guess who is toxic for platinum, i love my folfox, what's the price for a gram of platinum anyway? a

the plane lands from the usa at 10am. see the other post about the toxicity conference.
i goto my doctor to get some iv vit c 60grams and discuss metametrix toxicity conference.
we complain about how long it takes to get the doctors data results, after following up they have his wrong email address. they fax the results.
so the doctors data heavy metals challenge test results are different.
serious issue platinum as well as mercury, lead and arsenic.
where the hell did platinum come from ? after some digging its cisplatin usually or for most of us crc its from cisplatins friend oxaliplatin who goes under the friendly name of folfox. it sounds so harmless. well if only i knew then, what i know now.
all of these toxic metals can challenge my immune, system and thats been my focus.
it the tests refernece notes the possible causes of platinum poisoning is occupational or cisplation based chemo.
well just another issue for us folfoxers to consider.
this is a potentionally massive issue for post chemo after care by our onc's.
has anyone else out their had this checked up, or am i going to be the first to try and fix this.
in my case us stage 3 ers, well i used to be one, i could then finish our folfox tour of duty and then get heavy metal tested, i suspect some of us would show up a bit heavier. shame we can mine the platinum out of ourselves, we could sell it back to the drug company.
the issues for immuno suppression, for recurrence and survival i think interesting and may make an interesting discussion.
this is getting a bit technical, i have my head around the basics.
i like the concept of using edta to overcome cisplatin resistance, now the
study was for prostrate cancer cells, but it may apply for colotrectal.
these are all interesting areas, that you can guarantee never get trialled. alas.
I am glad i found a great integrative gp, who ordered the hair test.
then int gp 2 ordered quick and dirty hg urine dmsa challenge
then int gp 3 ordered the doctors data.
its hard work trying to be healthy, when your blood test says a few crc cells are active somewhere, your hair, blood and urine tests say you are toxic with lead, mercury, arsenic and now platinum.
now whats a boy got to do ?
sit down and wait and see ? well i seen that movie and it does not have a happy ending!
go and see 3 oncologists and 2 surgeons and beg about a depressed immune system ?
well i did that and they said wait and see!!!!!
well i listened politely, nodded and went to another 5 doctors integrative gps.
did you know the heavy metal toxity blocks zinc.
without zinc you don't make stomach acid,
without stomach acid you cannot absorb nutrients from your food, this includes zinc.
just google zinc and igor if your really interested.
oh some say diet does not matter, well i say it does to me at least.
as well say here to each his own way.
ask your about these issues if you want, but please do me one favour, don't hold your breathe waiting for an intelligent answer.
some of us play the radiation/chemo then surgery and some folfox for dessert.
we have a chance at life we are told, but in the microscopic fine print you find.
your immune system is fuckkkkkkkkked for life possibly. oh this depends on your genes and your epigenetics. how well does your liver detox, pathway 1 and pathway 2. mine is loosey.
i am an under methylator ( chronic )
so now you have to chelate your platinum out to fix the immunosuppression issue.
but wait the acs says chelation is dangerous.
now i am caught between a rock and a hard place.
PS I bet i am not the only some sitting on a folfox fortune of platinum. now that assumes its distributed in my butt. I am not sure where platinum resides either the bone, software tissue or blood. lead is more bone, mercury more soft tissue. either way all these toxity heavy metals have to go. they stuffed the cat ions from all the good minerals. then most of our key enzymes just don't have the cofactors they need to function. and well we don't get well.
pps so i have asked the best have metals doctor in australia igor to help, i was pretty blunt and desparate and got the flick. now that was a waste of 3 hours. but it did give me the clarity to goto to this us conference of toxity and now i have the email address of a chelation guru and some very very brilliant scientists at metametrix that may help my doctors get some answers. i want to live.
ppps who said trying to be healthy was going to be easy ? especially
pppppps it was my idea to get a fourth heavy metals test, that was the only one that found platinum. so as a patient follow your own ideas, your gut. i am glad i did and do. while my conventional team is watching and waiting some of the best integrative and functional gp's on the planet are caring for me right now. my few troublesome cells have picked the wrong body to annoy. you don't understand how key that point is. i go
pppps if you understand any of this i am sorry to bring bad news, but to me its great news. a stepper closer to health or the grave. it depends on the help i get and which way i step.
ask your onc if you want ? i bet the drug company knows about these issues, but its easier to let them just slide under the rug.
your adventure could start with a little hair test, or if your brave a nice cocktail of 15gm vit c, some gsh, and some dmps and do the 6 hour urine challenge. but the challenge starts when you decide to try and find an integrative and functional doctor skilled in chelation in your area. don't expect your onc to try this, they are great killing tumours cells with chemo ( and some of us in the process ) but on the whole they do as much as they can.
what i am advocating here is the clear inclusion of my functional and integrative gp into my care team. into what the hospital calls the multidisciplinary team. can that team take off the blinkers enough to see the value of a functional and integrative gp. who by the way can try and get the platinum out, that the onc left behind.
