Off Topic but need good thoughts

fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
I haven't been posting much lately. Have had some personal issues to deal with. My cobra is done and I have no health coverage. I will be 65 in a year so am hoping that I can hang tough until medicare begins. I have used all the past suggestions that you all have posted before but so far I am batting zero. I have faith though that I will get through the year and all will be okay.
Den, thank goodness, has his medicare and his Senior advantage because while going down the stairs with me to get his labs done he slipped on the last step and fell on his left hip. His hip is broken and he had surgery this evening and had a partial hip replacement. Surgery went well and we will be taking one day at a time. This comes on top of his being in the hospital Christmas eve with gastroparesis (side effect of his diabetes). I was so hoping that 2012 would be better but it is not starting out too great. Well, then it has to go uphill right. One good thing is that we moved in with our daugher and son in law. That reminds me I have to update my address with RE as I think the one she has is our old one on Central Ave.
Please keep my darling Den is your good thoughts and send positive energy.
And to all my dear sisters and brothers, good wishes, strong prayers and positive energy.



  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Will be keeping you in my thoughts and my prayers that the remaining 2012 is only eventful in a positive way and that you manage to skirt by with little to no need for medical until you are able to obtain it. I did get your new address, thank you so much! :-) I can only imagine how nice it is to have the grand ones around as mine used to live with us as well.

    Big Hugs to you my friend, pop in more often as you are missed!!

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Hugs, Stef. Sending positive
    Hugs, Stef. Sending positive thoughts. Have you checked with the state for health insurance? Texas has a high risk pool. Rather expensive tho. Indiana has a health pool where premiums are based on income. At least I heard this, I have no experience with it. May you find what you seek. Big hugs.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Stef, I have no brilliant
    Stef, I have no brilliant advice and I am so sorry to hear of all of your troubles. Please know that I am keeping you in my prayers and hoping for an uneventful year. (((Hugs)))
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    You got my good thoughts dear Stef
    Sure sounds like a lot to handle. I will keep you and Den
    in my thoughts and stubbornly believe that 2012 will and
    can turn around for you. Please keep us posted and come often
    and let us help your through your hard times. Because you
    know this is what we are here for.

    Big hug Stef,
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    aysemari said:

    You got my good thoughts dear Stef
    Sure sounds like a lot to handle. I will keep you and Den
    in my thoughts and stubbornly believe that 2012 will and
    can turn around for you. Please keep us posted and come often
    and let us help your through your hard times. Because you
    know this is what we are here for.

    Big hug Stef,

    keeping you in my prayers,
    keeping you in my prayers, you have been such a love to us all, and I hope you feel it form us!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Are you a Veteran?
    Don't know if I've mentioned this before or not but in case I haven't I will.

    Are you a Veteran? If you are, get in touch with your local VA facility. If your Hubby is considered a 100% Disabled Veteran, you are probably eligible for med. care through him.

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Rague said:

    Are you a Veteran?
    Don't know if I've mentioned this before or not but in case I haven't I will.

    Are you a Veteran? If you are, get in touch with your local VA facility. If your Hubby is considered a 100% Disabled Veteran, you are probably eligible for med. care through him.


    thank you for all the kind
    thank you for all the kind words and support. I wish I was a veteran, Susan, as I know they have get care available. Guess I am too old to enlist now. LOL I am a very positive person and I know that things will work out. Den is doing well and I am off to go back to the hospital right now. Again, thank you for the support, prayers and love. It gives my heart energy to read them.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    fauxma said:

    thank you for all the kind
    thank you for all the kind words and support. I wish I was a veteran, Susan, as I know they have get care available. Guess I am too old to enlist now. LOL I am a very positive person and I know that things will work out. Den is doing well and I am off to go back to the hospital right now. Again, thank you for the support, prayers and love. It gives my heart energy to read them.

    Stef thanks for posting
    I have been wondering about you. I am very sorry that you have been through hardship and challenges. I hope Den and you will see improvement very soon.
    Sending Positive thoughts and hugs
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Praying that
    time will pass without further events that require a doctors care.
  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    If your husband qualifies he
    If your husband qualifies he may even get a pension from the VA. My Dad served for 3-4 and he was getting $400. It takes a lot of work to get in and a lot of waiting, as it is the gov. Any way check with your local VA office. They are very helpful and don't give up.

