Hello friends!

I'm the wife of ditto1 and wanted to give you all a big THANK YOU for your positive comments and attitudes in this forum. You have been a great source of inspiration to both Doug and I as we begin our journey down this path God has placed us on. We know that He is in control and are holding tight to our faith. He has led us to this forum for our "Daily Bread". It has calmed some of our anxiety during this time and you all have made it possible for us to have at least some idea of what lies ahead for us - not such a "scary unknown" anymore. I know it has really been a calming force for Doug and I really appreciate all of you for your contributions!

Diane Ditto


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Mrs Ditto...
    Glad that we can offer a little peace of mind.....

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    I'm glad that the forum has
    I'm glad that the forum has provided some light for your journey, along with lots of attitude, very positive attitude. I have always found it very reassuring to know that I am not the only one expericncing the various vicisitudes that are a part of battling the beast, and adjusting to a new normal... Best wishes for your journey.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Nice to meet you Mrs. Ditto....
    I'm so happy you're will be part of this board, too....Ditto and I are seat partners on this bus...as well, as Mrs. Sarge and a couple others. You will be sitting with us, and that's wonderful!

    This IS the best forum on this whole site...and for sure the best one on the web.

  • LeoS2323
    LeoS2323 Member Posts: 160
    Hi mrs ditto and welcome!

    I think I have seen some very positive changes in mr ditto's outlook since he arrived. I think he is ready to take this on and fight now, when perhaps he was questioning his ability / desire to do do at first. That really is everything, and he seems to be in as good a place as you can be given our situation. I really do wish you both the very best, I am recently diagnosed too so we are starting off at similar times.

    Good luck with everything and keep us posted!

    All the best

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Good Morning DD
    Welcome to the group, I finished all treatments Dec 30, 2011, the folks here have been amazing, you and D1 can ask any question or express any concern,you will find someone has the answers, been thru it themselves or just words of encouragement to help you thru this journey.

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    osmotar said:

    Good Morning DD
    Welcome to the group, I finished all treatments Dec 30, 2011, the folks here have been amazing, you and D1 can ask any question or express any concern,you will find someone has the answers, been thru it themselves or just words of encouragement to help you thru this journey.


    Welcome, not sure this forum is the place for this, but I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you for being there for me....I know from reading many of our new friends responses we will both have folks to reach out to. But a million blogs or a hundred Doctors cannot give me what you give me, a REASON TO LIVE. We will make it Love You/ ditto1
  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    ditto1 said:

    Welcome, not sure this forum is the place for this, but I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you for being there for me....I know from reading many of our new friends responses we will both have folks to reach out to. But a million blogs or a hundred Doctors cannot give me what you give me, a REASON TO LIVE. We will make it Love You/ ditto1

    He's a Keeper
    Together you will beat this beast. Rough road ahead but with love and support you will get through it. Mrs. Ditto is welcome here and on the caregiver site. Mr. Ditto, sometimes Mrs. Ditto will be the one keeping us updated on your progress. I so wish I knew about this site the first time around.
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Hello, Diane
    Sorry you guys are going through such a trial.

    I have to say, thought, that it makes me feel good to see dedicated spouses who come here and post. I think it this site is a huge help to both patients and caregivers. I hope your journey down this part of the trail is as smooth as it can be.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    ditto1 said:

    Welcome, not sure this forum is the place for this, but I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you for being there for me....I know from reading many of our new friends responses we will both have folks to reach out to. But a million blogs or a hundred Doctors cannot give me what you give me, a REASON TO LIVE. We will make it Love You/ ditto1

    LOL, I thought you were referring to me at first..... In reading it again, I presume it must have been for your wife, LOL....

  • stayingpositive
    stayingpositive Member Posts: 89
    Welcome TODitto !
    I'm glad you jumped in the pool with us! My other half is helping me cope with my ups and downs and reads over my shoulder on occasion to see how i'm doing in here (i'm behaving dear). These folks in here are genetically designed to survive and help others do the same.

    Stay Positive

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Diane & Doug

    You are in the right place for help, support and also daily prayers. I like you don’t know the reason God has let something like this come on me but it has made a better man out of me and my relationship with God a lot stronger. Stay focus, stay positive and just believe as my friend Kent would say.

    God bless and keep you while in His workshop.
    Tim Hondo