Been a while....

stacy_harp Member Posts: 44
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, my teenage daughter fractured her pelvis and tore her Sartoris muscle away from the bone playing soccer =(.

I have been doing well since the Phyllodes was removed. I do notice I have a smaller right breast than left now but I am not worried about it at all (could be way worse). I do however need some uplifting. I am sitting in the surgeons office as I write this because there is a new little "friend" that has popped up on my left breast. As all of you know any and every lump after the first positive one is even more scary and the waiting is HORRIBLE!

I was very sad to sign in and learn of Laurissa's passing. I never got the privilege of knowing her personally because she was so sick by the time I became part of the "family" but I had followed her posts and her sisters over the last few months and felt like I knew her.

I was happy to have a private message from Kat =)

<3~ Stacy


  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    Ouch, your poor daughter! I hope she's doing ok.

    I'm sending Up a prayer right now that your new "friend" is nothing and will just go away and never come back. Please keep us posted.

    Hugs & God Bless,

  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Hello Again
    Hi Stacy, and welcome back. OMG your poor daughter. Who ever said girls weren't tough? OUCH x2! My daughter is now 19 and is a competitive gymnast. Every time she competes I remind her to take her insurance card with her and I wait for a call from the ER. So far so good.

    I am glad that you have been doing well since the removal of your phyllodes tumor. I know what you mean about every lump or bump being scary. I think anyone who has had ANY form of cancer can relate. If I have an unusual pain or ache, or if I even THINK that I feel something it makes me think, "oh no. Is it back?" It has been 2.5 years since my diagnosis so I do think about it less but I don't think those thoughts will ever completely go away. Just yesterday while texting with my daughter I said, "I am just happy to wake up in the morning and not have someone tell me I have cancer again." Please let us know what happens with the unwanted friend in your left breast. Our thoughts are with you.

  • Texasguy10
    Texasguy10 Member Posts: 21

    Hello Again
    Hi Stacy, and welcome back. OMG your poor daughter. Who ever said girls weren't tough? OUCH x2! My daughter is now 19 and is a competitive gymnast. Every time she competes I remind her to take her insurance card with her and I wait for a call from the ER. So far so good.

    I am glad that you have been doing well since the removal of your phyllodes tumor. I know what you mean about every lump or bump being scary. I think anyone who has had ANY form of cancer can relate. If I have an unusual pain or ache, or if I even THINK that I feel something it makes me think, "oh no. Is it back?" It has been 2.5 years since my diagnosis so I do think about it less but I don't think those thoughts will ever completely go away. Just yesterday while texting with my daughter I said, "I am just happy to wake up in the morning and not have someone tell me I have cancer again." Please let us know what happens with the unwanted friend in your left breast. Our thoughts are with you.


    Dawnes husband
    Hope everything works out

  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    Thoughts and prayers that
    Thoughts and prayers that it's nothing.
    Hugs Frankie
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    I hope that everything is going ok and that your new find is going to ok. I always get sad when i hear of another sister who has lost their battle with this disease. Even though i dont know many of the sisters who are on the boards now because i joined back three years ago and wasnt on for so long because of my battle being so hard. I still feel like every single person on these boards are my family in a way though. They really have helped me through so much. They are still reaching out to me and praying for my family now. Coming here is my blessing and i get such a fullfillment everytime i post something and hope that at least one of them will touch someone. You are in my prayers and hugs to you.
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Good to hear from you.
    Will put your daughter on the prayer list.