BUN question

Hi everyone.....

Today Carls BUN spiked to 44 he isn't getting all the iv fluids he was before and they aren't giving him anything for swelling like before when this happened and it is higher than ever before. I noticed today they ran 3 extra tests than normal concerning the area. His urine is testing positive for bilirubin. They quit giving him albumin transfusions and it is dropping again. His Bilirubin is up to 42, Hemoglobin down to 7.2, Hematocrit down to 22.6, RBC down to 2.37. AST up to 186 from 123 2 days ago, BUN from 26 2 days ago to 44 today, Alanine 141 2 days ago to 177 today.

CREATININE, RANDOM URINE test says his is 82 (what is this for anyone know) doesn't give me standards for this one.

SODIUM, RANDOM URINE <10 whatever this one means again no idea


He was suppose to maybe get to come back to Montana in the next couple days but wondering what todays tests will do to that. Is his BUN spiking like that a cause for concern? I know it has to do with the kidneys and how they are functioning. Definitely learning more than I ever cared to have known in the medical field....



  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    Oh Renee, I don't have a
    Oh Renee, I don't have a clue what any of these mean....just want you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for a good outcome. Stay strong.
  • toyfox
    toyfox Member Posts: 158 Member
    Bun question
    There is nothing I can tell you. Just letting you know
    my husband and I are praying and thinking about you.
  • Carl_Renee
    Carl_Renee Member Posts: 84
    toyfox said:

    Bun question
    There is nothing I can tell you. Just letting you know
    my husband and I are praying and thinking about you.

    appreciate it
    thanks I know not everyone is going to have answers. I am just so frustrated!! What sounded so simple yes serious surgery but was made to sound like many of the maybes rarely if ever happened. Now things are going on they have no answers for at all and are not understanding as they are not the norm. They did take the drain tube out and his staples yesterday :) He had a down day today. Curious about tomorrow results and hopefully maybe these past couple days spike will have been a fluke and it will level out a bit.

  • Minnesotagirl
    Minnesotagirl Member Posts: 141

    appreciate it
    thanks I know not everyone is going to have answers. I am just so frustrated!! What sounded so simple yes serious surgery but was made to sound like many of the maybes rarely if ever happened. Now things are going on they have no answers for at all and are not understanding as they are not the norm. They did take the drain tube out and his staples yesterday :) He had a down day today. Curious about tomorrow results and hopefully maybe these past couple days spike will have been a fluke and it will level out a bit.


    I would be frustrated too

    I am not going to be of any help to you either. I hope tomorrow brings you some answers to your questions above. I just want to let you know that I pray for your husband, you and your family daily. I can only imagine how frustrating and scarey this cancer journey has been for all of you.

    "Life can be tiring and frustating at times!
    Come to me when you are worn down~
    stressed out with circumstances and
    burdens that are weighing you down.
    I will give you rest!" ~Your God of Peace and Rest~

    Blessings, prayers and hope from Minnesota

  • sdp
    sdp Member Posts: 181
    Urine creatinine normal range
    Urine creatinine range is 39 to 259 mg/dl

    This will depend on the testing lab but will be few points here and there.

    Sodium<10 is ver very low. Since u have not mentioned the units of measure it is difficult to say.

    U can just google to get the normal range.
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    sdp said:

    Urine creatinine normal range
    Urine creatinine range is 39 to 259 mg/dl

    This will depend on the testing lab but will be few points here and there.

    Sodium<10 is ver very low. Since u have not mentioned the units of measure it is difficult to say.

    U can just google to get the normal range.</p>

    Praying for you and Carl.
    Hope better results tomorrow.

  • Carl_Renee
    Carl_Renee Member Posts: 84
    sdp said:

    Urine creatinine normal range
    Urine creatinine range is 39 to 259 mg/dl

    This will depend on the testing lab but will be few points here and there.

    Sodium<10 is ver very low. Since u have not mentioned the units of measure it is difficult to say.

    U can just google to get the normal range.</p>

    BUN up again :(
    I am not sure on the units measured I did a copy paste straight from test results and it didn't specify.

    Sadly BUN is up to 56 on todays tests and the ones in the 170's or so yesterday were 210s today :( I would have to open it up again to look specifics. He is wanting the feeding tube out now sounds like he said he isn't feeling any better with it in and his labs aren't improving as a result so he thinks it is a waste of time and a total annoyance.

    Today we spent the day trying to find a facility with openings with his insurance here in MT. Have 3 more we are waiting to hear back from and it may come down to home with hospice if we can't find any openings. The dr. did say he didn't think a 10hr car ride home was in his best interest sounds like they will be flighting him home. They have said there is nothing more they can do for him other than send him back, wait and hope his liver kicks in. Thus far it doesn't appear it is according to them. This is already such a hard week for me as it stands. Friday is 9 yrs since my father passed away something time just hasn't healed quiet yet. Gets a little easier to deal with every year but the anniversary day itself is something I continue to struggle with.

    Anyhow will update as I have more. Still praying as tomorrow is another day...another clean slate and who knows what it shall bring :) Maybe just maybe a ray of hope.

  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member

    BUN up again :(
    I am not sure on the units measured I did a copy paste straight from test results and it didn't specify.

    Sadly BUN is up to 56 on todays tests and the ones in the 170's or so yesterday were 210s today :( I would have to open it up again to look specifics. He is wanting the feeding tube out now sounds like he said he isn't feeling any better with it in and his labs aren't improving as a result so he thinks it is a waste of time and a total annoyance.

