Surreal Experience Getting a Blood Draw in the Chemo Room

cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
I needed blood drawn and decided to get it done at the little satellite clinic rather than drive 20 miles to the regular clinic.

Since I was a foot draw (which she didn't read the instructions on the label and I had to remind her), she took me back to the clinic's chemo room because it had a recliner to put my feet up.

I wouldn't have blinked an eye before I had cancer, but then again I wouldn't need a foot draw lol. But anyway, when I saw chemotherapy above the door, my heart stopped, my breath stopped, my body tensed up, my mind kind of went blank...

It was like walking into an immensely emotionally place.

I did not have chemo, but I read about all the men and women that do. And I had such a powerful rush of mind numbing emotions thinking about everything I have seen everyone write about having chemo.

It was kind of interesting because although I have heard about people's chemo experience, it was hard for me to really relate in some respects.

After that experience, I could feel my chest well up with care, concern, admiration and love for all those getting chemo and those who are going to.

Take care all....


  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    Thanks for your concern from a former "chemo-receiver" It is a weird experience, sometimes I felt like part of a science fiction movie. All the rooms would be full with people hooked up to IV's with a variety of drugs being pumped through our veins. I usually tried to tune things out and sleep, but sometimes emotions would take over and I'd get kind of weepy. Its amazing the good that comes from chemo, but also an amzing amount of suffering. My prayers go out to all who are at that point in treatment, and to all for strength, courage, peace, and future health.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    eihtak said:

    Thanks for your concern from a former "chemo-receiver" It is a weird experience, sometimes I felt like part of a science fiction movie. All the rooms would be full with people hooked up to IV's with a variety of drugs being pumped through our veins. I usually tried to tune things out and sleep, but sometimes emotions would take over and I'd get kind of weepy. Its amazing the good that comes from chemo, but also an amzing amount of suffering. My prayers go out to all who are at that point in treatment, and to all for strength, courage, peace, and future health.

    Thank you both....
    I thank you who didn't have chemo yet is able to " get it" and one who went through understand....this is my second go round with chemo and I've had a rough time....I've had two infusions and after both, by the time we get home, about 25 minutes, I haven't been able to's horrifying....they tweaked some of the meds last time...didn't make much difference....I have my next infusion on Tuesday and I am very apprehensive....they are going to have to keep me for at least an hour...

    Before I had my recurrence that came back in my lymph nodes, and I was cancer free, I took my best friend every two weeks for chemo.she had brain cancer.....I remember the first time I took her....when we got into the chemo room I got a knot in my all came flooding back...same nurses, etc....I was so thankful that I wasn't on the receiving end...yet here I am again...

    Thank you both for "getting it"
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    What an experience.

    What an experience.
    Hugs Frankie
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    MAJW said:

    Thank you both....
    I thank you who didn't have chemo yet is able to " get it" and one who went through understand....this is my second go round with chemo and I've had a rough time....I've had two infusions and after both, by the time we get home, about 25 minutes, I haven't been able to's horrifying....they tweaked some of the meds last time...didn't make much difference....I have my next infusion on Tuesday and I am very apprehensive....they are going to have to keep me for at least an hour...

    Before I had my recurrence that came back in my lymph nodes, and I was cancer free, I took my best friend every two weeks for chemo.she had brain cancer.....I remember the first time I took her....when we got into the chemo room I got a knot in my all came flooding back...same nurses, etc....I was so thankful that I wasn't on the receiving end...yet here I am again...

    Thank you both for "getting it"
    Hugs, Nancy

    Can't say it enough...chemo sucks!!! So strange how it can also do such good! My first chemo treatment was for an earlier diagnosed Anal cancer. It seemed to go well until about 5 hrs after I got home. I became shakey, maybe some difficulty breathing or I was just anxious, but I also got the chills so bad I couldn't get warm. My husband wanted to call the doc but I kept saying it would be ok. Well, I was ok, but they said I should have come in that I was having an allergic reaction. After that they always had me take a benydryl about half hour before and never a problem again, this also relaxed me and helped to sleep through it.( Nancy I'm not a doc but wonder if it could help you??? Hope all goes well on Tuesday, ask about the benydryl.) As always,all in my prayers