I just found out I have Ducatal breast cancer today.

lauraof4 Member Posts: 24
Hi I just found out I do have breast cancer. I thought it was Inflammatory. I had two biospy and 1st one was negative.
It started out as a rash and swelling. I am 49 and no one on both sides ever had cancer. I am worried and I will find out more when i go
to the doctors on friday. Do you know how they find out what stage of cancer your in or if it spread. I am freaking out.


  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Hi Laura. I am sorry that
    Hi Laura. I am sorry that you have bc, but, you've come to a great supportive site of pink sisters. Unfortunately, the statistics show that it doesn't matter anymore if you have a family history of bc or not, it can strike anyone, history or not of bc. Your oncologist will tell you your stage and grade after your surgery. It will be in the pathology report. They can't tell otherwise for sure.

    Good luck on Friday and keep us updated.

    Hugs, Jan
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Hi Laura. I am sorry that
    Hi Laura. I am sorry that you have bc, but, you've come to a great supportive site of pink sisters. Unfortunately, the statistics show that it doesn't matter anymore if you have a family history of bc or not, it can strike anyone, history or not of bc. Your oncologist will tell you your stage and grade after your surgery. It will be in the pathology report. They can't tell otherwise for sure.

    Good luck on Friday and keep us updated.

    Hugs, Jan

    Hi Laura,
    Jan is right, they

    Hi Laura,
    Jan is right, they need the path report before they can tell you what you need to know. It will also determine the care you need, chemo and radiation. Some of us needed both and some needed radiation alone.
    This site is wonderful and a wealth of knowledge. I welcome you as well, even none of us really wanted to join :)

    I know how scary it is but once you know your plan of action, you can start to concentrate on getting tough and fighting like a girl.
    I am almost a 3 year survivor of Stage 3 Invasive Ductal with 8 positive lymph nodes. I had chemo and rads and am doing fine now.
    God bless and please keep us posted.
  • Cinkal
    Cinkal Member Posts: 161
    So sorry for you news. You
    So sorry for you news. You are not alone on this site. It is a wonderful place full of support and helpful information. The diagnosis and waiting for test results and a plan of action was one of the worst parts for me. The waiting game can be agonizing, but hang in there. I also had no breast cancer in my family and was 39 when diagnosed. It really shocked me.
    like the other ladies mentioned, you will know your stage and type of cancer after the surgery.
    Good luck and positive thoughts coming your way,
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I was told my stage after testing but before treatment
    I went through all the testing and my surgeon told me what stage I was (stage 3a) before the treatment. I had 4 cycles of chemo (A/C) first because of the size of tumor. Then I had surgery and the surgeon changed my stage (stage 2) because the chemo shrunk the tumor. But he wanted me to have another 4 cycles of chemo (Taxol) and then radiation. I did not have rash or swelling so mine is different than yours. I had ductal carcinoma also.
  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    Laura, breath and try to
    Laura, breath and try to relax. I remember this horrible time a year ago when I was told the news and how my mind and heart just raced like crazy. You are lucky you found this group from the beginning. I didn't until weeks of worry after.One of the most important things is to have doctors that you trust. The second is some-one to talk to to share your feelings. We are here for you. W/o this board and these wonderful people, I would have gone crazy. I found out about the stage when I found out I had cancer. Whether it spread or not was done during a re-incision of the lumpectomy and a partial mastectomy. Then came the treatment. Hopefully yours won't be too invasive. Fingers crossed and hugs and prayers coming your way. Let us know when you find out what your results are.

  • lauraof4
    lauraof4 Member Posts: 24
    Marcia527 said:

    I was told my stage after testing but before treatment
    I went through all the testing and my surgeon told me what stage I was (stage 3a) before the treatment. I had 4 cycles of chemo (A/C) first because of the size of tumor. Then I had surgery and the surgeon changed my stage (stage 2) because the chemo shrunk the tumor. But he wanted me to have another 4 cycles of chemo (Taxol) and then radiation. I did not have rash or swelling so mine is different than yours. I had ductal carcinoma also.

    Just found out I have breast cancer
    Hi thank you for giving the information. I am in shock because my first one came up negaitive. I know that I will have to wait until Friday and see what the doctors say. Its its the waiting thats killing me.
    Yesterday was not a good day. I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
    I know every one here are also going through a hard times.Its nice to know that you can talk to people who are going through the same thing.
    Thank you for the information.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    DCIS? I had that-no one in
    DCIS? I had that-no one in family either side has BC-(NOR ulcertive colitis that i have had for 20 yrs)

    I was about 48 when I found out! sugery and radiation but now almost 4 yrs later and chatting on this board...

    I'll be thinking of you on Friday...

  • lori1961
    lori1961 Member Posts: 56
    Hi Laura, so sorry to hear
    Hi Laura, so sorry to hear about you're news, You will find out what stage you have at you're appointment, I had Bilateral DCIS, 1 lymph node positive. Had one round of chemo initialy and then they found the cancer in the other breast, no family history of it either, also 2 melanoma's. Eventually had 6 rounds of chemo after the first and then 32 cycles of Radiation. My oncologist is wonder as well as the Radiation Oncologist and Sugeons. I was very fortunate to have such wonderful docs. APril 12 will be a year for me since chemo. Good luck.
  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    Laura and Joyanne, just want
    Laura and Joyanne, just want you both to know that I will be praying for you. Keep posting to keep us updated.