    Today we spent the day trying to find a facility with openings with his insurance here in MT. Have 3 more we are waiting to hear back from and it may come down to home with hospice if we can't find any openings. The dr. did say he didn't think a 10hr car ride home was in his best interest sounds like they will be flighting him home. They have said there is nothing more they can do for him other than send him back, wait and hope his liver kicks in. Thus far it doesn't appear it is according to them. This is already such a hard week for me as it stands. Friday is 9 yrs since my father passed away something time just hasn't healed quiet yet. Gets a little easier to deal with every year but the anniversary day itself is something I continue to struggle with.

    Anyhow will update as I have more. Still praying as tomorrow is another day...another clean slate and who knows what it shall bring :) Maybe just maybe a ray of hope.


    Hope is all we have Renee.
    Everyday again. New day new dawning.
    I know how you feel. I struggle every anniversary day of the passing of my only brother How dare he die so young. Pancreatic cancer did that.

    All what we have is hope.
    Hope that the liver kicks in
    Hope that they find a hospice close to home
    Hope that he is feeling better soon.
    Hope for you not to be so tired
    The list is endless.
    I wish you hope, and I send you love and prayers,
  • Carl_Renee
    Carl_Renee Member Posts: 84
    thingy45 said:

    Hope is all we have Renee.
    Everyday again. New day new dawning.
    I know how you feel. I struggle every anniversary day of the passing of my only brother How dare he die so young. Pancreatic cancer did that.

    All what we have is hope.
    Hope that the liver kicks in
    Hope that they find a hospice close to home
    Hope that he is feeling better soon.
    Hope for you not to be so tired
    The list is endless.
    I wish you hope, and I send you love and prayers,

    Today was not that day :(
    Today I get a call that the numbers I am watching do indeed associate with his kidneys and they according to the kidney specialist are starting to fail. They have so much bilirubin they can't seem to filter like they should. So for now his coming back to MT is on hold and if the case worker gets her way and he comes home by weeks end they will be trying to get him into a local acute center here.

  • Carl_Renee
    Carl_Renee Member Posts: 84
    meanings and updates
    Got more information when talking to dr. today and wow his numbers don't look good at all for the kidney dept.

    CREATININE, RANDOM URINE test says his is 82 mg/dL typically in a male is 0.7 to 1.3 mg/dL

    SODIUM, RANDOM URINE for him <10 mmol/L, typical levels 135 to 145.

    Both of those combined with urine Color is dark, cloudy appearance, BILIRUBIN URINE-LARGE, BILIRUBIN URINE, ICTOTEST-POSITIVE indicate kidneys just aren't able to filter and do their job with the high bilirubin levels and is in kidney failure.

    Today his BUN is up to 57

    He said whatever they do right now is a serious fine line between do or don't do. They have to think about the liver in this process too of what can it or can it not handle, potential edema etc. They decided to try and do iv fluids again today, they were maybe going to do albumin again but he doesn't think it is doing them much good it is giving false information as it shows it is improving but as soon as they stop it drops again indicating the liver just isn't working as it should.

  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member

    meanings and updates
    Got more information when talking to dr. today and wow his numbers don't look good at all for the kidney dept.

    CREATININE, RANDOM URINE test says his is 82 mg/dL typically in a male is 0.7 to 1.3 mg/dL

    SODIUM, RANDOM URINE for him <10 mmol/L, typical levels 135 to 145.

    Both of those combined with urine Color is dark, cloudy appearance, BILIRUBIN URINE-LARGE, BILIRUBIN URINE, ICTOTEST-POSITIVE indicate kidneys just aren't able to filter and do their job with the high bilirubin levels and is in kidney failure.

    Today his BUN is up to 57

    He said whatever they do right now is a serious fine line between do or don't do. They have to think about the liver in this process too of what can it or can it not handle, potential edema etc. They decided to try and do iv fluids again today, they were maybe going to do albumin again but he doesn't think it is doing them much good it is giving false information as it shows it is improving but as soon as they stop it drops again indicating the liver just isn't working as it should.


    Keeping you in my thoughts
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the update.
  • lauragb
    lauragb Member Posts: 370 Member

    meanings and updates
    Got more information when talking to dr. today and wow his numbers don't look good at all for the kidney dept.

    CREATININE, RANDOM URINE test says his is 82 mg/dL typically in a male is 0.7 to 1.3 mg/dL

    SODIUM, RANDOM URINE for him <10 mmol/L, typical levels 135 to 145.

    Both of those combined with urine Color is dark, cloudy appearance, BILIRUBIN URINE-LARGE, BILIRUBIN URINE, ICTOTEST-POSITIVE indicate kidneys just aren't able to filter and do their job with the high bilirubin levels and is in kidney failure.

    Today his BUN is up to 57

    He said whatever they do right now is a serious fine line between do or don't do. They have to think about the liver in this process too of what can it or can it not handle, potential edema etc. They decided to try and do iv fluids again today, they were maybe going to do albumin again but he doesn't think it is doing them much good it is giving false information as it shows it is improving but as soon as they stop it drops again indicating the liver just isn't working as it should.


    This has been so tough all around. I just wanted you to know that I have been keeping
    you and Carl in my thoughts and prayers.
