
Now I know we all have cancer. And I know chemo can cause pain. Having said that, I have had sharp off and on pain in my right upper quadrant since surgery. My cat scan shows and enlarged liver but no obvious masses. So we decided it was from all the probing and biopsies they did within my abdominal cavity. It subsided and didn't bother me for a week or so, but now, still off and on it comes back and is... uncomfortable. Late yesterday afternoon it returned and it was bad,traveling around to my back (I have no gallbladder). Hurt to breathe deep and just went from achey to sharp. Lasted for several hours. Also extremely fatigued past couple days but red and whites,hemoglobin and hematocrit all "ok". Considered going to ER with the pain, but opted to see what happened during the night. Could not decide if it is lung pain, liver pain or what. I slept well, and today still soreness but not the PAIN. I report these things, but I am unhappy with my onc and I am in a health insurance that does not allow me to go outside the network so I have no other choice. When I call they dont call back etc..... So do I just wait until I cant take it anymore before I go to ER? And also, since I am only post first chemo, do they consider me to still have cancer? I didnt quite understand that. Is there still cancer in me?? I'm sorry this is so long


  • antcat
    antcat Member Posts: 270
    About pain
    I'm experiencing the same thing with pain, but I've been living with cancer for many, many years. The doctor gave me Vicodin for the pain. It takes a while for it to take effect, then only lasts a few hours. I really don't want anything stronger, because yesterday I had no pain at all. Can't figure this out, except the dr. told me the tumor (I haven't had any another surgery)is pressing on the nerve of the organ and I have some tumors on my colon. Surgery isn't really an option at this point, so I have to just live with pain. Hope you find some relief soon.
  • Marnel
    Marnel Member Posts: 42
    other ONC in your network?
    There has to be more ONC in your network. Sorry you are having pain. It's important to have a ONC that you trust and returns your calls. My doc said she got it all during my surgery so I like to think that I DON'T have cancer. My chemo will just be insurance. If it gets bad, I would go to the ER. At least they can give you something for the pain.

    Take care..I'm right behind ya.
  • kimberly sue 63
    kimberly sue 63 Member Posts: 421 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the cancer diagnosis, so i can't answer your pain question if it is from chemo or what. Chemotherapy can cause diffuse pain symptoms. However, I am a nurse practitioner with a pain medicine specialty so I can expertly answer pain control. Get your pain treated. Did they provide you with pain medication from the oncologist office? If not call them until you get an answer. If you are uncomfortable with your oncologist try to link with one of the nurses and make a relationship with him or her. Once you connect with a nurse and she sees you are reasonable and are looking for help she will remember you and that brings your chart to her more quickly. Second, uncontrolled pain causes havoc emotionally and physically. If it is unbearable and you have used your tools at home to control it, but have failed, then either get appointment with the oncologist or your primary physician to discuss other options for pain control. If all else fails go to ER. The expectation in ER is to stop the pain. They will give appropriate medicines to get you comfortable. I also suggest a referral to a pain center. I have multiple patients with cancer and pain control issues that I treat.
    I hope this was helpful. Kim
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338

    Hi, I'm new to the cancer diagnosis, so i can't answer your pain question if it is from chemo or what. Chemotherapy can cause diffuse pain symptoms. However, I am a nurse practitioner with a pain medicine specialty so I can expertly answer pain control. Get your pain treated. Did they provide you with pain medication from the oncologist office? If not call them until you get an answer. If you are uncomfortable with your oncologist try to link with one of the nurses and make a relationship with him or her. Once you connect with a nurse and she sees you are reasonable and are looking for help she will remember you and that brings your chart to her more quickly. Second, uncontrolled pain causes havoc emotionally and physically. If it is unbearable and you have used your tools at home to control it, but have failed, then either get appointment with the oncologist or your primary physician to discuss other options for pain control. If all else fails go to ER. The expectation in ER is to stop the pain. They will give appropriate medicines to get you comfortable. I also suggest a referral to a pain center. I have multiple patients with cancer and pain control issues that I treat.
    I hope this was helpful. Kim

    Hi Kimberly
    I just answered a post to you regarding you being scared and waiting for your staging results and here you are helping out a fellow Teal Warrior Sister! Wanted to give you a big (((HUG))) .... way to go, girl.
  • carolenk
    carolenk Member Posts: 907 Member
    Mwee said:

    Hi Kimberly
    I just answered a post to you regarding you being scared and waiting for your staging results and here you are helping out a fellow Teal Warrior Sister! Wanted to give you a big (((HUG))) .... way to go, girl.

    Staying out of the hospital

    You must hate hospitals as much as I do! Are you still trying to tough out the pain? I hope you have gotten some relief since you posted this.

    I've never had a blood clot in my lung but I think it could be painful. I've had some pretty painful adhesions at times. I pray you are doing better now.
  • undertreatment2012
    undertreatment2012 Member Posts: 126
    carolenk said:

    Staying out of the hospital

    You must hate hospitals as much as I do! Are you still trying to tough out the pain? I hope you have gotten some relief since you posted this.

    I've never had a blood clot in my lung but I think it could be painful. I've had some pretty painful adhesions at times. I pray you are doing better now.

    the hospital
    YES, terrified of going to the hospital. The pain has subsided to a dull ache and I see my onc soon. I have called about it but they just say go to ER and I will if it gets to where I think I need to. Right now, I'm ok.They mentioned adhesions so I am going with that. This week preparing for my treatment on Friday. ick