Beyond Blessed!

We have been fighting this beast for 6 months, treatment all in all has gone much better than we expected. Rocky stays positive and hope filled! We just had our repeat PET scan and endoscopy and they were both CLEAN! He was diagnosed 6 months ago with stage IVb with Mets to Liver and Lymph nodes. Today we were told he is in complete remission, no sign of the cancer anywhere! We are going tomorrow to discuss a maintenance dose of chemo. I wanted to share our amazing news and hopefully be an encouragement to others on here. God is in control, we are beyond blessed by so many who are praying for us as we walk this journey.


  • captdave
    captdave Member Posts: 153
    That is such great news!
    That is such great news! God is good!
  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    Great news!
    Congratulations Cindy & Rocky! What a blessing this news is for you, and welcome news too! It is always great to hear that someone is doing well and holding this beast back. We will continue to pray for you that remission continues and that your days are filled with sunshine, love and hugs!

    Hugs and FEC,
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Wonderful News!!!!

    That is certainly great news!!! It is unusual to have such a complete response to chemotherapy for Stage IV survivors. You are certainly blessed!!

    May the good news continue!!!

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • preacherchad
    preacherchad Member Posts: 60
    This is wonderful


    This is wonderful news. I am so happy for you and Rocky, and yes God is Good. It is great to hear such awesome and positive news.

  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493

    This is wonderful


    This is wonderful news. I am so happy for you and Rocky, and yes God is Good. It is great to hear such awesome and positive news.


    Thanks for sharing the
    Thanks for sharing the wonderful news, Cindy! You are indeed blessed and we do love to hear good news here.
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  • cindyruggs
    cindyruggs Member Posts: 24
    unknown said:

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    Thank you

    I understand the voice of reality, I come to this sight to learn from those who know and understand. Our doctor is very honest, we understand that remission is a gift and at some point it will come back. We are preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. We pray for a miracle and believe God can heal, we also know that it is not our will but His. We cherish all the days , good and bad. Rocky feels so good sometimes, we forget! People always say how can he be so sick and look so good? Our doctor wants to continue a lighter dose of chemo (5FU and Herceptin) to help keep Rocky in remission for as long as possible. He is taking him off Cisplaatin due to low blood counts and tingling in his fingers. I have never heard of theraspheres but I will look into it and ask our oncologist on Tuesday. His PET was NED is that when they do theraspheres? If the lesions and mass is gone how would they treat it? That is the confusing part. I appreciate your honesty, we are taking it one day at a time.
  • cindyruggs
    cindyruggs Member Posts: 24
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    Thank You

    Thank you for writting me back and shedding the light of reality. Our doctor is very honest, he told us from the start that we would lose this battle, short of a miracle. He told us with the great news of remission comes a dose of reality as well. We need to keep fighting to keep Rocky in remission for as long as possible. Rocky received 6 rounds of chemo, Cisplatin, 5FU, and herceptin. The herceptin our doctor explained is the wild card. They do not have all the statistics on that drug as it is newer to this treatment protocol. We were blessed Rocky was tested for the HR2 and was positive. With the news of remission, the oncologist suggested we drop cisplatin, and just do the 5FU and Herceptin. Rocky's blood counts are low and his fingers tingle just a bit. He said this will help him stay in remission longer and hopefully not tank all of his blood counts as bad. I will look into the TherSphere treatment. I have never neard of it? His PET is clean so would they still do the TherSphere treatment with no cancer detected? That is the confusing part? We are realistic that unless God choses to heal Rocky, at some point we will lose the battle. We are traveling,living life and cherishing all the beautiful moments together.

    Thank you for all the links and information. I will look at them all. You are a gift from God and a voice of reason that I need to hear.
  • Thank you

    I understand the voice of reality, I come to this sight to learn from those who know and understand. Our doctor is very honest, we understand that remission is a gift and at some point it will come back. We are preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. We pray for a miracle and believe God can heal, we also know that it is not our will but His. We cherish all the days , good and bad. Rocky feels so good sometimes, we forget! People always say how can he be so sick and look so good? Our doctor wants to continue a lighter dose of chemo (5FU and Herceptin) to help keep Rocky in remission for as long as possible. He is taking him off Cisplaatin due to low blood counts and tingling in his fingers. I have never heard of theraspheres but I will look into it and ask our oncologist on Tuesday. His PET was NED is that when they do theraspheres? If the lesions and mass is gone how would they treat it? That is the confusing part. I appreciate your honesty, we are taking it one day at a time.

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  • mardigras
    mardigras Member Posts: 215 Member
    May God bless you both and keep you safe.
    Hi Cindy and Rocky,
    I was so pleased to read your wonderful news about Rocky's remission.
    Live, laugh and love life, you really are blessed. Keep well and safe
    and continue to flout this awful disease. I too had quite a few
    negative comments when I shared my news. Can't tell you how much it
    hurt and I couldn't read the boards for weeks afterwards. I think we
    all know that we need to keep our guard up and not to take chances, but
    in sharing your great news, you give us all hope.
    Thank you!
    Much love and hugs,
    Marci xx