Mom update - Not good

Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
Mom has slipped into a semi comatose state. We had a crisis around 2 a.m. but things have settled for now. She still has 24/7 nurses from Hospice. I want her to wake up if even for just 5 minutes. Her breathing is so raspy. Suctioning helps, but they need to know how to properly do it.

Thankfully, the dreaded PICC line was removed today. I want her to wake up to know that and to know that one of her loved orchids has bloomed. Every day she'd walk to the orchids to see how they were doing. Only one flowered this time.


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Prayers coming your way!!

    We will be praying for your Mom.

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina
  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    Hang in there Ginny
    Well Ginny - as hard it is may be, maybe mom's struggling will soon be over. This certainly is not the life she would want and I know you don't want it for her either. You never know, things can turn around, and if they can turn for the better I hope it happens. You have been such a great caregiver to your mom - this has to be so very difficult for you but you have done an exceptional job and have added such a quality of life for your mom, she must be so proud of you.

    Hang in there, and give this one to God to handle. You are an awesome lady.

  • Heeran
    Heeran Member Posts: 171
    you're in my prayers
    I will pray that she wakes up to see her beautiful orchid and loving child. I can't imagine what you're going through. Hang in there.
  • MissusB
    MissusB Member Posts: 111
    Heeran said:

    you're in my prayers
    I will pray that she wakes up to see her beautiful orchid and loving child. I can't imagine what you're going through. Hang in there.

    Thinking of you, Ginny!
    One day at a time...sending prayers and ((hugs)).
  • birdiequeen
    birdiequeen Member Posts: 319
    I will pray you get


    I will pray you get those 5 minutes you want and more.

    Lee Ann
  • sangora
    sangora Member Posts: 213

    I will pray you get


    I will pray you get those 5 minutes you want and more.

    Lee Ann

    Your Mom Is An Inspiration To Us All
    Ginny I am remembering several times in your post, you felt that the things being offered were too tough for her to do at her age and she wanted to go for it anyway. I have never spoken to or met her, but I can tell you your mother has made an impression on me. No matter how old we get, fighters never give in and I count myself one of those. The things you have done to make her life comfortable also tells me she raised a wonderfully caring daughter. In this sad time, know that she has lived a good life, contributed a great deal and now its time for her to rest. Rmembering you and her in my prayers, Sam Stage IV.
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    sangora said:

    Your Mom Is An Inspiration To Us All
    Ginny I am remembering several times in your post, you felt that the things being offered were too tough for her to do at her age and she wanted to go for it anyway. I have never spoken to or met her, but I can tell you your mother has made an impression on me. No matter how old we get, fighters never give in and I count myself one of those. The things you have done to make her life comfortable also tells me she raised a wonderfully caring daughter. In this sad time, know that she has lived a good life, contributed a great deal and now its time for her to rest. Rmembering you and her in my prayers, Sam Stage IV.

    Sam, thanks for those
    Sam, thanks for those wonderful words about my mom. Yes, she is a strong person. Hurst like hell to see her like this. I really wanted her to get better and go back to her house and continue on for 20+ more years.

    I want you to take good good care of yourself, Sam. Never despair. Fight fight fight!