I just need to whine for a few minutes

My story starts just over 5 yrs ago & is rather long so I won't try to write it. Every time I think I have jumped the last hurdle there just seems to be another one with the bar set higher. I know I'm whining, isn't that what this place is for? Me & my husband were unemployed when the cancer came back so I was on state health insurance. My problem is this is my 3rd time around with cancer & I just qualified to collect disability but medicare won't start until Nov. I make too much on disability to continue to receive state benefits and have just found out that no insurance programs will even consider covering me for 6 months. Currently I take Xeloda and am considered 'stable'. I have done the paperwork for Genentech so hopefully I can continue getting the Xeloda. If I get the pills everything should be okay until Nov, right? My cancer is genetic, 7 letters that scare the hell out me! My brother who lived with us passed away from it last year & my 16 yr old daughter has the gene. I'm writing this here because no one I know personally is on here & I feel the need to voice my fears but do not want to add to the burden already on my family & friends. I don't normally whine because I always feel there is someone out there that has it worst than me.


  • druidshadow
    druidshadow Member Posts: 85
    it is fine that is what we are here for is to listen to each other and help if we can, i know what you are going thru i am on ssi and in July ssdi kicks in and i will lose medicaid for my state and for me due to my age and timing i will be with out insurance for the 2 years till medicare kicks in so either way i will have to stop chemo in July cause i will not be able to afford it, as of right now my well wife for the best word to call her tho we are not legally married we have been together for the last almost 3 years and she has stuck by me when no one else has, does not know i will have to stop due to no insurance i hate even thinking of having that conversation right now cause she is against my decision to stop chemo if we can't get the issues under control. so i wish you and your daughter the best of luck.
  • joemetz
    joemetz Member Posts: 493
    thanks for sharing
    hey... i call that Sharing, not whining.

    i like several things you mentioned in your post... first, you kept having to deal with a higher bar to hurdle over. that is so true with these fights.

    and, for people of faith... we often pray for something, and God answers with...
    No, net yet. Yes. or... I have a different plan.
    i don't get it, but it seems to be true.

    next you mention in the end of your post that someone always has it worse. So True!
    I call those the crosses we carry. If we all wrote down all the crazy or bad stuff in our lifes on a piece of paper, the shape of a cross.... we'd all read over the crosses and pick up our own and carry it. (yes, with the help of others).

    so... where am i going with this? not sure, I'm usally not a preacher, but lately it's what has held me together. Reading, Relaxing, Praying and Meditation.

    this practice has helped me to discover and research options and learn more and more about the options and ideas to beat this horrible crap we call Cancer.

    I'm not sure of the financial options with no insurance, but i know from my early sales days in my career that when someone told me No, i fought for another option. Fight, beg, barrow and whine to get what you want and what you NEED to beat this battle.
    go meet with someone to help you through this financial stress and time. push for new answers to your problems... there has to be help somewhere. Maybe a foundation or a non-profit group.

    maybe call the American Cancer Society and get a meeting with the lead person in your area... or an area close to you. Get in front of someone and tell them your story. share your pasion for hurdeling over the highest bars. Share that you know there are others that are broke and cannot afford treatments... but share your passion of being a Cancer fighter.

    there has to be someone there that can help or point you in the right direction.

    God has raise the bar again... Go for it. Share YOU with others, and find the help you need.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    my best
