First biopsy and scared

Antiques55 Member Posts: 7
Tomorrow morning I have my first biopsy for something found during a routine mammogram which they couldn't see on an ultrasound. They are doing a stereotatic core needle biopsy. In situations like this, I almost always have a sense of peace that nothing will be found. I've always had really good health and there's no history of breast cancer in my family. But this time I can't get over the dread: both of the actual biopsy and the possible results. I'm hoping the results will be available before the weekend. My questions:

-what will the pain level of the biopsy be during and after (I have to go back to work immediately after)

-I'm told 2 business days for the results...will they really have them that quickly

-I haven't told my boyfriend of 5 months and for some reason this weighs on my mind a lot. I've been single for a looong time (20 years) and finally have someone in my life I care about. Doubtful he will stick around if this is positive and I'm not even sure if I'd want him to since I don't think I'll have the energy to battle cancer and work on building this new relationship. Feels like a double loss because he's an incredible man.

Guess I'm just feeling very negative right now.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I requested loopy meds (NOT
    I requested loopy meds (NOT knocked out) but not bad or painful! I laid flat on table with two holes for breasts. I dont' remember how long it took for not too long! I think I went to work next day!

    Hard to not feel negative but "HE" may surprise you"! I TOO HAD no history of BC at all..I am the First!

    I"ll check back for updates..

  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384
    I hope it turns out okay but.........
    sometimes it requires further investigation. I didn't get a positive cancer DX until I had the lumpectomy. Hopefully you will have some answers by the weekend because waiting is so hard to do.

    I have to comment on what you said about your boyfriend. If he is "as you said", an incredible man then yes he would stick around if you have cancer.

    Please keep us posted on your results and we will be here for you.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    jamiegww said:

    I hope it turns out okay but.........
    sometimes it requires further investigation. I didn't get a positive cancer DX until I had the lumpectomy. Hopefully you will have some answers by the weekend because waiting is so hard to do.

    I have to comment on what you said about your boyfriend. If he is "as you said", an incredible man then yes he would stick around if you have cancer.

    Please keep us posted on your results and we will be here for you.


    Personally, if possible, I wouldn't go back to work...and it would be wise to have someone drive you...i was advised to have a driver.......when I had mine, I was loaded with ice packs (actually frozen peas in a baggy) and I was advised to go home keep ice in place and take it easy...

    Keep is posted..
    Hugs, Nancy
  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    I did not find the pain of the biopsy to be bad at all as the needle injects marcaine or lidocaine before cutting out cores. Only when the doc flushed it out with saline did it sting. But it is important to keep ice on the area afterward, therefore, I hope you can find a way to take the rest of the day off work. I found the stress of just having the biopsy done a little overwhelming (doc was a jerk!) but not the cuts, and so I appreciated having some down time afterward. I DID drive myself there and back with no problem.

    Try to read on this American Cancer Society website about Stereotactic Core Needle Biopsies (SCNBs) so you know what to expect. I was not prepared for lying face down on a table with my boob hanging through the hole to be worked on for 30 minutes or so. It kind of freaked me out that he placed 'clips' or little metal markers in the cavity for future reference. But, in the long run, their presence (plus the wire she inserted) helped the surgical doc find just the right spot to excise during the lumpectomy. They were removed with the tissue. (However, she placed 7 more to mark the cavity she created with the lumpectomy.)

    I was in denial at the time that I could have any form of breast cancer, so I went into the biopsy being very negative, too. Once I had the diagnosis, I spiraled into major stress reaction and caused my immune system to practically shut down. I found myself fighting sinus infections and candida infection of the skin under my breasts out of the blue, within 2 days of diagnosis; weird stuff for me! Please don't do that to yourself. Arm yourself with ways to be positive, upbeat, to feel safe no matter what happens. Talk with and surround yourself with positive, supportive people. You'll find that on this board, if no where else. If your guy can help you with that, great! If he puts demands on you that add to your stress, eliminate him from your life.

    Good luck with your biopsy. Let us know what happens.

  • Antiques55
    Antiques55 Member Posts: 7
    crselby said:

    I did not find the pain of the biopsy to be bad at all as the needle injects marcaine or lidocaine before cutting out cores. Only when the doc flushed it out with saline did it sting. But it is important to keep ice on the area afterward, therefore, I hope you can find a way to take the rest of the day off work. I found the stress of just having the biopsy done a little overwhelming (doc was a jerk!) but not the cuts, and so I appreciated having some down time afterward. I DID drive myself there and back with no problem.

