Just had biopsy- I am in emotional AGONY!

buckyd Member Posts: 3
edited March 2012 in Prostate Cancer #1
I have not yet received the results of my biopsy. My PSA be had increased from 1 to 5 this year. A few years ago it was 2.7 and then went back down to less than 1. I am very scared and not sure what my future brings. I may getting the results tomorrow and I feel like this is the last night of cancer free living I may have. HELP


  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    Been there - got wiser
    I have gone down the same path, but with 3 years of biopsies. 4 th year saturation biopsy found the culprit. Thought it over, had surgery and put it behind me. I cannot change what has/is happening in my body, but it took quite a while for me to get it thru my thick skull. Now my numbers are going back up. I have been scanned, probed, poked and other fun things, with the result being that the location of the problem is not locatable at this time. I think back to the first go-round, and figure what will happen will happen.

    Regardless of your biopsy results, life will go on. Be strong and positive. The majority of the people posting here have been down the same road, and they are still kicking. They will offer what ever support and encouragement you may need.

    Now, get some sleep. We will be looking forward to hearing from you.

  • Old-timer
    Old-timer Member Posts: 196
    Scary, yes, but no need to panic
    Welcome to the discussion board. I'm sure you have scary thoughts. Relax as much as possible. You very well could be OK. If the biopsy indicates a problem, there is a good chance it is fixable.

    When you get the report, share as many details as possible. Some of us have likely had similar experiences. Perhaps we can assist you in learning about options and share thoughts about our common pathways.

    Personally, I am a 21-year prostate cancer veteran. It's now in remission and I feel good.

    I wish you luck.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Old-timer said:

    Scary, yes, but no need to panic
    Welcome to the discussion board. I'm sure you have scary thoughts. Relax as much as possible. You very well could be OK. If the biopsy indicates a problem, there is a good chance it is fixable.

    When you get the report, share as many details as possible. Some of us have likely had similar experiences. Perhaps we can assist you in learning about options and share thoughts about our common pathways.

    Personally, I am a 21-year prostate cancer veteran. It's now in remission and I feel good.

    I wish you luck.


    Hyperplasia or proctitis could be the case

    Do not panic. I do not know your age or other health issues and surely you should be concerned but whatever the result may be you got many solutions. PSA trends on quick ups and downs are usually related to benign cases of hyperplasia or proctitis (infection). PSA can also vary its levels if drawing blood after sex (the night before), riding a bike, etc.
    I wonder why you have been doing the PSA tests. Was it because of prostate cancer running in the family or just for prevention? Whatever it may be, you cannot change the results of tomorrow but you can handle what it may be necessary to do; continue prevention or treatment.

    A positive result for prostate cancer is not a “bill” of a death sentence.

    Welcome to the board.

  • buckyd
    buckyd Member Posts: 3

    Hyperplasia or proctitis could be the case

    Do not panic. I do not know your age or other health issues and surely you should be concerned but whatever the result may be you got many solutions. PSA trends on quick ups and downs are usually related to benign cases of hyperplasia or proctitis (infection). PSA can also vary its levels if drawing blood after sex (the night before), riding a bike, etc.
    I wonder why you have been doing the PSA tests. Was it because of prostate cancer running in the family or just for prevention? Whatever it may be, you cannot change the results of tomorrow but you can handle what it may be necessary to do; continue prevention or treatment.

    A positive result for prostate cancer is not a “bill” of a death sentence.

    Welcome to the board.


    I am 54 yrs old so I get
    I am 54 yrs old so I get tested annually. A few years ago it went up to 2.5 and then back to 1. I am still waiting to hear my biopsy results.
  • woodtable
    woodtable Member Posts: 5

    Hyperplasia or proctitis could be the case

    Do not panic. I do not know your age or other health issues and surely you should be concerned but whatever the result may be you got many solutions. PSA trends on quick ups and downs are usually related to benign cases of hyperplasia or proctitis (infection). PSA can also vary its levels if drawing blood after sex (the night before), riding a bike, etc.
    I wonder why you have been doing the PSA tests. Was it because of prostate cancer running in the family or just for prevention? Whatever it may be, you cannot change the results of tomorrow but you can handle what it may be necessary to do; continue prevention or treatment.

    A positive result for prostate cancer is not a “bill” of a death sentence.

    Welcome to the board.


    what he said
    diagnosed three weeks ago, Stage 1, Gleason 6+6, low risk - I think I'm going to opt for "active surveillance"
    I'm 52, Healthy, non aggressive tumor - the physician suggested that I could live the rest of my life without the cancer killing me - heart disease, perhaps, but not the cancer - just remember, most prostate cancer grow slowly
  • PCa_at_42
    PCa_at_42 Member Posts: 5
    Take time to consider your options
    I was also recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. I wasn't particularly happy with the invitation to the club, but not much you can do about it. I have found this board extremely informative, and have probably gone back and read about 2 years worth of posts. I am early stage (2a), Gleason score of 6 (3+3) and a PSA somewhere around 3--i actually forget the number and the medical records are at home. In learning my medical history it turns out my PSA has been rising slowly for the past few years (it was a little north of one 2 years ago) so it turns out I've been taking the watchful waiting approach without really knowing it.

