I've missed you all! Been in Hosp..finally back to my couch and in recovery mode with my kids!

MMO3 Member Posts: 44
Hi all....just an update.. Since my March 15th Bilateral Mastectomy with immediate tissue expander implants-home to recover for few days UNTIL bad reaction appeared on my forth day home March 19th (my Bday)...Hot flashes,rash on site and under arms..itched like a (bleep bleep)...chills to heaviness in chest to eventually rushing up to ER. (SENT home after huge intake of IV benedryl stayed few hrs and sent back home-few days later experienced SAME symptoms but led into much worse...Anaphylactic reaction....nine epi pens later with an immediate surgery to REMOVE the aloe derm/tissue expanders that they put in after my original surgery. I KNEW SOMETHING was wrong immediately after my double mastectomy..the unbearable pain WHICH I KNOW IS COMMON..it just never got getter nor the weight and heaviness on my small chested frame. It always appeared difficult to catch my breath and breath without discomfort and true deep inside pain..always a rash and itched like mad and even my drainage color turned drastic color...spent four days in ICU and was a week today that i was discharged. Anyway, I re tell this or anxious to get feedback as to asking anyone if they had ever heard of this.. A woman having a reaction to the tissue expanders and or aloe derm? My surgeon refuses to believe its due to them but saw for himself the immediate relief after remaoval. NO TO ANY ALLERGIES TO ANYTHING in my life and ate nothing differently (barely had an appetite to eat) I am seeing an allergist to see several possibilities but I KNOW MY BODY AND MY body was NOT happy with having such foreign substance in me and was trying to let me know. This may not tell us 100% what it was i reacted to but i just know how i feel today as opposed to then..Taking same pain meds everything else what i took or ate or used before and have ZERO signs or symptoms of anything. I WISH they would keep CANCER surgeons and everyday plastic surgeons separate as He is still puzzled but not convinced it was the expanders as he states he does hundreds thousands..and has never had a patient react to the implants and that discomfort was to be expected. (DISCOMFORT>>> i SAY tru PAIN)...I have been on a strong antibiotic since (sent home with a neck pick line so i can receive my antibiotic treatmnts) i have one more week of this feel better and stronger and ANXIOUS TO GET MY CHEMO done after i finish this! I am greatly disheartened that all of this mess put my chemo behind but ....just stay positive and tell myself and kids that its best as had this happened during Chemo..oh hell, who knows but know how difficult it was to fight being semi healthy. ANYWAYS...back to my couch and catching up on all of your beautiful heart felt discussions. Me and my three kids all hope you had a wonderful holiday wknd! Love Mequon MOM of 3...mmo3 :) My heart and thoughts and positive energies all go out to each and every one of you HUGS and missed u all


  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Boy have you been through th wringer
    So sorry this happening. Thank goodness you've come out of this so far, sounds like it has been a reallt tough journey.

    Will be thinking of you and praying for you,

  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Horrible post-surgical reaction
    WOW. You were certainly put through the ringer, weren't you? We are always fond of saying here that everybody is different but I must say this really takes the cake, so to speak. While post surgery infections are not uncommon, in my experience they are nowhere near as severe as what you unfortunately experienced. I am glad that it seems to have resolved and that you are feeling better. I also had tissue expanders put in at the time of my mastectomy and I did develop cellulitis but a round of strong oral antibiotics solved that problem. I had an expander exchange surgery and then a major revision-reconstruction surgery with no particular issues. Will you be able to undergo some sort of reconstruction at a later date?

    I wish you a continued easy recovery. Keep us posted.

  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member

    Horrible post-surgical reaction
    WOW. You were certainly put through the ringer, weren't you? We are always fond of saying here that everybody is different but I must say this really takes the cake, so to speak. While post surgery infections are not uncommon, in my experience they are nowhere near as severe as what you unfortunately experienced. I am glad that it seems to have resolved and that you are feeling better. I also had tissue expanders put in at the time of my mastectomy and I did develop cellulitis but a round of strong oral antibiotics solved that problem. I had an expander exchange surgery and then a major revision-reconstruction surgery with no particular issues. Will you be able to undergo some sort of reconstruction at a later date?

    I wish you a continued easy recovery. Keep us posted.


    What a horrible experience! I'm glad you followed your gut instinct that something wasn't right. We know our bodies better than anyone else!

    So glad you are doing better!

    Hugs, Debi
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    debi.18 said:

    What a horrible experience! I'm glad you followed your gut instinct that something wasn't right. We know our bodies better than anyone else!

    So glad you are doing better!

    Hugs, Debi

    Oh, sweetie--what a nightmare!
    So glad you are back home and recovering now. I'm with you--it had to be a reaction to those expanders. I've noticed since I've started this journey that doctors have a way of making you think--"Gee this has never happened to anyone else before!" Makes you feel scared and weird. But, I just don't believe it. As you said--you know your body.

    Anyway, so happy to hear you're out of danger now. That must have been the scariest situation you've ever been through. Thank you so much for posting and telling us about it--you may be saving someone else from a lot of pain and grief.

    Gentle hugs, Renee
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    missrenee said:

    Oh, sweetie--what a nightmare!
    So glad you are back home and recovering now. I'm with you--it had to be a reaction to those expanders. I've noticed since I've started this journey that doctors have a way of making you think--"Gee this has never happened to anyone else before!" Makes you feel scared and weird. But, I just don't believe it. As you said--you know your body.

    Anyway, so happy to hear you're out of danger now. That must have been the scariest situation you've ever been through. Thank you so much for posting and telling us about it--you may be saving someone else from a lot of pain and grief.

    Gentle hugs, Renee

    What a wild ride! I an glad that you figured it out and solved the problem. Good luck with future Chemo treatment. You can alway do reconstruction later. Staying healthy iand being with your kids ia the most important thing right now.
    Wishing you quick recovery and moving forward
    New Flower
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    wow so sorry to hear of all
    wow so sorry to hear of all your issues....

  • sdukowitz
    sdukowitz Member Posts: 250
    Prayers and hope for a full
    Prayers and hope for a full recovery from all that has happened ... sue d