Two types of cancer in a week!!!!

Borisette Member Posts: 10
edited April 2012 in Breast Cancer #1
On the 12 march 2012 I was told I have a rare cancer of the sinus olfactory neuroblastoma ...
On the 15 march 2012 I found out I also have stage multifocal breast cancer..
Fair I think not but that's what I've been dealt..

They are thinking of a combined op for my sinus from my nose and above and remove my breast in
The same op.. Without reconstruction for 6 to 12 months don't think I can cope with that...

Does anyone else have ideas....

One option which my surgeon is against is to give me the estrogen
Tablets to stop Any further growth while they fix the neuroblastoma.
Then deal with the breast cancer and reconstruction.. I'm thinking about
This even with my surgeon not happy. Will wait until I speak to the ENT guy
Hopefully today and make a better informed plan..


  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Bad news for sure
    However, you are likely to only have to undergo chemo once. Since chemo is considered rather a bothersome mode of treatment at least they can probably treat both cancers at the same time. I guess it makes sense to the doctors to not have to sedate you twice and have two surgical recovery periods. That would be hard on the body and perhaps delay the treatment for one or the other of your cancers. Delaying would also not be good.
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    double post
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    So sorry for your lousy news, but we can not control the hand we are dealt. This is a great site with lots of truely helpful information. About 1yr ago I was diagnosed with Stage3 Anal Cancer, and just last month with a rare secretory breast cancer, at a recent dental appointment my dentist also ordered a biopsy on a suspicious root of a tooth he pulled. Lucily, my tooth issue came back clear. The Anal Cancer treatment was tough, I had chemo and radiation, but for now I am what they call NED (no evidence of disease). On the Breast Cancer, I just last week had a double mastectomy with removal of 2 lymph nodes. The nodes were examined and came back clear. For the next 5yrs I will take Arimidex, a drug to block the estrogen this cancer needs to thrive. My husband is also recovering from a bonemarrow transplant for a blood cancer called Multiple Myeloma. What I have learned through all this is tho we can not control the hand we are dealt we can control how we play that hand. There will surely be times and for me have been times where I felt so out of control, but with good medical care and accepting help and advice and for me lots of prayer, I am feeling a renewed strength that I did not have before. I will keep you in my prayers that you receive the care you need to get through this double wammy of a deal and come out of it a stronger person. It does seem to make sense to do the two surgeries together, tho may be a bit more sore during recovery. I did not opt for reconstruction at this time myself, but may down the road. Its been just over a week and tho I am still a bit sore, I was only in the hospital a couple days and just went out for lunch with my daughter today. I am tired and really trying to take it easy, but feeling much better than I thought I would. I hope the same for you. Please keep posting to let us know how your treatment progresses, and don't think any question is not worth asking. Someone here has insite to anything out there. As always, all in my prayers! You can cope.....think one day at a time, it truely helps!
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    eihtak said:

    So sorry for your lousy news, but we can not control the hand we are dealt. This is a great site with lots of truely helpful information. About 1yr ago I was diagnosed with Stage3 Anal Cancer, and just last month with a rare secretory breast cancer, at a recent dental appointment my dentist also ordered a biopsy on a suspicious root of a tooth he pulled. Lucily, my tooth issue came back clear. The Anal Cancer treatment was tough, I had chemo and radiation, but for now I am what they call NED (no evidence of disease). On the Breast Cancer, I just last week had a double mastectomy with removal of 2 lymph nodes. The nodes were examined and came back clear. For the next 5yrs I will take Arimidex, a drug to block the estrogen this cancer needs to thrive. My husband is also recovering from a bonemarrow transplant for a blood cancer called Multiple Myeloma. What I have learned through all this is tho we can not control the hand we are dealt we can control how we play that hand. There will surely be times and for me have been times where I felt so out of control, but with good medical care and accepting help and advice and for me lots of prayer, I am feeling a renewed strength that I did not have before. I will keep you in my prayers that you receive the care you need to get through this double wammy of a deal and come out of it a stronger person. It does seem to make sense to do the two surgeries together, tho may be a bit more sore during recovery. I did not opt for reconstruction at this time myself, but may down the road. Its been just over a week and tho I am still a bit sore, I was only in the hospital a couple days and just went out for lunch with my daughter today. I am tired and really trying to take it easy, but feeling much better than I thought I would. I hope the same for you. Please keep posting to let us know how your treatment progresses, and don't think any question is not worth asking. Someone here has insite to anything out there. As always, all in my prayers! You can cope.....think one day at a time, it truely helps!

    Im sorry that you have a reason to be here but I'm glad you found this board. This is a great board with awesome people and you will find here that you are not alone in your battle. we will be right here beside you cheering you on and holding you up when you need us to.

    I am so sorry that you had a rotten week. Cancer sucks big time, but please stay strong and fight this ugly beast. You wil be in my prayers.

    Hugs & God Bless,

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Im sorry that you have a reason to be here but I'm glad you found this board. This is a great board with awesome people and you will find here that you are not alone in your battle. we will be right here beside you cheering you on and holding you up when you need us to.

