Pink Bus???

eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
I am new here and have posted a couple times. I have a question, what is the "pink bus". I think its a bus that I never dreamed I'd be needing, but.....I have "secretory carcinoma". It is a rare breast cancer and have found very little info on it so welcome all you have. I will have a double mastectomy on March 21st. I am one year post treatment for Anal Cancer and doing well since that treatment of chemo/rad. My test in Feb. showed NED at this time, and thats when they diaganosed the BC. Life is funny,huh???? So happy to have this place...please let me know more about the bus???


  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    Hi. The pink bus is our
    Hi. The pink bus is our imaginary bus that goes with anyone who needs moral support. We all go along for the ride with goodies and love which believe it or not helps each rider.
    While you await a test or surgery it's a great feeling to know we are all with you in spirit.
    So glad you found us and prayers are coming your way.

    Anytime you need the "pink" bus, just ask and we will be glad to ride along.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I have ridden the Pink Bus
    I have ridden the Pink Bus but never booked it for any appts...perhaps I should...Since I found this site way after the fact I just go for routine check ups.
