A Bump In The Road

sangora Member Posts: 213
As some of you know, I spent some time at "hospital camp" last week over pnuemonia and a kidney infection. I am sorry to report that we don't seem to be getting it together as of yet. I am still running a low grade temp and feel worse than a bad day in a kennel. Called the doctor on call yesterday as I had a tightness in my chest and was really congested. A nurse friend of mine came over and listened to my lungs and there is still deminished lung sounds. The on call doctor said to continue on my current meds and call my doctor on monday. Unless my temp went over 100.5 then come to the hospital. I have been on four different antibiotics over the last 30 days. Getting tired of feeling tired. Also, this is my 6th bout of pneumonia over the past 2 years. I am beginning to develop some concern over this. Remeber us in your prayers. Sam Stage IV


  • megmacmd
    megmacmd Member Posts: 85
    Feeling tired
    Im so sorry to hear about your recent set back at hospital camp.Hope they can get the infection under control so you can get back to your job of living life. You are my inspiration as a stage !V living life. That is my goal too March was 1 year anniversary for my diagnosis Been off Chemo 4 months after 12 rounds of FLOFOX still working and enjoying the beach walks with the dog and visiting children. Oncologist apt this month and probably repeat scans dont really want to know because I feel pretty good especially being off chemno appetite is back in force enjoying food again which is a big deal.Looking forward to summer with children visiting and living at the beach in my lounge chair and book.Hope they can get a handle on your lungs not breathing is not fun. My sisiter developed pleural effusions with her breast cancer .Share your concern over the recurrent pnuemonia hope they address it and give you somes answers. My prayers are with you. Feeling tired isnt any fun either Take care Meg Mac stage IV
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    megmacmd said:

    Feeling tired
    Im so sorry to hear about your recent set back at hospital camp.Hope they can get the infection under control so you can get back to your job of living life. You are my inspiration as a stage !V living life. That is my goal too March was 1 year anniversary for my diagnosis Been off Chemo 4 months after 12 rounds of FLOFOX still working and enjoying the beach walks with the dog and visiting children. Oncologist apt this month and probably repeat scans dont really want to know because I feel pretty good especially being off chemno appetite is back in force enjoying food again which is a big deal.Looking forward to summer with children visiting and living at the beach in my lounge chair and book.Hope they can get a handle on your lungs not breathing is not fun. My sisiter developed pleural effusions with her breast cancer .Share your concern over the recurrent pnuemonia hope they address it and give you somes answers. My prayers are with you. Feeling tired isnt any fun either Take care Meg Mac stage IV

    Prayers and best wishes to you both!
    Sam & Meg,

    Just wanted to let you both know that I find you inspirational.

    I wish you better days, Sam. Hopefully soon you will start to feel better.

    Meg, enjoy your beach time. Sounds wonderful to a landlocked Iowan.

    Hugs and much love to you both!

  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    TerryV said:

    Prayers and best wishes to you both!
    Sam & Meg,

    Just wanted to let you both know that I find you inspirational.

    I wish you better days, Sam. Hopefully soon you will start to feel better.

    Meg, enjoy your beach time. Sounds wonderful to a landlocked Iowan.

    Hugs and much love to you both!


    Sam, I'm sorry to hear your
    Sam, I'm sorry to hear your pneumonia issues haven't been solved yet. Have you been getting respiratory therapy and inhalant drugs as well as antibiotics? If not, maybe a trip back to the hospital for those as well as IV antibiotics might be in order. (?)
    Praying for a resolution very soon!
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    Prayers are easy enough Sam.
    Prayers are easy enough Sam. Get feeling better soon. Are you still continuing your chemo with being sick? I'm still going on mine. Been battling some low counts myself but nothing too bad.

