What items make you feel better?

maryv1119 Member Posts: 37
Hi, I'm a cancer survivor who is working to help other patients/survivors.

Thinking about your treatments and side effects, physically, mentally, etc.

What type of items could someone give you to help make you more comfortable.

Example: I had dry mouth and nausea - fruit flavored hard candy helped. Reading helped me pass the time during chemo and transfusions.

Your feedback is appreciated. No idea is too small to list.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Laughing is a good remedy and improves the mood
    What makes me feel better when things do not go as I expected is to engage in a brainer test. Sudoku or a Shogi match (Japanese chess) takes away my thoughts and gives me comfort.
    On daily basis I try to think or engage on other matters like walking my dog, tendering my garden, and reading. I enjoy golf and good laughs with my buddies on weekends.
    Researching about prostate cancer t helps me to accept the events ahead.

  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Talking to my best friend
    Talking to my best friend helped me.

  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    Mary, I see you have posted this same request on all the cancer discussion boards. Are you doing a research project or is this something comercial? Or, gasp, just something you are doing as a concerned individual? Is your project or whatever it is sanctioned by CSN?

    Most prostate cancer patients never get to the chemo stage. Recovery from surgery is no different than any other major surgery recovery. Radiation poses few side effects, actually.

    Prostate cancer patients suffer most from the side effects of their treatment but I don't think you're actually considering buying diapers, or vacuum pumps for ED, or offering to help get and maintain erections, or pee better and not have to have an artificial sphincter or anything like that. What can you offer to men who are suffering terrible pain after late stage cancer has invaded their bones?

    Things I would want are more generic and include:

    -- A straight talking GP who actually understands prostate cancer and treatment

    -- An ombudsman in the process to help sort through multiple but conflicting recommendations from equally well qualified specialists

    -- A medical dictionary and Gray's Anatomy

    -- Access to studies professional society studies that I don't have to spend hundred of dollars to subscribe to

    -- A system that puts me in touch with men in my local area who had a similar diagnosis

    -- A clear statement of what treatments are covered or not covered for men with insurance who are diagnosed with prostate cancer

    -- Access to a first rate nutritionist who specializes in cancer

    -- A prostate cancer awareness campaign that was half as effective as the breast cancer campaign

    -- A law that actually game me my records instead of having to hound my various doctors for them

    -- A comprehensive list of world class treatment centers for my type of cancer

    -- A breakdown that shows variations in Medicare coverage for my cancer by geographic region

    -- A listing of all clinical trials that are related to my cancer and who is sponsoring them

    -- A law that makes it illegal to try to profit from someone else's cancer misery.

    And finally, after all the billions and billions we have spent on cancer research since President Nixon declared war on cancer in 1971 -- a cure. If not a cure, at least some readable summary about what progress we have made. Frankly, I don't think it's much.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Kongo said:

    Mary, I see you have posted this same request on all the cancer discussion boards. Are you doing a research project or is this something comercial? Or, gasp, just something you are doing as a concerned individual? Is your project or whatever it is sanctioned by CSN?

    Most prostate cancer patients never get to the chemo stage. Recovery from surgery is no different than any other major surgery recovery. Radiation poses few side effects, actually.

    Prostate cancer patients suffer most from the side effects of their treatment but I don't think you're actually considering buying diapers, or vacuum pumps for ED, or offering to help get and maintain erections, or pee better and not have to have an artificial sphincter or anything like that. What can you offer to men who are suffering terrible pain after late stage cancer has invaded their bones?

    Things I would want are more generic and include:

    -- A straight talking GP who actually understands prostate cancer and treatment

    -- An ombudsman in the process to help sort through multiple but conflicting recommendations from equally well qualified specialists

    -- A medical dictionary and Gray's Anatomy

    -- Access to studies professional society studies that I don't have to spend hundred of dollars to subscribe to

    -- A system that puts me in touch with men in my local area who had a similar diagnosis

    -- A clear statement of what treatments are covered or not covered for men with insurance who are diagnosed with prostate cancer

    -- Access to a first rate nutritionist who specializes in cancer

    -- A prostate cancer awareness campaign that was half as effective as the breast cancer campaign

    -- A law that actually game me my records instead of having to hound my various doctors for them

    -- A comprehensive list of world class treatment centers for my type of cancer

    -- A breakdown that shows variations in Medicare coverage for my cancer by geographic region

    -- A listing of all clinical trials that are related to my cancer and who is sponsoring them

    -- A law that makes it illegal to try to profit from someone else's cancer misery.

    And finally, after all the billions and billions we have spent on cancer research since President Nixon declared war on cancer in 1971 -- a cure. If not a cure, at least some readable summary about what progress we have made. Frankly, I don't think it's much.


    I do not need weekends for laughs. I just go it here. Thanks for helping me to forget about bad moments and feeling better. LOL

  • Beau2
    Beau2 Member Posts: 261
    What has helped me the most has been access to PCa forums such as this one. For three and a half years I've been visiting these sites (addicted?). Anyhow, many thanks to USTOO, Healing Well and the American Cancer Society.

    ITEMS that I found I needed but didn't have included post-op items like a bucket to carry the catheter bag in, and boxer shorts (versus briefs).
  • hunter49
    hunter49 Member Posts: 251 Member
    laughing. my wife, kids and
    laughing. my wife, kids and close friends
  • alinur
    alinur Member Posts: 12
    hunter49 said:

    laughing. my wife, kids and
    laughing. my wife, kids and close friends

    reading the comments of VGama and Kongo and many others in this forum.They repair what many doctors in this world spoil.My PCa experience would have taken a different trend if I...met them a year ago.
  • Old-timer
    Old-timer Member Posts: 196
    What helps me cope with cancer?
    This is a huge question. I will not attempt to give a complete answer, but here are a few thoughts that may be helpful to others.

    I realize that I have the responsibility for my owm care. I do not wish to dump this burden on my wife, kids, or anyone else. They are entitled to the right to live their own lives and I must not burden them any more than absolutely necessary. I avoid self-pity. I never said or even thought, "Why is this happening to me." I think cheerful thoughts and keep a sincere upbeat attitude.

    The knowledge that I had cancer was terrifying at first. I reflected on it. Then I came to gripps with the issue and decided what I would do about it. With available help from doctors, family, and friends, I would do what I could to rid myself from the cancer. While doing that, I would continue to live and enjoy life as fully as possible.

    To help avoid worry, depression, and other negative thoughts, I occupy my time with activities that I enjoy; including: spending time with my wife, gardening, reading, walking, cooking, visiting with family and friends, using the computer, watching television, writing, attending lectures, playing bridge and other games, and relaxing. I attempt to keep my time occupied in pleasant ways, with no stress. The thought of the cancer is always with me, but it does not overpower me. This process enriches my life; it really does.

    I realize that no two people are alike. This approach may not work for all, but it is worth thinking about and considering by everyone, particularly by those of us who are dealing personally with cancer.