    I have a second opinion with a radiologist tomorrow, but it is highly likely I am going to opt for surgery (open surgery, not robotic). I have spent countless hours researching the options and can honestly say there is no one right course of treatment, we each need to find the path we are most comfortable with. One thing I can say with certainty, though, is that you will relax. The first few weeks after my diagnosis i was an emotional wreck and read everything that was available. i have come to accept the facts as they are and face it head on. Doesn't mean i don't still have bad days and wake up in the middle of the night staring at the ceiling wondering about the future. I do, just not as often any more.

    I'm sorry you had to join the group, but wish you well. I am always willing to answer any questions (though there are many more experienced people on this board - I'm just beginning my journey). I can say that Patrick Walsh's book "Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer" was the most informative book I read.

    - GRS
  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    PCa_at_42 said:

    Take time to consider your options
    I was also recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. I wasn't particularly happy with the invitation to the club, but not much you can do about it. I have found this board extremely informative, and have probably gone back and read about 2 years worth of posts. I am early stage (2a), Gleason score of 6 (3+3) and a PSA somewhere around 3--i actually forget the number and the medical records are at home. In learning my medical history it turns out my PSA has been rising slowly for the past few years (it was a little north of one 2 years ago) so it turns out I've been taking the watchful waiting approach without really knowing it.

    I have a second opinion with a radiologist tomorrow, but it is highly likely I am going to opt for surgery (open surgery, not robotic). I have spent countless hours researching the options and can honestly say there is no one right course of treatment, we each need to find the path we are most comfortable with. One thing I can say with certainty, though, is that you will relax. The first few weeks after my diagnosis i was an emotional wreck and read everything that was available. i have come to accept the facts as they are and face it head on. Doesn't mean i don't still have bad days and wake up in the middle of the night staring at the ceiling wondering about the future. I do, just not as often any more.

    I'm sorry you had to join the group, but wish you well. I am always willing to answer any questions (though there are many more experienced people on this board - I'm just beginning my journey). I can say that Patrick Walsh's book "Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer" was the most informative book I read.

    - GRS

    Welcome GRS

    I'm sorry you got an invitation to this club too, particularly at the tender age of 42. I am curious as to why you were even having your PSA checked at that age (am assuming the PCA_at_42 is an indicator of your age) and given the relatively low PSA scores what led you to a biopsy? Do you have a family history of prostate cancer?

    I guess the only really good thing about your diagnosis is that you have several excellent options open to you and given the statistics that you posted I hope you continue to consider AS.

    Best of luck to you.

  • PCa_at_42
    PCa_at_42 Member Posts: 5
    Kongo said:

    Welcome GRS

    I'm sorry you got an invitation to this club too, particularly at the tender age of 42. I am curious as to why you were even having your PSA checked at that age (am assuming the PCA_at_42 is an indicator of your age) and given the relatively low PSA scores what led you to a biopsy? Do you have a family history of prostate cancer?

    I guess the only really good thing about your diagnosis is that you have several excellent options open to you and given the statistics that you posted I hope you continue to consider AS.

    Best of luck to you.


    two part response
    First, to BuckyD, any update on your biopsy?

    Second, to Kongo, Yes, I'm 42 (to young for this, but by no means the youngest). My primary care Dr. begins annual PSA tests at age 40 at which point I was around 1. At 42, it had jumped to 6.2 and then on a retest down to 2.something. He referred to me to a urologist, who felt a lump and recommended a biopsy. The biopsy had 1 of 12 cores positive with 20% cancerous cells. I don't want to hijack BuckyD's thread, so I'll start another with more information. I had originally posted about a month ago after the initial diagnosis.

    - GRS
  • shipjim
    shipjim Member Posts: 137 Member
    PCa_at_42 said:

    Take time to consider your options
    I was also recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. I wasn't particularly happy with the invitation to the club, but not much you can do about it. I have found this board extremely informative, and have probably gone back and read about 2 years worth of posts. I am early stage (2a), Gleason score of 6 (3+3) and a PSA somewhere around 3--i actually forget the number and the medical records are at home. In learning my medical history it turns out my PSA has been rising slowly for the past few years (it was a little north of one 2 years ago) so it turns out I've been taking the watchful waiting approach without really knowing it.

    I have a second opinion with a radiologist tomorrow, but it is highly likely I am going to opt for surgery (open surgery, not robotic). I have spent countless hours researching the options and can honestly say there is no one right course of treatment, we each need to find the path we are most comfortable with. One thing I can say with certainty, though, is that you will relax. The first few weeks after my diagnosis i was an emotional wreck and read everything that was available. i have come to accept the facts as they are and face it head on. Doesn't mean i don't still have bad days and wake up in the middle of the night staring at the ceiling wondering about the future. I do, just not as often any more.

    I'm sorry you had to join the group, but wish you well. I am always willing to answer any questions (though there are many more experienced people on this board - I'm just beginning my journey). I can say that Patrick Walsh's book "Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer" was the most informative book I read.

    - GRS

    Surgery type
    Why would you go for open surgery rather than robotic? Open surgery really hurts!!!! Same results no better or worse results for nerve sparing. I do agree with surgery, I just wanted it gone and after 6+years it is gone. jj
  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    buckyd said:

    I am 54 yrs old so I get
    I am 54 yrs old so I get tested annually. A few years ago it went up to 2.5 and then back to 1. I am still waiting to hear my biopsy results.

    What were the results of the biopsy?
    Should have received the results by now. What's the assessment? This info will help us here to give you "advice" if you're still interested in hearing any.

    Good luck!