Hey guys should I be worried Jorge's count this month is 1.3 and last month it was at 1.2 and in jan.it was 1.0 I don't want to worry but sometimes I can't help it


  • peterz54
    peterz54 Member Posts: 341
    CEA worry
    CEA worry is a recurring theme on this site..the values you mentioned are in the normal range for a person with no cancer, I think. you should expect some variaton in the results from test to test, but only your lab or doctor can tell you if the variation is meaningful or if a real trend is underway. to bad there isn't a fact sheet page here everyoone could go to.
  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    peterz54 said:

    CEA worry
    CEA worry is a recurring theme on this site..the values you mentioned are in the normal range for a person with no cancer, I think. you should expect some variaton in the results from test to test, but only your lab or doctor can tell you if the variation is meaningful or if a real trend is underway. to bad there isn't a fact sheet page here everyoone could go to.

    hi Tina,

    i have the same like Jorge. After my resection the CEA was 1.0 then it went to 1.1, then to 1.3, next one 1.4 and last month 9 months after the resection back to 1.0.
    It seems quiet accurate for me, because when the values went up I had a bladder infection and it took a little while to get back down.
  • Buckwirth
    Buckwirth Member Posts: 1,258 Member
    peterz54 said:

    CEA worry
    CEA worry is a recurring theme on this site..the values you mentioned are in the normal range for a person with no cancer, I think. you should expect some variaton in the results from test to test, but only your lab or doctor can tell you if the variation is meaningful or if a real trend is underway. to bad there isn't a fact sheet page here everyoone could go to.

    CEA Fact Sheet

    <2 :-)

    >2<5 no worries

    >5<10 what, me worry?

    >10<20 doc, I have this slight tightness in me chest, do you think it is stress related?


    That should help.


  • tina dasilva
    tina dasilva Member Posts: 641
    thingy45 said:

    hi Tina,

    i have the same like Jorge. After my resection the CEA was 1.0 then it went to 1.1, then to 1.3, next one 1.4 and last month 9 months after the resection back to 1.0.
    It seems quiet accurate for me, because when the values went up I had a bladder infection and it took a little while to get back down.

    Thingy did you do chemo after your liver surgery ??
  • tina dasilva
    tina dasilva Member Posts: 641
    Buckwirth said:

    CEA Fact Sheet

    <2 :-)

    >2<5 no worries

    >5<10 what, me worry?

    >10<20 doc, I have this slight tightness in me chest, do you think it is stress related?


    That should help.



    Blake thanks so much for putting a simile on my face
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    I think CEA stands for Can't Easily Answer.
    It depends Tina. How accurate has Jorge's CEA followed his cancer? Have small changes meant anything in the past?
    One member's wife has CEA numbers that ranged from 1800 down to 300, then up to 500 (I think).
    It's just different for many people.

    There's a natural change in CEA numbers at times so maybe it's that. I think the best thing to do is to see how the CEA has been with Jorge and if it changed, and by how much, with his disease.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    peterz54 said:

    CEA worry
    CEA worry is a recurring theme on this site..the values you mentioned are in the normal range for a person with no cancer, I think. you should expect some variaton in the results from test to test, but only your lab or doctor can tell you if the variation is meaningful or if a real trend is underway. to bad there isn't a fact sheet page here everyoone could go to.

    CEA Worry
    I believe this is why my Onc prefers her patients don't dwell on the CEA numbers. They vary greatly from person to person and causes worry when it may not be warranted. Sometimes I'm sure the worry IS warranted but since numbers vary so much (1.9 - 1800 for example) I think it would be next to impossible to have a single fact sheet that patients could refer to on CEA.
    There's such a wide range. If they WERE able to have a fact sheet for CEA I doubt I wouldn't rely on it...
    I know how my CEA works in my situation.

    This topic comes up so often doesn't it? It's a weekly discussion with no definitive answer.
    Sort of like "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin"
    {it depends on the dance...}
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Mine went clear up to 4.0 and had my onc and me all worried, then it dropped down to 3.1 (I think this was the last number)for the past two CEA draws and all is still good. Under the 5.0 which is good for me. I really wouldn't worry unless it went up several points in a month.
    Take care, glad he is doing so well!!!!
    Winter Marie
  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    cea not to high
    Thank goodness your dea is low that is a real blessing. Praying all stays good.
  • cynthiapi40
    cynthiapi40 Member Posts: 36
    Buckwirth said:

    CEA Fact Sheet

    <2 :-)

    >2<5 no worries

    >5<10 what, me worry?

    >10<20 doc, I have this slight tightness in me chest, do you think it is stress related?


    That should help.



    You are funny!

    You are funny!