Hello My Semi-Colons

geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
I haven't been posting much, I'm sorry and I will catch up. I have been tending to my uncle on hospice care and we had his funeral on Tuesday. He had a wonderful life having come from very poor beginnings. The love of his life passed away 8 months ago. They were married 55 years. My uncle was 95 years old. He loved education and earned a Ph.D. at age 70, he also had a accounting degree, masters, law degree and he and my aunt were fortunate to travel the world visiting all of Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

George is doing fairly well. His CEA last week was down a couple more points and is now a 11.4. It has never been this low in 3 years so it looks like the monster is sleeping and we are doing out best to keep it that way. We saw the numbers and were amazed. All liver function is normal even though we know the cancer is in there and his lungs sound very good.

George is finally (after much nagging on my part) totally quitting work and is taking a disability retirement effective 4/27. I could not be happier. His employer should be the poster child for treating employees with dignity when they become ill. That is part of the reason he stayed so long, that and health insurance, but like I keep telling him, enough, I want him to quit and enjoy some retirement time. We will be on COBRA for a while but since it is a disability retirement they extend COBRA an additional six months and by that time our medicare will kick in so health insurance will no longer be the issue.

Craig - I will catch up on your recent posts.

Pete - Hang in there. Rising CEA is worrisome. George spiked in the past and we were able to bring it down. No mater what path you take to once again get things under control I know it will be the right path for you.

To everyone else please remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint, it will have its peaks and valleys, its times of joy and sorrow, so shed a few tears and continue to do the very best you can.

Love to everyone - Tina


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Hey Darlin'
    Understandably you've had your hands full...sounds like your uncle's life was a life well lived...."He had it spent - before he got the bill."

    That's the way that we all want to do it:)

    Great news about George...retirement will be good...I've been thinking about it for the future because "Our Todays - Are Different Than Most Folk's Tomorrows." I think you guys are doing it right...will be really good for you both. I'm jealous, LOL!

    I've had it going on lately, as well...

    Nice to see you!

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    tina dear, just a tear
    may your uncle rest in peace, sounds like a great life. especially nice to be loved on the way out. those last breathes have significance.

    now george low cea is great news and a good liver, well what more could a man want.

    he is lucky to have you, as i am my wife. i hope you both have some great times during retitrement. and its good to know his bosses were kind. and so they should be.

    whats sad is that some of our bosses/employers are not. but thats a different post.

    a good spouse does help.

    the marathon is a great analogy, i think will try for the ultra marathon. it might take a bit longer to finish if i don't race.

    i just loved your post.


    ps cea so what, i am a bit of a cry baby, getting the marker out of my head, doing what best for me based on my research and living well is what counts. smile, its a beautiful sunrise here over the bay
  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    enjoy life to fullest
    So happy to hear the monster is calm. Enjoy every good day to the fullest. I pray there are many of them. Jeff
  • janie1
    janie1 Member Posts: 753 Member

    enjoy life to fullest
    So happy to hear the monster is calm. Enjoy every good day to the fullest. I pray there are many of them. Jeff

    Very interesting about your
    Very interesting about your uncle. Wow, he had a full life.
    Happy to hear your husband had a great employer, and that you can now enjoy some well-deserved retirement time.
  • Buckwirth
    Buckwirth Member Posts: 1,258 Member
    Take care of George, and if you need any help with the minefield that is retirement PM me. There are hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line, and it is not as simple a process as one would like. There can also be a couple of Easter eggs (big checks)...

  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    Buckwirth said:

    Take care of George, and if you need any help with the minefield that is retirement PM me. There are hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line, and it is not as simple a process as one would like. There can also be a couple of Easter eggs (big checks)...


    Hey Tina....
    Thanks for catching us up. You certainly have been busy. I am so happy to hear George is doing so well. yay on that CEA! Take care and give the ole man a hug from me....love ya

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Thank you, dearheart, for the update!
    I'm sorry for your loss of your uncle, but your tribute said it all...he did have a wonderful life!!!

    GREAT news with George!!!

    I, too, like the marathon analogy....it says it all!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hey, Tina.

    I'm so sorry about your uncle, but it sounds like he used his time on earth to the fullest. Good for him!

    I'm really glad George is going to retire, and the two of you can have some quality time together. Can't wait to hear about what you do!

  • Erinb
    Erinb Member Posts: 293
    I'm glad George is doing
    I'm glad George is doing well and retirement sounds great! Enjoy your summer and the time with hime. You do have a relatively new grandchild right? I thought it was you who went to visit then ended up having a couple of complications while there. So glad to hear all is going well.

    Chris and I are expecting a baby in May...another girl. Whooo-Hooo! Chris is a wonderful father and I'm so happy CJ is going to have a sister to grow up with.