    Take care!
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    megmacmd said:

    Feeling tired
    Im so sorry to hear about your recent set back at hospital camp.Hope they can get the infection under control so you can get back to your job of living life. You are my inspiration as a stage !V living life. That is my goal too March was 1 year anniversary for my diagnosis Been off Chemo 4 months after 12 rounds of FLOFOX still working and enjoying the beach walks with the dog and visiting children. Oncologist apt this month and probably repeat scans dont really want to know because I feel pretty good especially being off chemno appetite is back in force enjoying food again which is a big deal.Looking forward to summer with children visiting and living at the beach in my lounge chair and book.Hope they can get a handle on your lungs not breathing is not fun. My sisiter developed pleural effusions with her breast cancer .Share your concern over the recurrent pnuemonia hope they address it and give you somes answers. My prayers are with you. Feeling tired isnt any fun either Take care Meg Mac stage IV

    Hey Meg. I'm still on
    Hey Meg. I'm still on FOLFOX and I miss the beach. We go down to Myrtle Beach with my Wife's Sister and husband and have a great time. I haven't been since I got my Stage IV diagnosis though. It's on my list. I plan to go down, take me some coffee sit a lawn chair at the water's edge and watch the sunrise.

    Glad to see you doing so well. Take care!
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Mom suffered pleural
    Mom suffered pleural effusion - difficulty breathing - they ended up draining her lungs. She then went on nebulizer treatments and that helped. You might ask about a Nebulizer. She also used an Oxygen Converter (very very loud, but they gave us 25' of tubing so we were able to close up the unit in another room). You might see if you can get one of these too.
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Prayers coming your way!!

    You can be sure you will be in my prayers. I hope you have someone checking in on you on a daily basis until this issue is resolved. I remember you are your own caregiver and this sounds like something that needs to be addressed. I will be praying that things improve quickly.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • birdiequeen
    birdiequeen Member Posts: 319
    Ditto of what Paul said.
    Ditto of what Paul said. Hope you have called in some help. I'm praying too.
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Ginny_B said:

    Mom suffered pleural
    Mom suffered pleural effusion - difficulty breathing - they ended up draining her lungs. She then went on nebulizer treatments and that helped. You might ask about a Nebulizer. She also used an Oxygen Converter (very very loud, but they gave us 25' of tubing so we were able to close up the unit in another room). You might see if you can get one of these too.

    Love the new picture!

    Thank you for the new photo of your mom. That's a great one!

    Love & Hugs,

  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member

    Ditto of what Paul said.
    Ditto of what Paul said. Hope you have called in some help. I'm praying too.

    prayers coming your way
    Dear Sam,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sorry to hear of all these difficulties. There is nothing worse than trouble breathing, it is very scary. Like what Paul said, you need someone to be checking on you daily. many hugs and prayers,
  • sangora
    sangora Member Posts: 213
    Donna70 said:

    prayers coming your way
    Dear Sam,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sorry to hear of all these difficulties. There is nothing worse than trouble breathing, it is very scary. Like what Paul said, you need someone to be checking on you daily. many hugs and prayers,

    Better This Morning
    Thanks for all the encouragement guys. To answer a couple of questions, I do seem better this morning. Home Health is sending a respiratory therapist today to evaluate my situation and then do whatever is needed. Jimbo, I have had one treatment along with the pneumonia, but if it is not clear by the April 10th treatment they are going to postphone it a week. My neighbor is an RN and has been "sticking her head in" as she says a couple of times a day. She is the one who decided I needed to go to the hospital last weekend. I don't seem as congested at this time so that has to be a good sign. I know this too shall pass, but it is getting old. Sam Stage IV
  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    sangora said:

    Better This Morning
    Thanks for all the encouragement guys. To answer a couple of questions, I do seem better this morning. Home Health is sending a respiratory therapist today to evaluate my situation and then do whatever is needed. Jimbo, I have had one treatment along with the pneumonia, but if it is not clear by the April 10th treatment they are going to postphone it a week. My neighbor is an RN and has been "sticking her head in" as she says a couple of times a day. She is the one who decided I needed to go to the hospital last weekend. I don't seem as congested at this time so that has to be a good sign. I know this too shall pass, but it is getting old. Sam Stage IV

    Hey Sam!
    Hi Sam:

    Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better this morning and very glad to hear that a respiratory therapist will be evaluating you. Tell your neighbor lady that we all said "Thank you" for continuing to check on you - neighbors like her are just priceless.

    Thanks for keeping us posted - we sure do appreciate hearing from you!

    Judy & Don