    Try to read on this American Cancer Society website about Stereotactic Core Needle Biopsies (SCNBs) so you know what to expect. I was not prepared for lying face down on a table with my boob hanging through the hole to be worked on for 30 minutes or so. It kind of freaked me out that he placed 'clips' or little metal markers in the cavity for future reference. But, in the long run, their presence (plus the wire she inserted) helped the surgical doc find just the right spot to excise during the lumpectomy. They were removed with the tissue. (However, she placed 7 more to mark the cavity she created with the lumpectomy.)

    I was in denial at the time that I could have any form of breast cancer, so I went into the biopsy being very negative, too. Once I had the diagnosis, I spiraled into major stress reaction and caused my immune system to practically shut down. I found myself fighting sinus infections and candida infection of the skin under my breasts out of the blue, within 2 days of diagnosis; weird stuff for me! Please don't do that to yourself. Arm yourself with ways to be positive, upbeat, to feel safe no matter what happens. Talk with and surround yourself with positive, supportive people. You'll find that on this board, if no where else. If your guy can help you with that, great! If he puts demands on you that add to your stress, eliminate him from your life.

    Good luck with your biopsy. Let us know what happens.


    Biopsy is done. The table
    Biopsy is done. The table wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. There was some pain and discomfort with the procedure. They had trouble positioning me right and they couldn't perform the biopsy without hitting some vessels so I bled a bit more than they had thought I would.

    I'm at work but I may end up going home. I'm shaky and woozy and my mental state is not good. I've been trying to be positive, gathering information and making sure I'm informed. But the negative thoughts prevail. I hate the idea that I will probably have to spend a long weekend wondering. I have one friend who is trying to get me imagine myself on a warm beach and while I appreciate the effort, it seems ludicrous to me. It's natural to think about this and worry.

    Haven't even told my guy about the biopsy.

    So I'm on hold for a while. Thank you everyone for welcoming me. I will let you know what I find out.

  • Antiques55
    Antiques55 Member Posts: 7

    Biopsy is done. The table
    Biopsy is done. The table wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. There was some pain and discomfort with the procedure. They had trouble positioning me right and they couldn't perform the biopsy without hitting some vessels so I bled a bit more than they had thought I would.

    I'm at work but I may end up going home. I'm shaky and woozy and my mental state is not good. I've been trying to be positive, gathering information and making sure I'm informed. But the negative thoughts prevail. I hate the idea that I will probably have to spend a long weekend wondering. I have one friend who is trying to get me imagine myself on a warm beach and while I appreciate the effort, it seems ludicrous to me. It's natural to think about this and worry.

    Haven't even told my guy about the biopsy.

    So I'm on hold for a while. Thank you everyone for welcoming me. I will let you know what I find out.


    Just a quick update.
    Just a quick update. Decided to tell my boyfriend about the biopsy and was rather pleasantly surprised. He asked if he could come over tonight because he needed to hold me. Of course that is no indication of how he may react if the results are not good and since we've only been dating for about 5 months, I sincerely would not expect him to stick by my side through anything so difficult. But I'm happy to have his company for now and am grateful he hasn't run for the hills.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Just a quick update.
    Just a quick update. Decided to tell my boyfriend about the biopsy and was rather pleasantly surprised. He asked if he could come over tonight because he needed to hold me. Of course that is no indication of how he may react if the results are not good and since we've only been dating for about 5 months, I sincerely would not expect him to stick by my side through anything so difficult. But I'm happy to have his company for now and am grateful he hasn't run for the hills.

    Glad you told your bf about
    Glad you told your bf about what you're going through. He should know. Good luck with your results and post when you know something.

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Glad you told your bf about
    Glad you told your bf about what you're going through. He should know. Good luck with your results and post when you know something.


    I know how you feel
    I know how you feel.I didn't say anything to my husband for awhile. Well it was sometime before my doctor ordered a biopsy.Way to long and I was going back and forth with his office.So I didn't mention it to my husband.For years I've had benign turmors and would tell him but didn't this time till I knew what it was. I even went to the doctor alone and was told.Went home and told my husband. He said "That's not good". I was kinda expecting that.

