Breathing problems after chemo....

MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
I am currently on chemo every 2 weeks....Avastin, Zemcar (sp) and Carboplatin....I've had two treatments and after both we were half way home when I experienced extreme breathing problems...unable to scary....they even tweaked all the pre meds before the second infusion...didn't make much of a difference although it wasn't as bad as the first....but horrifying just the next infusion is Tuesday....and I am going to insist, although I don't think it will be a problem, that they keep me for at least an hour once the infusion is over...that way they can give me oxygen if it happens again...we're thinking it's the Carboplatin.....although each drug does list this as a possible side effect...or adverse effect...

Has anyone else ever had this happen to them? I never had this when I was on Taxotere/Cytoxan...
Would appreciate any feed back....
Thanks and hugs,


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Nancy please talk to your doctor before
    I am very sorry. Please talk to your doctor before they administrate you those three drugs. Your doctor always can revised your regimen to address your breathing problems.
    Good luck on Tuesday
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Nancy please talk to your doctor before
    I am very sorry. Please talk to your doctor before they administrate you those three drugs. Your doctor always can revised your regimen to address your breathing problems.
    Good luck on Tuesday

    Oh, Nancy--so sorry you've had to endure this
    Chemo is bad enough--but then not to be able to breathe. I think you definitely should stay at the doctor's at least an hour past the infusion. After an hour or so, does the breathing issue subside? Maybe there's some kind of med. that can help this--I know, just what you want, another med to have to take!

    Hang in there, Nancy. You are really going through a rough time right now and please know that you are in my prayers every night.

    Also, I have the hand-painted watercolor card you sent me in my office and I look at it every day--it's so beautiful that it brightens my day. See--with all your problems, bet you didn't even know that you're helping someone else every day.

    Hugs and love, Renee
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    I had some
    I had some trouble throughout chemo and rads with breathing issues but I have asthma. Mine were no where near as severe as yours sounds. Definitely talk with your doc before the next infusion and if they don't change the regimen, I'd definitely hang around until you feel comfortable leaving.

    Praying for you that next time is easier.

  • DebbyB
    DebbyB Member Posts: 86
    Hi Nancy,

    I didn't have breathing issues, but would cough for a half hour after. I agree with everyone and stay for an hour after. I can't imagine the nurses wouldn't be okay with that and not encourage you staying.

    Hugs, Debby