i am my boss, i can turn the switch on or off, i pay the bills, i can insist that my doctors work together in my best interest, that they put down their ego's and let me decide what path my treatment takes me. i can insist on team work, professional respect, in a sense this model of care is where i believe oncology will head in the future. they have to include functional and intergative gp's in the multi disciplenary care team. onc's simple don't have the knowledge care and skill to pick up this speciality.
the onc's cannot ignore diet, lifestyle and genetics forever, when the clinical studies and the case studies show the merits of diet, exercise and genetics . it will be the functional and integrative gps' that will be a cancer patients best hope for the healthiest future despite whatever course a few rogue cancer cells.
ppppppps so the platinum i suspect causes the neuropathy, my neuropathy suddenly got worse when i started on iv c. so clearly vit c mobilizes platinum, out of the soft tissue, where i presume it was stored. before vit c my neuropathy was cured, gone completely well say 98% gone. even now after 3 months of vit c and almost 9 months post folfox my feet are a little numb. but better as i perceive the focus on my glutathionation to be making headway. i could not find much on the net about chelating platinum and will leave it to the doctors to get this sorted. i goto go to sleep.
oxaliplatin poisoning
Pete, this is making me go back over all my prior research which suggested that Ca/Mg and glutathione would help will Oxal induced neuropathy. now I need to look at this from a broader perspective - platinum poisoining & and metabolic effects.
did you sue Ca/Mg as all? infusions or supplements.
peter0 -
Okay, Pete so that explainspeterz54 said:oxaliplatin poisoning
Pete, this is making me go back over all my prior research which suggested that Ca/Mg and glutathione would help will Oxal induced neuropathy. now I need to look at this from a broader perspective - platinum poisoining & and metabolic effects.
did you sue Ca/Mg as all? infusions or supplements.
Okay, Pete so that explains it....I responded on your other thread asking if your chemo. involved platinum. But, you answered it here.0 -
thanks petepeterz54 said:oxaliplatin poisoning
Pete, this is making me go back over all my prior research which suggested that Ca/Mg and glutathione would help will Oxal induced neuropathy. now I need to look at this from a broader perspective - platinum poisoining & and metabolic effects.
did you sue Ca/Mg as all? infusions or supplements.
at least i got an answer, thanks.
as the naturopathic way is to seek the cause, well,
hello the cause might just be my toxic environment and my genes and the genetic expression.
the poster child for alternative therapies will live by the sword and die by the sword.
how many out their are full of platinum.
anyone else full of platinum, i bet will be full of other toxins, likely heavy metals like lead and mercury.
real life csi, just got a heap more interesting.
these tests beat the hell out waiting and watching.
the neuropathy, is a red hearing pete.
the real prize is in living lonmg term, not frying our arses with chemo for short term pain and suffering and gains.
oxali may help in some contexts, but now thinking outside the square which is my speciality.
well a naturopath could add some tests along the way to keep our detox firing each and every cycle. we don't have to wait for 6 months to finish of the folfox program.
every fortnight after say the 3-5 days of folfox, we start the rebuild and we add chelation to pull out the platinum.
the key to our survival is now the chelation mechanism and detox and rebuild between chemo hits.
so if i start chemo again, and i hope not. but i will if my arse depends on it and ALL else has failed. now all else still has alot and along way to run.
i am playing my trump card now in my treatment plan, all the money is on the roulette wheel of life, and its spinning.
our biology is happen daily, cell by cell. not waiting every three months for a ct, to tell what we all know. oh mostly the cancer has spread, and in the process we have poisoned you with some platinum.
if i go down with god dam curse you can guarantee every fortnight i will be tested and i will have my diet and supplement regime weaked. now the medical care of adding chelation and detox monitoring to the fortnightly cycle just got a touch more expensive.
but i am onto a program i see the value in, i am trusting that investing in health at the out set is where to fight the fight, not when the genie is out of the bag.
not waiting for when our organs have failed. if this works even to some extent for me, well, it might help some others. waiting for liver enzymes is just simply negligent.
step in before that. the options are enormous. a few enemas, maybe daily sauna for detox.
maybe a combination of the two.
i wonder if dmsa chelates platinum ? if have the pills here. i wonder if i will be accepted as a case study. i have applied. this gives surviving a bit more spice. with a real prize at the end. life.
if this works, its easy for anyone with will power to get the functional gp's to help.
coffee enemas are cheap and easy. captomer not that more expensive. now the functional gp's i know are not greedy, porsche driving aholes. i know some who would treat/help a cancer patient for free just to help them, get a few more months of quality life.
so alternative medicine can rebuild the gut, the nerves, fix the detox, get the atp going, reduce the brain fog. the chemo battle is winnable indefinitly if you rebuild as you go.
if we combine aggressive alternative medicine, with aggressive chemo, some surgery and some hyper thermia, we can turn cancer into a chronic long term, pain in the arse, not a death sentence potentially.
the precise mix will depend on our individual biology, which is the way it should be.
the flaw of mainstream is its inability to cope with or genetic differences and have the flexibily to use what our biology dicates. its not just do a fast, or take some supplements, neither is it just adjusting the chemno up or down , or changing from first line to second line to third line or the fourth line.
