Horrible leg fatigue

salls41 Member Posts: 340
edited April 2012 in Breast Cancer #1
I am on chemo treatment #5 of 6. I receive, taxotere, cytoxin and adriamyacin every 3 weeks. My legs have become increasingly more fatigued. I can hardly walk through the house to the bathroom! Thank goodness I get to sit down when I get there. It feels as if I have been bike riding up mountains. My nausea is slightly worse but definitely lasts much longer. My fingertips are numb. I am so worried about this leg fatigue and getting back to normal. I would love to hear from anyone who has had similar symptoms.
Diagnosed 11/23/11
Still a long way to go


  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Hi Sandy
    My chemo was exactly what yours is. My first 3 treatments went very well, the 4th was a little harder and 5 and 6 were still harder. My nausea and "yucky" taste of everything was worst--but I still never vomited. The first week or 10 days after #5 and #6 felt like I had been "run over by a large truck." However, I can tell you that it all got better--very gradually at first, but certainly kept improving over the months after treatment ended. I started rads about a month after my sixth chemo, so the fatigue still kicked in, but the aches, pains, etc. gradually went away.

    Please try to be patient with your body--you are going through a lot right now. Try to rest and relax every chance you get and don't be afraid to let others do for you right now. I was always one to not accept any help, but I quickly got over that when I realized that (1) I needed it and (2) people really want to help--makes them feel good about themselves to be helping someone else.

    Good luck with the treatments--you're almost there and you CAN do it!

    Hugs, Renee
  • ginny63664
    ginny63664 Member Posts: 14
    leg fatique
    i was on adrymicin and my legs got just like yours but after i got off it i got my strength back but it wasnt instantbut it does get better
  • salls41
    salls41 Member Posts: 340
    missrenee said:

    Hi Sandy
    My chemo was exactly what yours is. My first 3 treatments went very well, the 4th was a little harder and 5 and 6 were still harder. My nausea and "yucky" taste of everything was worst--but I still never vomited. The first week or 10 days after #5 and #6 felt like I had been "run over by a large truck." However, I can tell you that it all got better--very gradually at first, but certainly kept improving over the months after treatment ended. I started rads about a month after my sixth chemo, so the fatigue still kicked in, but the aches, pains, etc. gradually went away.

    Please try to be patient with your body--you are going through a lot right now. Try to rest and relax every chance you get and don't be afraid to let others do for you right now. I was always one to not accept any help, but I quickly got over that when I realized that (1) I needed it and (2) people really want to help--makes them feel good about themselves to be helping someone else.

    Good luck with the treatments--you're almost there and you CAN do it!

    Hugs, Renee

    Thank you so much for
    Thank you so much for responding. I am still new to this in so many ways. And still scared alot of the time. Right now, no radiation scheduled, bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction after chemo. I have alot of support from family so I know I am blessed ~ just somtimes hard to explain my concerns to them.
  • salls41
    salls41 Member Posts: 340

    leg fatique
    i was on adrymicin and my legs got just like yours but after i got off it i got my strength back but it wasnt instantbut it does get better

    Thank you so much for your
    Thank you so much for your response, it is good to know that others understand what I feel.I am glad I found this board.
  • Penny67
    Penny67 Member Posts: 65
    This too shall pass!
    Hi Sandy,
    I finished my chemo December 14 and I know exactly what you are referring to. After my last chemo treatment, I felt like my legs each weighed 100 pounds. I would try walking at night with my hubby and 2 dogs and I couldn't keep up. I would get this horrible burning sensation in the front of my calves and I literally felt like I could barely get my legs to move. Let me tell you that it does go away-I honestly thought I would be adjusting to another new normal, but that too passed and I feel like myself again. It will take a while to regain the strength and muscle, but you will get it back. I'm still working on it, but at least I don't feel like I need to lay down after walking 1/2 block!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    salls41 said:

    Thank you so much for
    Thank you so much for responding. I am still new to this in so many ways. And still scared alot of the time. Right now, no radiation scheduled, bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction after chemo. I have alot of support from family so I know I am blessed ~ just somtimes hard to explain my concerns to them.

    Hey Sandy. I didn't have
    Hey Sandy. I didn't have chemo, but, want you to know I will be praying for you.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Ditto for me too
    I was told it and the neuropathy would go away. A year later it was still there. I was placed on gabipetin and finally it is all going away.

    So once chemo is over give it some time to go away and if it doesn't talk to your Dr. about gabipetin.
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Ditto for me too
    I was told it and the neuropathy would go away. A year later it was still there. I was placed on gabipetin and finally it is all going away.

    So once chemo is over give it some time to go away and if it doesn't talk to your Dr. about gabipetin.

    Me, too
    I couldn't even walk to the corner to get the mail! And I understand being able to sit down once reaching the bathroom. My legs were weak and shakey the last 2 cycles, with the last being the worst. It was so wierd for me - I felt ok, but obviously I wasn't. I was on cytoxin and taxotere.

    Be sure to report all your side effects regardless of how many of us also had them, tho.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Me, too
    I couldn't even walk to the corner to get the mail! And I understand being able to sit down once reaching the bathroom. My legs were weak and shakey the last 2 cycles, with the last being the worst. It was so wierd for me - I felt ok, but obviously I wasn't. I was on cytoxin and taxotere.

    Be sure to report all your side effects regardless of how many of us also had them, tho.


    I also had weakness, it was
    I also had weakness, it was a symptom of neuropathy. I was on taxol. run it by your doc. Ijust thought I was weak. i also stumbled a lot. like I was drunk. embarrassing. especially since I dont even drink.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Me, too
    I couldn't even walk to the corner to get the mail! And I understand being able to sit down once reaching the bathroom. My legs were weak and shakey the last 2 cycles, with the last being the worst. It was so wierd for me - I felt ok, but obviously I wasn't. I was on cytoxin and taxotere.

    Be sure to report all your side effects regardless of how many of us also had them, tho.


    I also had weakness, it was
    I also had weakness, it was a symptom of neuropathy. I was on taxol. run it by your doc. Ijust thought I was weak. i also stumbled a lot. like I was drunk. embarrassing. especially since I dont even drink.
  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    carkris said:

    I also had weakness, it was
    I also had weakness, it was a symptom of neuropathy. I was on taxol. run it by your doc. Ijust thought I was weak. i also stumbled a lot. like I was drunk. embarrassing. especially since I dont even drink.

    After my 3rd and 4th
    After my 3rd and 4th Adriamcyin/Cytoxan, my legs felt weak and I got tired and winded easily---but my hemoglobin had dropped quite low 8.8. All that went away when my HGB got past 10. I just got week 4 of Taxol today, and, fingers and toes crossed, NO side effects so far!