Some bad news



  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    Oh Kat, you are such a
    Oh Kat, you are such a beautiful person. I'm sure the tat just adds to your beauty, and I'm betting your parents will see it that way too. A break and the time with your friends...keep doing those special things for yourself. I love that you keep showing us how to get through this with so much energy, vitality, and life.

    As for your scan results, I really hope you find the treatment that will completely eliminate the cancer.



    As you can see
    As you can see we're all upset but want with all our hearts that whatever treatemt they decide WORKS. I know a young lady that was dx with hip cancer almost 2 years ago. Even though she was 20 it was a childhood cancer.She was sent to Dayton Children's and Cincinnati Children's Hospital.Both are very good.She's doing great now.

    For the tatoo??? Like Irene said,"that's nother matter". What you have sounds nice but keep it down.I see alot of older men and women getting them. I'm afraid they might regret it later.Of course they are covered with them. My granddaugther at 16 stayed all night with a friend and got her nose pierced.She was grounded for quite sometime.It's very small but she shouldn't make that decision at 16. She's 17 now but doesn't seem interested in tatoos

    Keep us posted.We're all thinking and praying for you.We want NOTHING but the best treatment and we want it to work.

    Lynn Smith
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    Oh Kat, you are such a
    Oh Kat, you are such a beautiful person. I'm sure the tat just adds to your beauty, and I'm betting your parents will see it that way too. A break and the time with your friends...keep doing those special things for yourself. I love that you keep showing us how to get through this with so much energy, vitality, and life.

    As for your scan results, I really hope you find the treatment that will completely eliminate the cancer.



    Sending positive energy
    Praying for additional help at Harward and new and effective treatment option for you.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Sending positive energy
    Praying for additional help at Harward and new and effective treatment option for you.

    Kit Kat .. not the news we were all hoping for.
    However, it sounds like you have a solid plan in place -- and OPTIONS!.

    Prayers for you - Our Rock Star --. May our lord open doors, and treatment
    options that will killll the beast! MD Anderson, and Harvard -- excellent
    facilities - so I KNOW that there is HOPE for a Cure for YOU.

    Gentle hugs - dear, One .

    Vicki Sam
  • Jobi
    Jobi Member Posts: 211

    You seem like such a strong woman! I know that you are going through a difficult time. But please know that the pink ladies are praying for you! By the way, I love the tatoo story!

    Take care!

  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Prayers continue
    Hi sweetie pie - I support your tattoo 100%! In a way I feel flattered you did it. It represents us all. Be proud!

    I don't like the news about your present medical situation, but prayers will never end from this end. You are such a great spirit, and I think the prayers are doing it. We will keep praying you keep it up, and that there is a new treatment plan for you that will help you recover.

    I know this journey has been dragging for a while, but hang in there. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. And I am staying positive for you.

    HUGS to you.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    fauxma said:

    I will keep you in my
    I will keep you in my prayers

    Praying for you Kat.Hugs,
    Praying for you Kat.

    Hugs, Diane
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member

    Prayers continue
    Hi sweetie pie - I support your tattoo 100%! In a way I feel flattered you did it. It represents us all. Be proud!

    I don't like the news about your present medical situation, but prayers will never end from this end. You are such a great spirit, and I think the prayers are doing it. We will keep praying you keep it up, and that there is a new treatment plan for you that will help you recover.

    I know this journey has been dragging for a while, but hang in there. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. And I am staying positive for you.

    HUGS to you.

    Hugs & prayers
    So sorry to hear of your news--hugs & prayers sent your way. Let us know how
    everything goes when you get a chance.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    I also wish you well in Boston for new options. Not a bad idea to have "survivor" tattooed in that manner.


  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Hi Kat
    So glad to hear you had a great spring break. So sorry to hear your not so good news though. Hopefully your drs. will get you on the best tratment plan possible.
    As for the tattoo, your parents will learn to live with it. I did after my daughter got one.

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    You're just my 'lil Hero girlfriend!
    I'm so glad you had an awesome time and I'm sure your Tat rocks! You know we can all agree the word you chose has such a deep meaning to us all.

