mucoepidermoid of the mandible

Patrick89 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2012 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Mandible. I was diagnosed with mucoepidermoid carcinoma in 2000. I had a malignant tumor in my right mandible. Most of my right mandible was rescected because of the wide margins required. My mandible was reconstructed using my fibula. I'd be happy to talk to anyone facing this type of surgery.


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    it's good to have you here
    Patrick. Although this board is pretty full of patricks right now:) You are getting to be a few years post radical surgery now. How are things going for you, and what kind of follow-up do they do, this far out from your primary?

    Best to you.

  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    maybe in your same boat
    Next week I have a debridement procedure on my left mandible. If that doesn't stop the ORN, I'm looking at a resecting. Let's stay in touch.
  • mommacita
    mommacita Member Posts: 1
    It sounds like I had the
    It sounds like I had the same surgery as you! Did you have a skin flap put inside your mouth to replace the gum? How are you doing with the leg recovery? I have alot of problems with that. I would like to hear how you are
  • George_Baltimore
    George_Baltimore Member Posts: 303
    mommacita said:

    It sounds like I had the
    It sounds like I had the same surgery as you! Did you have a skin flap put inside your mouth to replace the gum? How are you doing with the leg recovery? I have alot of problems with that. I would like to hear how you are

    Pros and Cons
    While Patrick can give you the pros, I can definitely give you the cons. I didn't have cancer in the bone. The left side of my mandible died because of the radiation in 2004 for base of tongue cancer. I wish I had never heard of mandible reconstruction. My doctors were from Johns Hopkins Hospital which is in the top 5 hospitals in the country so it is not a question of them not knowing what they were doing. It's just that things don't always turn out the way they are supposed to. To make a long story short, I am left with a face that looks like it belongs in a circus sideshow. If anyone has any specific questions, I'll be glad to answer them.
  • Debi16043
    Debi16043 Member Posts: 53

    Pros and Cons
    While Patrick can give you the pros, I can definitely give you the cons. I didn't have cancer in the bone. The left side of my mandible died because of the radiation in 2004 for base of tongue cancer. I wish I had never heard of mandible reconstruction. My doctors were from Johns Hopkins Hospital which is in the top 5 hospitals in the country so it is not a question of them not knowing what they were doing. It's just that things don't always turn out the way they are supposed to. To make a long story short, I am left with a face that looks like it belongs in a circus sideshow. If anyone has any specific questions, I'll be glad to answer them.

    What is your status today?

    What is your status today?  Have you had more surgeries?


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Debi16043 said:

    What is your status today?

    What is your status today?  Have you had more surgeries?




    Depending on who you wanted to know about, George hasn’t been on for almost a year and Patrick not for just about 2 ½ years.  You can always click on their names to see when they were last on line and whether they are an active participant.

    I did not want you wondering why no response.

    By the way, I am doing nicely.
