question regarding cancer fighting strategies report

mopi Member Posts: 1
Hello. My mother was diagnosed two years ago with secondary breast cancer that has spread to her bones, stage 4. There is now a spot on her liver that her dr has decided to treat with chemo pills since the second round of hormone shots has not been effective. I have read the cancer fighting strategies report and am torn on whether or not to try there methods. It is a lot of money for something I know not enough about. Any thoughts?


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Mopi, I am not familiar with
    Mopi, I am not familiar with the "cancer fighting strategies report" you mentioned. I, too, am Stage IV with mets to the liver. I was on Abraxane for 6 months and up until a couple of weeks ago, that chemo kept me "stable". A recent CT scan showed progression and the time came to change the chemo. I am now taking Eribulin (halaven)and will have my second treatment this Friday. I won't know how effective this is until my next scan that will be done in a couple of months.

    Best of luck with your mom and I am hopeful that whatever chemo she is given will at least keep the beast at bay. Take care.
  • MMO3
    MMO3 Member Posts: 44
    eery how u just posted that question..I indirectly asked myself
    Just within minutes I see your post? Sweety, I wish we all had answers to this and pray for positive mind frame and attitude to beat the unknown. Support is here thru mind and spirit and pray for you to find trust and comfort with that alone. BUT UNDERSTAND and ask the same question you posted. I have found website after website on this alone (homeopathic strategies)...DONT believe everything you read were all different (good or bad) but be open to any suggestions but mainly attitude even if its talking to yourself (meditate) also of coarse your mother needs to have this same attitude (i get it..easier said but..) Until then my friend, BEAT THIS with your mother!!!

    best of wishes to your family

    Big hug