    My prayers are constant in that they will find a drug/treatment that will be effective in removing ALL the cancer. Remember, HOPE and FAITH! You're an inspiration.

    Big hugs to ya!

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    sea60 said:

    You're just my 'lil Hero girlfriend!
    I'm so glad you had an awesome time and I'm sure your Tat rocks! You know we can all agree the word you chose has such a deep meaning to us all.

    My prayers are constant in that they will find a drug/treatment that will be effective in removing ALL the cancer. Remember, HOPE and FAITH! You're an inspiration.

    Big hugs to ya!


    The News sucks
    You are a survivor. I am praying for you Kat. Love the Tat. Hugs
  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440
    Kat11 said:

    The News sucks
    You are a survivor. I am praying for you Kat. Love the Tat. Hugs

    Big Hugs
    You always have an upbeat attitude, that inspires so many of us on this board!
    You keep your chin up sweetie....Love the Tat!
    Lots of Hugs coming your way...Karie
  • Minka
    Minka Member Posts: 29
    You rock.
    I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself, then I read your post. You rock....and I can't find anyone locally that will do a tatoo because I've had's kind of obvious...I had a mastectomy and no reconstruction, and I won't wear a prosthetic. I wanted to have eyes tatooed on the back of my head of I lost my hair from chemo, but..I didn't have to have either chemo or rad...Oncotype test was '0'. Girl....I'm sending white light your way. If you need someone to laugh with...friend me. I'm a mental health therapist and got 'fired' by a client recently for being 'too happy'....she didn't see me on days like today. One of the things I keep telling myself is that there is purpose in all of this....I'm not sure what the heck it is, except to maybe meet amazing people who are doing amazing you. Good luck sweetie. I'll be thinking of ya..
  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    Minka said:

    You rock.
    I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself, then I read your post. You rock....and I can't find anyone locally that will do a tatoo because I've had's kind of obvious...I had a mastectomy and no reconstruction, and I won't wear a prosthetic. I wanted to have eyes tatooed on the back of my head of I lost my hair from chemo, but..I didn't have to have either chemo or rad...Oncotype test was '0'. Girl....I'm sending white light your way. If you need someone to laugh with...friend me. I'm a mental health therapist and got 'fired' by a client recently for being 'too happy'....she didn't see me on days like today. One of the things I keep telling myself is that there is purpose in all of this....I'm not sure what the heck it is, except to maybe meet amazing people who are doing amazing you. Good luck sweetie. I'll be thinking of ya..

    You are a Fighter... I'm Praying that positive news results from your trip. You're Young and Strong... Time to kick the beast in the Butt!!!

    I look forward to your pic of the tattoo.

    Keep that Positive Attitude!!!

  • trixytwo
    trixytwo Member Posts: 59
    Hugs and prayers to you,
    Hugs and prayers to you, little one. I have twin daughters and hate tats,but the day after i was diagnosed, they both got pink ribbons on their wrists. Now i love it, and your message is so important.

    Stay strong

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    Tough news
    Kat, that is really tough news. I am sorry that it wasn't better for you. I hope that the doctors at Harvard or MD Anderson can offer you a plan that works and that you will be rid of this awful disease! You have really been through enough. At least you had a great spring break...and got a tattoo! Post a picture, I bet it looks fantastic and I bet even your parents will love it.

    Keep in touch and let's see that tat!

    All the Best,

    Prayers are coming your way
    Prayers are coming your way Kat from me!

    Hugs, Megan
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    Tough news
    Kat, that is really tough news. I am sorry that it wasn't better for you. I hope that the doctors at Harvard or MD Anderson can offer you a plan that works and that you will be rid of this awful disease! You have really been through enough. At least you had a great spring break...and got a tattoo! Post a picture, I bet it looks fantastic and I bet even your parents will love it.

    Keep in touch and let's see that tat!

    All the Best,

    Prayers are coming your way
    Prayers are coming your way Kat from me!

    Hugs, Megan
  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    You are such an amazing and strong young woman! We all hope for the best for you. You are always thinking of others - you are truly a special lady!