    My prayers are with you both,
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    gagee said:

    If your husband qualifies he
    If your husband qualifies he may even get a pension from the VA. My Dad served for 3-4 and he was getting $400. It takes a lot of work to get in and a lot of waiting, as it is the gov. Any way check with your local VA office. They are very helpful and don't give up.

    My prayers are with you both,

    Stef .. My dear Sister in PINK ..
    I am so sorry for the difficulties you've suffer thus far in 2012. Poor, Den - his fall,
    broken hip == and gastroparesis triggered by diabetes- prayers and gentle hugs coming his way.

    I am sure you are worried and stressed out by all this, factor in the loss of cobra
    insurance (been there as well) -- so I am praying that you get approval for
    medicare -- and soon!

    Thank you for the update -- my prayers are with the two you!

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    gagee said:

    If your husband qualifies he
    If your husband qualifies he may even get a pension from the VA. My Dad served for 3-4 and he was getting $400. It takes a lot of work to get in and a lot of waiting, as it is the gov. Any way check with your local VA office. They are very helpful and don't give up.

    My prayers are with you both,

    GaGee (Diana)
    Neither Den or

    GaGee (Diana)
    Neither Den or I are veterans. Rague was just telling me that if I was a veteran I could get health coverage. But thank you for the advise. You never know what will be the solution unless you know all the potential possibilities.
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    fauxma said:

    GaGee (Diana)
    Neither Den or

    GaGee (Diana)
    Neither Den or I are veterans. Rague was just telling me that if I was a veteran I could get health coverage. But thank you for the advise. You never know what will be the solution unless you know all the potential possibilities.

    Here's to a better rest of 2012
    Hi Stef-
    Thanks for posting. Sorry you've had such a difficult start to this year. You and Den have been through so much.

    Please keep a close watch on your health and don't ignore anything that concerns you.

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Oh, Stef!
    I'm so sorry for all that's going on. You and Den are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I hope all goes well for you this year. I will keep you and Den in my thoughts and send positive energy to get you both through.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    gagee said:

    If your husband qualifies he
    If your husband qualifies he may even get a pension from the VA. My Dad served for 3-4 and he was getting $400. It takes a lot of work to get in and a lot of waiting, as it is the gov. Any way check with your local VA office. They are very helpful and don't give up.

    My prayers are with you both,

    Getting Service Connected
    Getting Service Connected Disability ('Pension') does take time and a lot of paperwork. It was close to a year after Hubby retired from the Navy to get his VA Disability (which is taken out of his Retired pay but is non-taxable). The things that are listed as his Service Connected Disabilities he pays nothing for care of those things - other things he pays a co-pay for (as do I for my care). If the Veteran is 100% Service Connected Disabled then spouse will probably be also covered. (I had always used Navy and Champus for my care until he retired.) As I am a Veteran in my own right, I started using VA then. All it took me was taking my DD214 in and about 2 weeks for them to verify it BUT I was not asking for any Service Connected - just my health care. I have had fantastic care through VA both with what they have outsource and done themselves.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Dear Stef...
    Am HOPING your beloved Den is doing better, each day, day by day. You, dear friend, are always held close within my thoughts and heart.

    Kindest regards, Susan
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member


    So sorry
    you are having such a tough time. Praying the rest of 2012 is much better!

    Hugs and prayers, Debi
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    debi.18 said:

    So sorry
    you are having such a tough time. Praying the rest of 2012 is much better!

    Hugs and prayers, Debi

    Good Update on Den
    Den walked 20 feet with a walker yesterday and again today. He is in less pain and sitting up in a wheelchair. His spirits are good and he is working hard at PT. We will take it a day at a time. When he does come home, he will probably have home health PT coming to the house. The hardest thing for him is that he was making good progress from his stroke in July and had just started taking showers without my assistance and getting his strength back. His left hip is the one he broke and that is the side that was affected by the stroke. There are watching a couple of things with him. One his heart rate goes way up when he is exerting himself at all and his left hand has become quite swollen. It wasn't swollen or sore before this so I don't think it is from the fall. The continued prayers and good thoughts are really appreciated and I will upade as he makes progress and hope that it won't be too long before I post that he is coming home. We don't want to rush it but we can't wait until it happens.