Mammo...does it ever get easier??

mckevnic Member Posts: 71
Hi ladies,

As I sit here now, I can hardly type for my hands are shaking like crazy. I am scheduled for my 6 month diagnostic mammogram. I am sooooo nervous! I was diagnosed in 3/10 and had lumpectomy, chemo, radiation, ovaries removed, and I take Aromasin daily. I have the BRCA gene. I should be OK, but the thought of hearing those words again really scares me. I try to think positive but it is very hard, especially this morning. My appt is at 9:00. Help! Does it ever get easier? Would love to hear how others deal with this routine mammo.
Thanks for your support!


  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Not sure if it ever gets easy
    Not sure if it ever gets easy.I was dx in 2009.I had a benign tumor during my 2 year check up. I was told mammos every year but this new tumor was found.I thought I would be getting mammos every 6 months with this new benign tumor.No surgery so I feel I need to be monitored.I was told in January from my NEW doctor and the breast center see you in a year.I felt more comfortable with 6 month mammos but now a year????

    Just last night I thought I better get on it and do my self exams.Been 2 months since my mammo.Problem is for many years doctors found tumors I had(have had benign tumors since I was 20)Now 65.I also found one and my husband found one.BUT now since my dx the benign tumors that have been found have been with mammos and not me, my doctor or my husband finding any.So my self exam might not work.

    So waiting till next January.

    HOPING a good mammo for you.Please let us know the results.Thinking of you as I know the feeling and the worries.

    Lynn Smith
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Does it ever get easier?
    I don't think easier would be the right word, but as it got down to every 12 months, I think I began believing it was in God's hands and rather than thinking that it was going to find something, I worked on telling myself it was going to be okay.

    Even now, after being diagnosed with mets, with every test, scan, MRI, and doctor appointment their still is a heightened level of anxiety and as most here know with me frustration. I think it goes hand and hand with this disease.

    Wish you a clear mammogram.
  • mckevnic
    mckevnic Member Posts: 71
    camul said:

    Does it ever get easier?
    I don't think easier would be the right word, but as it got down to every 12 months, I think I began believing it was in God's hands and rather than thinking that it was going to find something, I worked on telling myself it was going to be okay.

    Even now, after being diagnosed with mets, with every test, scan, MRI, and doctor appointment their still is a heightened level of anxiety and as most here know with me frustration. I think it goes hand and hand with this disease.

    Wish you a clear mammogram.

    Thanks for your support!
    I got the ALL CLEAR! What a huge relief!! I did have quite a sense of peace when I was there, especially waiting for the results. I prayed and left it all in God's hands. Weird that I was so nervous before, but kind of relaxed when I was there.

    I also happened to have my onc visit today and he reminded me (which I'm sure he told me before, but I forgot,....dang chemo) that I will have a diagnostic mammo every March and a breast MRI every Sept until I'm 5 yrs from diagnosis. I'm being watched closely.

    Wishing you all peace and happiness,
  • bad121749
    bad121749 Member Posts: 31
    mckevnic said:

    Thanks for your support!
    I got the ALL CLEAR! What a huge relief!! I did have quite a sense of peace when I was there, especially waiting for the results. I prayed and left it all in God's hands. Weird that I was so nervous before, but kind of relaxed when I was there.

    I also happened to have my onc visit today and he reminded me (which I'm sure he told me before, but I forgot,....dang chemo) that I will have a diagnostic mammo every March and a breast MRI every Sept until I'm 5 yrs from diagnosis. I'm being watched closely.

    Wishing you all peace and happiness,

    God is Good!
    Congrats on the clear mammogram and prayers for many more to follow. I had a right radical mastectomy Nov, 8th, 2011, followed by chemo and radiation. I'm scheduled for an MRI of the left breast next Wednesday. Each day is a gift that I no longer take for granted. My cancer was not detected by mamm. or ultrasound, but by my surgical consult doing a punch biopsy. Please keep up with your self exams and keep us posted. Hugs and blessings!
  • Margeaux
    Margeaux Member Posts: 84
    Congrats to your All Clear! Wonderful! Hopefully it will get easier as one travels further down the road. Just had my 2nd mammogram since the end of treatment, this time the new 3D along with regular 2D. As I walked down the long corridor with the tech I nearly passed out, heart just about stopped, everything went black, I leaned against the wall with the tech holding me up. Strangely, I was less nervous with the first mammo 1 year ago.
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    mckevnic said:

    Thanks for your support!
    I got the ALL CLEAR! What a huge relief!! I did have quite a sense of peace when I was there, especially waiting for the results. I prayed and left it all in God's hands. Weird that I was so nervous before, but kind of relaxed when I was there.

    I also happened to have my onc visit today and he reminded me (which I'm sure he told me before, but I forgot,....dang chemo) that I will have a diagnostic mammo every March and a breast MRI every Sept until I'm 5 yrs from diagnosis. I'm being watched closely.

    Wishing you all peace and happiness,

    God is Good is right!
    Good to hear your results were good Chris! May you continue this path for many, many years to come. :)
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    mckevnic said:

    Thanks for your support!
    I got the ALL CLEAR! What a huge relief!! I did have quite a sense of peace when I was there, especially waiting for the results. I prayed and left it all in God's hands. Weird that I was so nervous before, but kind of relaxed when I was there.

    I also happened to have my onc visit today and he reminded me (which I'm sure he told me before, but I forgot,....dang chemo) that I will have a diagnostic mammo every March and a breast MRI every Sept until I'm 5 yrs from diagnosis. I'm being watched closely.