    Hugs, Megan
  • jgpaulson
    jgpaulson Member Posts: 32
    Finding information
    Hello Laura:

    My advice is to ask your doctor for a copy of the pathology report as soon as it comes in.
    You have a right to have a copy.

    Then after you get the report go to google and type in whatever questions you have after
    reading the report.

    The more you are informed, the better decisions you can make.

    Best of luck. I really feel for you. I have been there. I m putting my arms aroubnd yoy
    to give you a big hug. I promise you - you will get through all this. You are stronger than you ever imagined.

  • jgpaulson
    jgpaulson Member Posts: 32
    Finding information
    Hello Laura:

    My advice is to ask your doctor for a copy of the pathology report as soon as it comes in.
    You have a right to have a copy.

    Then after you get the report go to google and type in whatever questions you have after
    reading the report.

    The more you are informed, the better decisions you can make.

    Best of luck. I really feel for you. I have been there. I m putting my arms aroubnd yoy
    to give you a big hug. I promise you - you will get through all this. You are stronger than you ever imagined.

  • jgpaulson
    jgpaulson Member Posts: 32
    Finding information
    Hello Laura:

    My advice is to ask your doctor for a copy of the pathology report as soon as it comes in.
    You have a right to have a copy.

    Then after you get the report go to google and type in whatever questions you have after
    reading the report.

    The more you are informed, the better decisions you can make.

    Best of luck. I really feel for you. I have been there. I m putting my arms aroubnd yoy
    to give you a big hug. I promise you - you will get through all this. You are stronger than you ever imagined.

  • jgpaulson
    jgpaulson Member Posts: 32
    Finding information
    Hello Laura:

    My advice is to ask your doctor for a copy of the pathology report as soon as it comes in.
    You have a right to have a copy.

    Then after you get the report go to google and type in whatever questions you have after
    reading the report.

    The more you are informed, the better decisions you can make.

    Best of luck. I really feel for you. I have been there. I m putting my arms aroubnd yoy
    to give you a big hug. I promise you - you will get through all this. You are stronger than you ever imagined.

  • jgpaulson
    jgpaulson Member Posts: 32
    Finding information
    Hello Laura:

    My advice is to ask your doctor for a copy of the pathology report as soon as it comes in.
    You have a right to have a copy.

    Then after you get the report go to google and type in whatever questions you have after
    reading the report.

    The more you are informed, the better decisions you can make.

    Best of luck. I really feel for you. I have been there. I m putting my arms aroubnd yoy
    to give you a big hug. I promise you - you will get through all this. You are stronger than you ever imagined.

  • jgpaulson
    jgpaulson Member Posts: 32
    Finding information
    Hello Laura:

    My advice is to ask your doctor for a copy of the pathology report as soon as it comes in.
    You have a right to have a copy.

    Then after you get the report go to google and type in whatever questions you have after
    reading the report.

    The more you are informed, the better decisions you can make.

    Best of luck. I really feel for you. I have been there. I m putting my arms aroubnd yoy
    to give you a big hug. I promise you - you will get through all this. You are stronger than you ever imagined.

  • jgpaulson
    jgpaulson Member Posts: 32
    Finding information
    Hello Laura:

    My advice is to ask your doctor for a copy of the pathology report as soon as it comes in.
    You have a right to have a copy.

    Then after you get the report go to google and type in whatever questions you have after
    reading the report.

    The more you are informed, the better decisions you can make.

    Best of luck. I really feel for you. I have been there. I m putting my arms aroubnd yoy
    to give you a big hug. I promise you - you will get through all this. You are stronger than you ever imagined.

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Hi Laura,
    Jan is right, they

    Hi Laura,
    Jan is right, they need the path report before they can tell you what you need to know. It will also determine the care you need, chemo and radiation. Some of us needed both and some needed radiation alone.
    This site is wonderful and a wealth of knowledge. I welcome you as well, even none of us really wanted to join :)

    I know how scary it is but once you know your plan of action, you can start to concentrate on getting tough and fighting like a girl.
    I am almost a 3 year survivor of Stage 3 Invasive Ductal with 8 positive lymph nodes. I had chemo and rads and am doing fine now.
    God bless and please keep us posted.

    They find everything out
    They find everything out after surgery and it will be in your path report, your stage, grade, er or pr + or -, what types of bc and more.

    After they find this out, your oncologist will give you your treatment plan options.

    Wishing you good luck,

  • sdukowitz
    sdukowitz Member Posts: 250
    Try and relax though

    Try and relax though it will be hard.. I had DCIS and it didnt turn out that bad for me in the long run definitely start a list of quuestionfor your drs I had a small tumor and then lumpectomy No symptoms or lumps but I had radiation but not chemo This will be individual for each person Go for walks look for info etc pink sisters are here for you!
    .... Sue D
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    just checking back in to see
    just checking back in to see how things are going>
