Forty three year old diagnosed in January 2012

I am a 43 year old woman diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer. Never smoked ,drank or did any hard drugs my entire life. Lymph nodes were found on my left neck and GE junction. My doctors still considers this localized disease. Any thoughts. Any survivors out there. Currently taking intense chemo/radiation treatments.


  • ritawaite13
    ritawaite13 Member Posts: 236
    Hello and welcome
    You are young but this horrible disease really has no boundaries - age or otherwise. The other thing I've come to realize is that this cancer doesn't pay much attention to typical "risk factors". You've come to an excellent site for support and information and YES! there are people living with stage IV EC. You are in for the fight of your life and it's an uphill battle to be sure but don't be discouraged and don't read statistics. You are a statistic of ONE. I know many others will be signing on here shortly to welcome you, ask you some questions and encourage you in your fight. The folks on this board are absolutely amazing. Post often and ask all the questions you want. You will be treated with respect and compassion here.
  • mruble
    mruble Member Posts: 174
    Rita is right
    You're way too young to have to deal with this beast. My husband was also 43 when he was diagnosed stage 4. You have a tough road ahead of you but there are a number of stage 4 survivors here. You have found a good place for both information and great support.

  • sangora
    sangora Member Posts: 213
    mruble said:

    Rita is right
    You're way too young to have to deal with this beast. My husband was also 43 when he was diagnosed stage 4. You have a tough road ahead of you but there are a number of stage 4 survivors here. You have found a good place for both information and great support.


    I'm a stage IV
    Sorry you have need of our board, but so glad you found us. There are a number of us stage IV's here. Some of us are doing better than others, but we are all still in the game. I am on the brink of celebrating my 2nd year of survival. It has taken constant treatment but
    I am still living independantly and taking care of myself. I have another CT scan in the morning so we will see if things are still stable or on the move again. At this point I have a mass in the esophagus and a small spot on my liver. No other areas are affected at this time. TO have been stable for two years is something I am blessed to have had happen. Stay strong and positive. Attitude is 2/3rds of the battle. Sam Stage IV
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Welcome. You have come to
    Welcome. You have come to the right place for questions and answers.
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thinking of You
    Hello and welcome. Yes, you have come to a wonderful place. There are many survivors here. My dad passed away 2 years ago, March 9 from EC with mets to the liver. One of the things I have learned about EC is that it can be caused by heartburn. My dad went misdiagnosed for many years with heartburn, acid reflux, hiatal hernia. There is another great website for EC, called Lots of helpful info there as well. Are you a candidate for surgery? Where do you live, and where are you going for treatment? Keep in touch and try your hardest to stay positive. Your mind plays a major role in this journey!
    Tina in Va
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532

    Thinking of You
    Hello and welcome. Yes, you have come to a wonderful place. There are many survivors here. My dad passed away 2 years ago, March 9 from EC with mets to the liver. One of the things I have learned about EC is that it can be caused by heartburn. My dad went misdiagnosed for many years with heartburn, acid reflux, hiatal hernia. There is another great website for EC, called Lots of helpful info there as well. Are you a candidate for surgery? Where do you live, and where are you going for treatment? Keep in touch and try your hardest to stay positive. Your mind plays a major role in this journey!
    Tina in Va

    Tina, those were the same
    Tina, those were the same conditions mom had when she was younger. The signs were there.
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Welcome, What kind of EC,
    Welcome, What kind of EC, Squamus cell or adiocarcinoma? Adiocarcinoma is linked with barretts esophagus and acid reflux.
    Most on here didn't do anything to cause it. It's just a beast ,and we're all survivors fighting this war. It was rare in the US until about fifteen years ago and now it is becoming rampant. You and I are very much in the minority.It has been more of a man's desease than a womans.
    I am cancer free now after treatment for stage 111. You will be hearing and getting advice from some of our stage 1V friends.
    Praying for you,
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Welcome, What kind of EC,
    Welcome, What kind of EC, Squamus cell or adiocarcinoma? Adiocarcinoma is linked with barretts esophagus and acid reflux.
    Most on here didn't do anything to cause it. It's just a beast ,and we're all survivors fighting this war. It was rare in the US until about fifteen years ago and now it is becoming rampant. You and I are very much in the minority.It has been more of a man's desease than a womans.
    I am cancer free now after treatment for stage 111. You will be hearing and getting advice from some of our stage 1V friends.
    Praying for you,
  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    sandy1943 said:

    Welcome, What kind of EC,
    Welcome, What kind of EC, Squamus cell or adiocarcinoma? Adiocarcinoma is linked with barretts esophagus and acid reflux.
    Most on here didn't do anything to cause it. It's just a beast ,and we're all survivors fighting this war. It was rare in the US until about fifteen years ago and now it is becoming rampant. You and I are very much in the minority.It has been more of a man's desease than a womans.
    I am cancer free now after treatment for stage 111. You will be hearing and getting advice from some of our stage 1V friends.
    Praying for you,

    I'm sorry you needed to join
    I'm sorry you needed to join our group that no one wanted to be a part of, but welcome! You will find really caring people here with an amazing amount of helpful information to share from their experiences on the front lines with EC. We can share more appropriate information if we know a little bit more about you. Where are you located? I'm a bit confused by what you said. You said that you're Stage IV, but your doctor considers yours localized. (?) My husband was diagnosed as Stage IV last June and has only had chemo to attack the EC where ever it is (esophagus, lymph nodes, etc.) I was under the impression that chemo and radiation was only done on Stages less than IV who were preparing for the surgery. Please let us know a little more and your name, if you'd care to share that.