    Wishing you all peace and happiness,

    Congrats on the great
    Congrats on the great results on your mammo!
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Margeaux said:

    Congrats to your All Clear! Wonderful! Hopefully it will get easier as one travels further down the road. Just had my 2nd mammogram since the end of treatment, this time the new 3D along with regular 2D. As I walked down the long corridor with the tech I nearly passed out, heart just about stopped, everything went black, I leaned against the wall with the tech holding me up. Strangely, I was less nervous with the first mammo 1 year ago.

    Chris,Very happy your test came out good.What a relieve.Reading what your doctor wants for you to have 2 breast exams for the next years till 5 year survival.That is what alarms me with me only getting one every year now and I haven't hit my 3rd anniversary yet. Like I mentioned above,"Not sure it ever gets easy".

    Lynn Smith
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    mckevnic said:

    Thanks for your support!
    I got the ALL CLEAR! What a huge relief!! I did have quite a sense of peace when I was there, especially waiting for the results. I prayed and left it all in God's hands. Weird that I was so nervous before, but kind of relaxed when I was there.

    I also happened to have my onc visit today and he reminded me (which I'm sure he told me before, but I forgot,....dang chemo) that I will have a diagnostic mammo every March and a breast MRI every Sept until I'm 5 yrs from diagnosis. I'm being watched closely.

    Wishing you all peace and happiness,

    Am glad and relieved for your "all clear" mammo results! Great news!

    Kind regards, Susan
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member

    Chris,Very happy your test came out good.What a relieve.Reading what your doctor wants for you to have 2 breast exams for the next years till 5 year survival.That is what alarms me with me only getting one every year now and I haven't hit my 3rd anniversary yet. Like I mentioned above,"Not sure it ever gets easy".

    Lynn Smith

    great news!

    Hugs, Debi
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    Margeaux said:

    Congrats to your All Clear! Wonderful! Hopefully it will get easier as one travels further down the road. Just had my 2nd mammogram since the end of treatment, this time the new 3D along with regular 2D. As I walked down the long corridor with the tech I nearly passed out, heart just about stopped, everything went black, I leaned against the wall with the tech holding me up. Strangely, I was less nervous with the first mammo 1 year ago.

    The biggest of congrats!

    The biggest of congrats!

    ♥ Kristin ♥
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Kristin N said:

    The biggest of congrats!

    The biggest of congrats!

    ♥ Kristin ♥

    Congratulations on good results.
    I think it does get easier, but in order for that to happen, we need to remain NED. It's been almost 2 years since my diagnoses (breast and endometrial cancers). As each follow up exam is behind me (remember, I have twice as many) and each yields an "all clear", I find I'm becoming more accepting and less fearful. I don't worry about the what ifs so much anymore. I will be 65 this year and I am so not ready to go, but there is also some peace in knowing stuff does happen as we age, whether it's cancer or something else. I have been fortunate to have aged. I also think recovery from the assault our bodies and psyche have endured through treatment helps things get better.

    My heart goes out to those of you who are younger and those of you who are still battling. I recognize how fortunte I am to remain cancer free. I think that's what it takes to make it get easier . . . doesn't mean there isn't still anxiety, but I can now look back on the good time since diagnosis and treatment and believe that it will continue. It's no longer a daily fear for me and I march in for my exams, lab work, and mammograms with pretty much the same attitude that I had before cancer (not the same, but better than a year ago).

    I no longer think it won't ever happen to me. I now know it can, and I know I can deal with it if I ever have to again.

    So happy your results were good. Chalk that up to another milestone.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    so sorry -I am complete
    so sorry -I am complete opposite and the more I read I THINK I need a reality check. I don't panic or fret. I know the possiblity is always there. I try to not worry about things I CAN NOT change or control. I wish you peace!

    Maybe since I have not gone through all the most of you have..MINE caught very early, lumpectomy and radiation!

    I did have total hysterctomy last May due to tamoxifen! Next week is 4 yrs since surgery!

    I am not sure why I don't worry about each appt-but I KNOW I am odd duck out..for sure..

    I WISH YOU the taking the pink bus? can I ride along..?

  • bad121749
    bad121749 Member Posts: 31

    so sorry -I am complete
    so sorry -I am complete opposite and the more I read I THINK I need a reality check. I don't panic or fret. I know the possiblity is always there. I try to not worry about things I CAN NOT change or control. I wish you peace!

    Maybe since I have not gone through all the most of you have..MINE caught very early, lumpectomy and radiation!

    I did have total hysterctomy last May due to tamoxifen! Next week is 4 yrs since surgery!

    I am not sure why I don't worry about each appt-but I KNOW I am odd duck out..for sure..

    I WISH YOU the taking the pink bus? can I ride along..?


    Great News
    I DO LOVE to hear good news! Prayers for a lifetime of clear Mammograms!
  • lauraof4
    lauraof4 Member Posts: 24
    bad121749 said:

    Great News
    I DO LOVE to hear good news! Prayers for a lifetime of clear Mammograms!

    I am so happy for you!!
    I am so happy for you. I know how hard it is to wait for the results. I am so glad it was negative.

    Lots of prayers
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    mckevnic said:

    Thanks for your support!
    I got the ALL CLEAR! What a huge relief!! I did have quite a sense of peace when I was there, especially waiting for the results. I prayed and left it all in God's hands. Weird that I was so nervous before, but kind of relaxed when I was there.

    I also happened to have my onc visit today and he reminded me (which I'm sure he told me before, but I forgot,....dang chemo) that I will have a diagnostic mammo every March and a breast MRI every Sept until I'm 5 yrs from diagnosis. I'm being watched closely.

    Wishing you all peace and happiness,

    What awesome news Chris!
    What awesome news Chris! Congrats and hugs!