    So 2 years later another tumor was found.Still another delay from doc office.Finally got the ball rolling. Told my husband one was found but no biopsy yet.Got my appt for my biopsy(didn't tell husband)got my friend to go with me.I drive she would be there for me.The needle biopsy was a breeze.The doctor and staff were so kind. I felt nothing.I was a bit nervous because of delays and stressed but was given royal treament.This group was there for me when I needed them. The concern they had for me was awesome.

    Lynn Smith
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    I know how you feel
    I know how you feel.I didn't say anything to my husband for awhile. Well it was sometime before my doctor ordered a biopsy.Way to long and I was going back and forth with his office.So I didn't mention it to my husband.For years I've had benign turmors and would tell him but didn't this time till I knew what it was. I even went to the doctor alone and was told.Went home and told my husband. He said "That's not good". I was kinda expecting that.

    So 2 years later another tumor was found.Still another delay from doc office.Finally got the ball rolling. Told my husband one was found but no biopsy yet.Got my appt for my biopsy(didn't tell husband)got my friend to go with me.I drive she would be there for me.The needle biopsy was a breeze.The doctor and staff were so kind. I felt nothing.I was a bit nervous because of delays and stressed but was given royal treament.This group was there for me when I needed them. The concern they had for me was awesome.

    Lynn Smith

    I'm hoping and praying that
    I'm hoping and praying that you will get good results before the weekend!
  • Antiques55
    Antiques55 Member Posts: 7
    My results were BENIGN
    I am so glad to have gotten the results before the weekend and eternally grateful for all of your support. I will be thinking of you all often. Hugs~

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    My results were BENIGN
    I am so glad to have gotten the results before the weekend and eternally grateful for all of your support. I will be thinking of you all often. Hugs~


    OMG Lori! This is the best
    OMG Lori! This is the best news! Congrats!

    Hugs, Megan
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Megan M said:

    OMG Lori! This is the best
    OMG Lori! This is the best news! Congrats!

    Hugs, Megan

    Just read your good news. So happy for you!
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Kylez said:

    Just read your good news. So happy for you!

    I was told no one
    I was told no one needed to drive me.I did though have my friend go with me.Now that was a case.She just got out of the hospital.Was still having some problems.She got dizzy going into the hospital so they got her a wheelchair.She sat in the waiting room for me.It took about a 1/2 hour for the biopsy.No problems at all.They guided me and told me what they were doing.I felt nothing but when it came time for them to put the titanium chip in they said I would hear something.I did.Still though when they took the 4 biopsies on this itty bitty tumor it was nothing.

    Oh and my friend walked out and left the wheelchair at the Breast Center.As we got down to the lobby they asked if we wanted to be driven to the car. No I said then thought"Yes this is like the blind leading the blind".She just got out of the hospital and I just had a biopsy.We both laughed.

    Next day was very little pain.I don't take pain meds and I wasnt offered any.I believe you can put a compress on it to ease discomfort if you have any.This though was not much at all.

    Wishing you good results and yes it takes 2 days for the results.Although when my cancer tumor was found I was called to see the doctor the next day.

    Lynn Smith
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    I was told no one
    I was told no one needed to drive me.I did though have my friend go with me.Now that was a case.She just got out of the hospital.Was still having some problems.She got dizzy going into the hospital so they got her a wheelchair.She sat in the waiting room for me.It took about a 1/2 hour for the biopsy.No problems at all.They guided me and told me what they were doing.I felt nothing but when it came time for them to put the titanium chip in they said I would hear something.I did.Still though when they took the 4 biopsies on this itty bitty tumor it was nothing.

    Oh and my friend walked out and left the wheelchair at the Breast Center.As we got down to the lobby they asked if we wanted to be driven to the car. No I said then thought"Yes this is like the blind leading the blind".She just got out of the hospital and I just had a biopsy.We both laughed.

    Next day was very little pain.I don't take pain meds and I wasnt offered any.I believe you can put a compress on it to ease discomfort if you have any.This though was not much at all.

    Wishing you good results and yes it takes 2 days for the results.Although when my cancer tumor was found I was called to see the doctor the next day.

    Lynn Smith

    I read all about the last few posts
    I read all but the last few posts one being it was benign.Very good news.

    Are they going to leave it or take it out????

    Lynn Smith