Husband is in OR as we speak

Hello everyone. Remember me! We found out my husband has Colon Caner Aug of 2011. Our lives have been a hot mess every since with other family personal issues. We have lost his dad and I lost my grandma. Just so much stress. He went through 12 rounds of chemo. Thank the lord he got through it and did not have many side affects. Hand and feet does not have much feeling. He finished that up Feb. 15.

His last scan came out great. He had mets to the liver, it was pretty clear. Enough for the surgeons to work with. I am in the waiting room as we speak and I just got the best news. They thought he would have 2 surgeries. One to get the cancer out of the colon and tie off part of the liver. The second to go back in and cut away the part of the liver that was tied off.

The doctor came out and said he only has to have one surgery and the liver is in great shape, he only took a small part. He said when the other surgeons finishes with his colon he will be NED! For now, with noway of telling if it will show up again. He has come a long way from being stage 4 and not knowing how long he would be here. But he has had such a great attitude through it all. It's amazing.

I hope he stays NED like others have been on this discussion board. I am so glad I found this board, because I found out it is possible by reading the stories of others.

Thanks for that! Will post again to give an update on his recovery.



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Great news about yout
    Great news about yout husband
  • Varmint5
    Varmint5 Member Posts: 384 Member
    That's wonderful!
    So happy for you, CP. My daughter is also stage IV at 32 with inoperable liver tumors. She completed half of her Folfox regimen and radiation and her liver tumors have shrunk substantially. She had her colon tumor removed Feb. 23 and is getting ready to move on with more treatment. Stories such as yours give me such hope. I am so happy for you and your husband and hope that things continue to go well for you! I'm like you - this board has been a Godsend. Everything seemed so hopeless in the beginning but members here have proven to us there is hope - and your husband is proving it again! Best wishes for a speedy and uncomplicated recovery and continued good health.

  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    Varmint5 said:

    That's wonderful!
    So happy for you, CP. My daughter is also stage IV at 32 with inoperable liver tumors. She completed half of her Folfox regimen and radiation and her liver tumors have shrunk substantially. She had her colon tumor removed Feb. 23 and is getting ready to move on with more treatment. Stories such as yours give me such hope. I am so happy for you and your husband and hope that things continue to go well for you! I'm like you - this board has been a Godsend. Everything seemed so hopeless in the beginning but members here have proven to us there is hope - and your husband is proving it again! Best wishes for a speedy and uncomplicated recovery and continued good health.


    Wonderful news, makes me so
    Wonderful news, makes me so happy!!!
  • relaxoutdoors08
    relaxoutdoors08 Member Posts: 521 Member
    Thank you for Posting the Good News
    We are so happy for your husband and your family. Prayers for his continued healing and NED Status. Thank you for posting and sharing hope for others.
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Wonderful news indeed!!! So glad to hear the update, thank you for telling us, it's always great to hear good news!!
    May his recovery time be short and not too painful, am so glad for you both!!
    Winter Marie
  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear CP
    Wonderful news about your hubby! May his recovery be easy and swift.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Marie who loves kitties
  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    This is just great for your husband and you too. It gives everyone hope. I pray for a speedy recovery. Jeff