we can hit a cancer cells with all the lines, and use ctc counts to see the results forthnight by fortnight. i have got to run these strategies by my researchers and my care community in the alternative medicine world.
i am hopeful and optimistic that some derivative of what i have outlined above will be my care plan. i am going to be diving and taking photos underwater as long as i can. its what i love to do. and at the very end it will just be one very long relaxing dive. my last breathe will be under water, not in a hospital. and i hope i have got lots of breathes left.
pete, i used cal/mag during folfox as well as tcm, during chemo. heaps of other supplements. i had a good time during my folfox, except i would not dive with the chemo port. diving while on chemo was supposed to be to risky. the doctors don't understand what rebreather divers are into. risk to me means real interesting
ps even with what i know of hydration therapy and our cells mitochondrial functioning i have determined my regimes, focus will be on maintaining peak hyderation during chemo/detox. how else can our cells detox the platinum/ or whatever the chemo is doing. now precisely how to manage the hyderation to optimal effectiveness that is the real question. its not to hard, basically i will ensure i will stay hydrated, every hour of life, so the cells can clean out the chemo.
i might do a three week folfox run, follow folfox with some serious chelation, and do iv C in between. the mix of anti cancer weapons is vast, how we use them, must be directed by our biology.
clearly the onc's i will leave to assessing the tumour, the ctc's. they are responsible for managing the big guns.
the integrative gp's can focus on the detox and rebuild. i have to meditate, have my juice and get a have some iv C.0 -
thanks for asking smokeysmokeyjoe said:Okay, Pete so that explains
Okay, Pete so that explains it....I responded on your other thread asking if your chemo. involved platinum. But, you answered it here.
does this make any sense ?
i am tieing together all my research and this latest conference.
its clear to me, i will see how the alternative world responds.
i know how conventional will respond, but you see having real time biologiocal feedback via say the metametrix ion panel test, will give the int gp the details of how our biology is coping
pete0 -
Pete, I read with awe about
your cancer journey. My husband will understand more about what you are talking about in your post when he reads it. He is 72 and I am 69 with mets to liver. He and I don't agree on things he would like me to take, but I bet he understand what you are talking about. He has me spit in a spoon and checks my ph, etc. We both have agreed, after a trying resection surgery that wasn't doable, no more chemo. This is a very personal decision mostly because I don't believe it is the answer and I have lots of chemo after effects. I told the dr. I wish I were two people and could try without chemo and with chemo and see what happens. It would be interesting to see things such as longevity, health issues, etc. I had the failed resection June 1,2011, it showed up last Feb/March in the liver, so I was ned for about 2 years. So I consider myself an experiment of sort, what will happen without chemo, but unfortunately I can't compare quality/quantity, just know I am still here...but I wanted to say is I believe if the doctors would just put as much into it as you are, I can't believe we would not have more anwers...I read with respect all that you are doing to try to stay ned and I wish you much luck. Someone has to find an answer and I hope that you find one for you and may it help someone else.......good luck on your journey....Pat0 -
thanks patLifeisajourney said:Pete, I read with awe about
your cancer journey. My husband will understand more about what you are talking about in your post when he reads it. He is 72 and I am 69 with mets to liver. He and I don't agree on things he would like me to take, but I bet he understand what you are talking about. He has me spit in a spoon and checks my ph, etc. We both have agreed, after a trying resection surgery that wasn't doable, no more chemo. This is a very personal decision mostly because I don't believe it is the answer and I have lots of chemo after effects. I told the dr. I wish I were two people and could try without chemo and with chemo and see what happens. It would be interesting to see things such as longevity, health issues, etc. I had the failed resection June 1,2011, it showed up last Feb/March in the liver, so I was ned for about 2 years. So I consider myself an experiment of sort, what will happen without chemo, but unfortunately I can't compare quality/quantity, just know I am still here...but I wanted to say is I believe if the doctors would just put as much into it as you are, I can't believe we would not have more anwers...I read with respect all that you are doing to try to stay ned and I wish you much luck. Someone has to find an answer and I hope that you find one for you and may it help someone else.......good luck on your journey....Pat
sorry about the failed resection, we can be healthy without chemo.
its only a few stupid cells causing us grief.
maybe our bodies can do what they should with a little or a lot of help.
i appreciate the kind wishes.
sitting back and watching tv just does not float my boat. i wished i could have met some CSN in my superfast visit. i will be back to the us soon, another top conference coming up.
i am going to get a bogus doctors degree, so i can signup at the conferences as doctorpete.
our government here won't let me attend medical conferences, and none of my doctors are. its all on genetics, which explains why we are who we are. i have asked a friend to take a video and record the whole conference for me.
we are both still here, and hopefully having fun. sorry you guys don't agree on supplements to take, don't stress, no one does.
ps just thanks for reading my crazy post, at least a few do!
i am doing my cea tomorrow and i really could not give a shiiittttt!
i am doing what i want and whatever cancer cells are left, if anyone can go and ffffff themselves.0
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