you get rest.. sleep whenever you feel like it.that was hard for me to do because i am running all the time and never learned to sit still..it feels real good to take care of just me for a bit. i adopted my grandaughter when she was a baby and she is 9 years old now. i have taken care of her like she is a princess but for the last week or so she has had to fend for herself a bit..holy cow she is doing things better then me..i see alot of good things came and are coming out of this experience. one of them meeting you all..see you soon.. love LUMPY

    welcome Eileen
    welcome, so glad you have finished rads -- the worst of all treatment plans for me was the radiation. As others have said, it will take a while for your body to heal from the brutal attack you've just been thru. My best advice to you: don't try to be a hero. Take the pain meds as prescribed -- even though you feel like you don't need them -- stay ahead of the pain -- it is very hard to have the meds work after the pain becomes unbearable.... and stay hydrated.... sip water and keep swallowing. you need the water to stay hydrated and you need to keep swallowing so your body doesn't forget how to. It sounds like your little granddaughter is happy to be doing things for you -- let her ! wishing you the best in your recovery. Don't hesitate to ask questions on this forum.
  • stayingpositive
    stayingpositive Member Posts: 89

    i dont even know you guys but i love you all
    thank you so much for all your advise and mostly your humor..i am usually a very happy funny person myself but boy did i get caught off guard yesterday..i was truely under the impression that the radiation is over so its all up hill from here..holy moly did i get a shock..i totally panicked..i am feeling alot better today..i still have the lump buts its not as scarey.thank god for all of you.
    to the person that will be starting radiation that i scared the crap out of..the radiaition treatments are not bad you dont feel anything at all. when you get home make sure you get rest.. sleep whenever you feel like it.that was hard for me to do because i am running all the time and never learned to sit still..it feels real good to take care of just me for a bit. i adopted my grandaughter when she was a baby and she is 9 years old now. i have taken care of her like she is a princess but for the last week or so she has had to fend for herself a bit..holy cow she is doing things better then me..i see alot of good things came and are coming out of this experience. one of them meeting you all..see you soon.. love LUMPY

    Good Job ...
    Look at you, the post starts out scary and bluesy, and halfway down I see you helping other folks already. Thank you so much for caring, you will fit in just fine here, as a matter of fact you already fit.
    I'm a week out of the nasty radiation pit and my lump is still there, the pain is still there, but both are getting less bothersome. As everyone has said It will get better, hang in there with us. And

    Stay Positive

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Popcorn Kernel....

    BTW, just so you know (and I'm nearly three years post treatment)....

    For the first year, most of the second and even still occasionally. I always have the sensation of having a popcorn kernel shell way back on the tongue down the throat. Really irritating and of course a bit of anxiety goes with that.

    ENT has always said it was residual and nothing ever shows up on any of the scans.

    So I can relate a little to what you are going through.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Skiffin16 said:

    Popcorn Kernel....

    BTW, just so you know (and I'm nearly three years post treatment)....

    For the first year, most of the second and even still occasionally. I always have the sensation of having a popcorn kernel shell way back on the tongue down the throat. Really irritating and of course a bit of anxiety goes with that.

    ENT has always said it was residual and nothing ever shows up on any of the scans.

    So I can relate a little to what you are going through.


    I knew people here would come to your rescue....
    I read your post last night, and having never had a rad treatment yet, couldn't tell you anything about what the lump might be.

    But...like these great folks have done, over and over and over....they put a smile on your face, gave you hope....and got you to laugh a little at yourself....

    This IS the best place EVER!!

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,034 Member
    We Cook
    Eileen aka Lumpy,

    Had to do it : ) John made me...

    I am not sure if anyone mentioned it to you, but after our last radiation treatment, we still " Cook " for several weeks according to my Radiation Oncologist, 4-8 weeks. The radiation is accumlative so you are feeling the full effects of it now. As time goes by, so will the issues you currently are going thru.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here