How long for Ultrasound results?

nicmarie75 Member Posts: 57 Member
My cousin is goint to the Breast Center today at 2:10pm (PST) for her Ultrasound for the lump she found close to two months ago. Just wondering how long the results for these normally take?


  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Ultrasound Results
    I can, of course, only speak about my own personal experience but in the imaging facilities that I have been to, the ultrasound technician does the actual imaging and then shows it to the radiologist that is on site right then. I have been told while I was still sitting on the table that the lump was a fluid-filled cyst (once)and that the lump appeared suspicious and needed a biopsy (twice). Of course, if the radiologist decides that a biopsy of any type is in order they will probably schedule it for a different day.

    Good luck to your cousin. I will be sending her good thoughts today at 2:10pm. Let us know how it goes.

  • nicmarie75
    nicmarie75 Member Posts: 57 Member

    Ultrasound Results
    I can, of course, only speak about my own personal experience but in the imaging facilities that I have been to, the ultrasound technician does the actual imaging and then shows it to the radiologist that is on site right then. I have been told while I was still sitting on the table that the lump was a fluid-filled cyst (once)and that the lump appeared suspicious and needed a biopsy (twice). Of course, if the radiologist decides that a biopsy of any type is in order they will probably schedule it for a different day.

    Good luck to your cousin. I will be sending her good thoughts today at 2:10pm. Let us know how it goes.


    Thank you Irene! I hope the procedure is the same with her. I would hate for to have to wait over the weekend for results.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    In my case - minutes. I was sent for a new mammo and told to go wait in the waiting room. Was called back for a sono and told to stay there. A few minutes Dr came in and said need to do biopsies. Had the path. report the next morning.
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    Rague said:

    In my case - minutes. I was sent for a new mammo and told to go wait in the waiting room. Was called back for a sono and told to stay there. A few minutes Dr came in and said need to do biopsies. Had the path. report the next morning.

    I remained in the room while the doctor read the results, so I found out right away.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Rague said:

    In my case - minutes. I was sent for a new mammo and told to go wait in the waiting room. Was called back for a sono and told to stay there. A few minutes Dr came in and said need to do biopsies. Had the path. report the next morning.

    I get my ultrasound results
    I get my ultrasound results within several minutes. They do that, as far as I know, for all bc survivors. I don't know if they do it for every woman that hasn't or doesn't have bc.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    mine was immediate...
    Ultrasound tech called in the radiologist, he looked at it, did more measuring, told me he was 9% sue. I said 99% sure of what and he said I had bc. That I needed ro get a breast surgeon and have a biopsy. Told me not to wait bcuz it looked like it could be in chest wall. Had needle biopsy next day, which was inconclusive(Thursday). The surgeon decided then to do lumpectomy/biopsy Tuesday. wokenme in middle of operaton, said she couldnt get clear margins advised mastectomy, I agreed he closed me up, and I had mastectomy 1 week later. All done in a timely mannor.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    camul said:

    mine was immediate...
    Ultrasound tech called in the radiologist, he looked at it, did more measuring, told me he was 9% sue. I said 99% sure of what and he said I had bc. That I needed ro get a breast surgeon and have a biopsy. Told me not to wait bcuz it looked like it could be in chest wall. Had needle biopsy next day, which was inconclusive(Thursday). The surgeon decided then to do lumpectomy/biopsy Tuesday. wokenme in middle of operaton, said she couldnt get clear margins advised mastectomy, I agreed he closed me up, and I had mastectomy 1 week later. All done in a timely mannor.

    They have me go put my
    They have me go put my clothes on & they go get my husband and within a few minutes, maybe 10 or so, they have my results.
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    DebbyM said:

    They have me go put my
    They have me go put my clothes on & they go get my husband and within a few minutes, maybe 10 or so, they have my results.

    During my mammo
    During my mammo a tumor was found.I was asked to wait (same day) for a ultrasound.The ultrasound was just to make sure what it could be.Cyst tumor or maybe nothing.I had the ultrasound that same day.Doctor read the Xray and said it was a tumor and he didn't think it was anything BUT I must have a biopsy.After the biopsy is scheduled you usually know in a couple days.

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    DebbyM said:

    They have me go put my
    They have me go put my clothes on & they go get my husband and within a few minutes, maybe 10 or so, they have my results.

    During my mammo
    During my mammo a tumor was found.I was asked to wait (same day) for a ultrasound.The ultrasound was just to make sure what it could be.Cyst tumor or maybe nothing.I had the ultrasound that same day.Doctor read the Xray and said it was a tumor and he didn't think it was anything BUT I must have a biopsy.After the biopsy is scheduled you usually know in a couple days.

  • louisejane
    louisejane Member Posts: 5

    During my mammo
    During my mammo a tumor was found.I was asked to wait (same day) for a ultrasound.The ultrasound was just to make sure what it could be.Cyst tumor or maybe nothing.I had the ultrasound that same day.Doctor read the Xray and said it was a tumor and he didn't think it was anything BUT I must have a biopsy.After the biopsy is scheduled you usually know in a couple days.


    If you are interested, you
    If you are interested, you can enroll to ultrasound technician schools and you can also undergo ultrasound training if you prefer not to school.