
disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
ALL my Drs ask how my fatigue is! I say what exactly is fatigue-they say if you have to ask you dont' have it..

I am not being funny or goofy...but what is it exactly. I have some aches on occassion and cant' sleep but figure that is all due to my age (52)

Fatigue: Antsy aka can't sit still?



  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    Hi Denise, fatigue is a tired feeling, lack of energy. I hate it when I ask someone a question & they respond with if you have to ask... How rude lol.

    I hope your doing well today and having a good day.

    Hugs & God Bless,

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Fatigue to me is like a giant straw sucking the life force out of you.


  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    SIROD said:

    Fatigue to me is like a giant straw sucking the life force out of you.



    I hate when the doctors do
    I hate when the doctors do that. Sometimes you just have to ask, and they don't get that.
  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    MY Definition of fatigue
    Denise, we are close in age as I just turned 54. Fatigue is when you manage to get out of bed to take a shower, take off your pajamas while seated, use the plastic shower chair while showering,put clean pajamas back on and then are so incredibly worn out that you say to yourself, "Well that is enough activity for one day." To me saying you are "antsy and can't sit still" is the absolute opposite of fatigue.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    MY Definition of fatigue
    Denise, we are close in age as I just turned 54. Fatigue is when you manage to get out of bed to take a shower, take off your pajamas while seated, use the plastic shower chair while showering,put clean pajamas back on and then are so incredibly worn out that you say to yourself, "Well that is enough activity for one day." To me saying you are "antsy and can't sit still" is the absolute opposite of fatigue.


    My fatigue...
    My fatigue is exactly what Irene describes....this go round of 10 radiation treatments to my brain is the worst of 3 go rounds with rads that I have ever had with fatigue....it's absolutely overwhelming....I'm a month out and my rads oncologist said it will take at least 2 months or longer to get over it...plus I'm on 3 chemo drugs every 2 weeks which is adding to the fatigue.....there are days when it's all I can do to get myself cleaned up....unless I am able to go somewhere with my husband I just put on comfy clothes or clean pj's.....I sleep at least 3 hours every afternoon...It's a feeling of "if I don't lay down I'm going to fall flat on my face!"
    Denise, haven't you been out of treatment for 4 years? And they're still a Asking you about fatigue?
  • Nana C.
    Nana C. Member Posts: 108
    SIROD said:

    Fatigue to me is like a giant straw sucking the life force out of you.



    Right on it!

    I have never been able to actually describe it, but you did it! That is exatly the way I feel. I have a hard time getting out of bed. I used to have enough energy for 2 people now, Taking a shower and driving to the grocery a mile down the road is a chore! I have been done with my treatments for about a year, had to have a hersteromy after that and then had to fix my prolapsed bladder 2 times. After treatments I had alot of prolonged side effects. I asked my doctor one day. am I ever going to jump out of bed again? I love him he is a great doctor, but he was honest enough to say probaly not. I would love to hear and words of wisdom from any of you. I hate this feeling. I am trying to beat it!

    Please Help!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    MAJW said:

    My fatigue...
    My fatigue is exactly what Irene describes....this go round of 10 radiation treatments to my brain is the worst of 3 go rounds with rads that I have ever had with fatigue....it's absolutely overwhelming....I'm a month out and my rads oncologist said it will take at least 2 months or longer to get over it...plus I'm on 3 chemo drugs every 2 weeks which is adding to the fatigue.....there are days when it's all I can do to get myself cleaned up....unless I am able to go somewhere with my husband I just put on comfy clothes or clean pj's.....I sleep at least 3 hours every afternoon...It's a feeling of "if I don't lay down I'm going to fall flat on my face!"
    Denise, haven't you been out of treatment for 4 years? And they're still a Asking you about fatigue?

    wow thanks for all the great
    wow thanks for all the great info...I am very high energy person..I TOLD DR maybe raditaion would get me to normal range..NOT HYPER but always on the go. I have my 2 grandsons (live with us with mom / she works evenings) so have day care pick up, baseball, chuck e cheese...Play soccer, kick ball, tag etc with them..I am slowing down but think my age! 52..I go none stop with them-

    so I guess I DO NOT have fatigue..ONLY TIME I felt like that was post hystertomy last May...i was OUT for the count..I dont' remember spring (our 7wks from work) just a blurr from couch...24/7

    Thanks again

  • Jobi
    Jobi Member Posts: 211
    SIROD said:

    Fatigue to me is like a giant straw sucking the life force out of you.



    Great description!
    That is a great description for an awful feeling! I hope you haven't experienced it! Not fun!