    I am so sorry that you had a rotten week. Cancer sucks big time, but please stay strong and fight this ugly beast. You wil be in my prayers.

    Hugs & God Bless,


    I am so sorry. This board is full of fantastic and helpful pink sisters that welcome you with open arms and will help you however we can.

    Positive thoughts and prayers!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    susie09 said:

    I am so sorry. This board is full of fantastic and helpful pink sisters that welcome you with open arms and will help you however we can.

    Positive thoughts and prayers!

    Welcome to the board
    I am very sorry for your situation. Please make sure that you have your pathology report when you will be discussing your treatment. Estrogen could be very dangerous for breast cancer, make sure you know about your breast cancer enough to make a best decision for you.
    Good luck
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Welcome to the board
    I am very sorry for your situation. Please make sure that you have your pathology report when you will be discussing your treatment. Estrogen could be very dangerous for breast cancer, make sure you know about your breast cancer enough to make a best decision for you.
    Good luck

    Two at once, too
    Two years ago I had a double whammy of 2 diagnoses - first endometrial cancer and then 4 days later breast cancer. It is certainly overwhelming. While I, too, had 2 cancers, neither were rare (like that matters!) and luckily both were early stage cancers. I hope yours are, too. How were your cancers found?

    My advice is to be sure the breast and ENT people work together and that the right hand always knows what the left is doing. My breast oncologist and gyn oncologist always knew what was going on with the other and if I didn't think they did, I sure as heck made sure to tell them.

    I had chemo for my breast cancer, but did not need it for my endometrial cancer because it had only grown 1/3 of the way thru my uterine wall. Had it been halfway. .. we won't go there. I assume that the stage and grades of your cancers will determine if chemo is needed for either or both.

    I was comfortable without a second opinion because I was receiving my care at an NCI comprehensive cancer center. If I'd been in a community setting, I would have asked for a second opinion - because in my little brain, having 2 diagnoses at the same time is a little special and can require more consideration than they would have they been dx'd years apart. I accompanied a friend for a second opinion a while back and the doc he saw at UCSF clearly said that community oncologists are all most people need unless they have something unusual (he had pancreatic cancer). Keep that in mind if you're considering a second opinion.

    My surgeries went like this - lumpectomy/recover for 6 weeks/hysterectomy/recover for 3 weeks/chemotherapy for breast cancer/recover for 6 weeks/radiation for breast cancer. My followups are pelvic exams and pap smears every 4 months, med onc visits and lab work every 4 months, breast exams by surgeon every 6 months, yearly mammogram followed 6 months later with yearly breast MRI. My surgeries were separate because of the total length of time I might need to be under anesthesia and the suspicion that the endo cancer was slow growing so could wait longer than the breast cancer.

    It sounds like you're going to be inundated with surgeries and treatments for a while. Please keep us informed and come here for support.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Two at once, too
    Two years ago I had a double whammy of 2 diagnoses - first endometrial cancer and then 4 days later breast cancer. It is certainly overwhelming. While I, too, had 2 cancers, neither were rare (like that matters!) and luckily both were early stage cancers. I hope yours are, too. How were your cancers found?

    My advice is to be sure the breast and ENT people work together and that the right hand always knows what the left is doing. My breast oncologist and gyn oncologist always knew what was going on with the other and if I didn't think they did, I sure as heck made sure to tell them.

    I had chemo for my breast cancer, but did not need it for my endometrial cancer because it had only grown 1/3 of the way thru my uterine wall. Had it been halfway. .. we won't go there. I assume that the stage and grades of your cancers will determine if chemo is needed for either or both.

    I was comfortable without a second opinion because I was receiving my care at an NCI comprehensive cancer center. If I'd been in a community setting, I would have asked for a second opinion - because in my little brain, having 2 diagnoses at the same time is a little special and can require more consideration than they would have they been dx'd years apart. I accompanied a friend for a second opinion a while back and the doc he saw at UCSF clearly said that community oncologists are all most people need unless they have something unusual (he had pancreatic cancer). Keep that in mind if you're considering a second opinion.

    My surgeries went like this - lumpectomy/recover for 6 weeks/hysterectomy/recover for 3 weeks/chemotherapy for breast cancer/recover for 6 weeks/radiation for breast cancer. My followups are pelvic exams and pap smears every 4 months, med onc visits and lab work every 4 months, breast exams by surgeon every 6 months, yearly mammogram followed 6 months later with yearly breast MRI. My surgeries were separate because of the total length of time I might need to be under anesthesia and the suspicion that the endo cancer was slow growing so could wait longer than the breast cancer.

    It sounds like you're going to be inundated with surgeries and treatments for a while. Please keep us informed and come here for support.


    Has there been any discussion of a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy? A lumpectomy (which I had) is a much easier recovery...considering they want to do both at the same's just a thought that you may want to consider along with the advice of all your physicians..

    I am so sorry that you had to become a member of a club no one wants to join but so glad you found us and this is a wealth of information from personal experience! At times it has saved my sanity! I was first diagnosed 3 years ago this month ....had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation....recovered well...then 19 months later it came back in my lymph nodes which were clean at the time of the lumpectomy...I had radiation to clavicle area....took an oral chemo drug for 7 months, which gave me 7 months of a normal last scans showed 3 small spots on my brain...I had 10 radiation treatments for this...still trying to get over the overwhelming fatigue this caused...I'm on chemo again with # 2 this Tuesday....had a port implanted....

    The reason I'm telling you all this, sorry for rambling, is that when first diagnosed we are all scared out of our minds!!!! Literally!!!!
    And to be hit with two kinds at once is more than hard to wrap your head around....BUT.....I think you will find that you are stronger than you time goes by and your treatment plans are mapped out, things get a bit're ready yo start the will find strength and courage that you never knew you had....

    Please keep us posted, we truly care....
    With prayers and hugs, Nancy
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    bad news x 2
    Borisette, so sorry to hear of your double dx. I hope your docs can work
    together to get this beast under control. (((Hugs))) sent your way--keep us
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    Tux said:

    bad news x 2
    Borisette, so sorry to hear of your double dx. I hope your docs can work
    together to get this beast under control. (((Hugs))) sent your way--keep us

    I'm so sorry for what you are going through. You'll find the pinks here are the most supportive group around. Will keep you in my prayers. Keep us updated.

    Hugs, Debi
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Tux said:

    bad news x 2
    Borisette, so sorry to hear of your double dx. I hope your docs can work
    together to get this beast under control. (((Hugs))) sent your way--keep us

    I'm very sorry. I'm sending
    I'm very sorry. I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs, Jan
  • Pam5
    Pam5 Member Posts: 232
    debi.18 said:

    I'm so sorry for what you are going through. You'll find the pinks here are the most supportive group around. Will keep you in my prayers. Keep us updated.

    Hugs, Debi

    It is so scary to be in the kind of position you're in. However, if you can get your docs to talk to each other and make a plan together, it should help a lot. I just had a single mastectomy 3 weeks ago. I could not have reconstruction this time because of the position of the cancer - very low and almost on the rib. I did have a mastectomy on the other breast 17 years ago and did have reconstruction. I'm a lot older than you and probably won't do reconstruction down the road. I just don't want to put myself through another surgery and anesthesia. It's not worth it.

    I'm glad you found us. There is so much experience and knowledge on this board. It's also a place where everybody is on your side and wants you to win.

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    Welcome to the board
    I am very sorry for your situation. Please make sure that you have your pathology report when you will be discussing your treatment. Estrogen could be very dangerous for breast cancer, make sure you know about your breast cancer enough to make a best decision for you.
    Good luck

    It is hard enough to have
    It is hard enough to have one cancer. I can't imagine having it twice. So sorry..

    I wish you good luck with your appointment and with your future treatment. Keep us updated when you can.

    Hugs, Debby
  • Borisette
    Borisette Member Posts: 10
    Pam5 said:

    It is so scary to be in the kind of position you're in. However, if you can get your docs to talk to each other and make a plan together, it should help a lot. I just had a single mastectomy 3 weeks ago. I could not have reconstruction this time because of the position of the cancer - very low and almost on the rib. I did have a mastectomy on the other breast 17 years ago and did have reconstruction. I'm a lot older than you and probably won't do reconstruction down the road. I just don't want to put myself through another surgery and anesthesia. It's not worth it.

    I'm glad you found us. There is so much experience and knowledge on this board. It's also a place where everybody is on your side and wants you to win.


    Hi all thanks for your
    Hi all thanks for your support .. All teams are working together and next
    Thursday or fri they are combining both surgeries to remove hopefully
    Both cancers

    Will come back once I'm up and around
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Borisette said:

    Hi all thanks for your
    Hi all thanks for your support .. All teams are working together and next
    Thursday or fri they are combining both surgeries to remove hopefully
    Both cancers

    Will come back once I'm up and around

    Good luck on your surgery.
    Good luck on your surgery. Post an update when you can.

    Hugs, Lex
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    Welcome to the board
    I am very sorry for your situation. Please make sure that you have your pathology report when you will be discussing your treatment. Estrogen could be very dangerous for breast cancer, make sure you know about your breast cancer enough to make a best decision for you.
    Good luck

    I am so very sorry. Post so
    I am so very sorry. Post so we know when your surgery is going to take place.

    Lots of hugs,

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    I'm very sorry. I'm sending
    I'm very sorry. I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs, Jan

    Just want to say Hi and welcome you. This is such a great place to get information or vent, make friends. I am sorry, you really got hit hard. Just know we are all here for you. Hugs
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    susie09 said:

    I am so sorry. This board is full of fantastic and helpful pink sisters that welcome you with open arms and will help you however we can.

    Positive thoughts and prayers!

    Have you decided yet what
    Have you decided yet what you're going to do and when is your surgery scheduled? We'll get the pink bus out to support you.

    Hugs, Jan