New member from germany

Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
edited March 2012 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everybody,

I've been reading on the board for a while now and finally decided to register and introduce myself. So, hello from Cologne, Germany :-)

My name is Petra (43) and my husband, Thorsten, (44) was diagnosed in Nov 2011 only one week before our scheduled trip to India. So, instead of 4 weeks vacation, lots diagnostics and finally surgery followed :-(. He had a part of his colon removed and an (temporary-) ileostomy placed. Unfortunately there were two mets on his liver yet, which were also removed during the surgery, together with one met on his peritoneum. Currently he is on chemo (Oxaliplation + Xeloda) and just finished the 4th of 8 rounds. CEA went down from 95 (in Nov) to 1,5 (Monday). phew!

So far he is getting along well with the chemo and the side effects are not too bad yet. The neuropathy ist getting worse by now but still is manageable. Thanks to the CRC board I discovered the glutamin which helps a lot. If everything goes well the chemo should be finished in May. Afterwards the ileostomy should be removed.

Overall he is getting along with all this crap (sorry) much better than me. So I'm glad, I found this great community with all your support. Feels good not to be alone.

Best wishes and have a nice weekend
Petra aka Semira


  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    Hi Petra, welcome, I love
    Hi Petra, welcome, I love your picture, what a beautiful cat!! This forum is full of people with all kinds of experience who have been dealing with various issues of this disease that can be of great benefit and support for you. I learn so much reading the posts, and knowing I'm not alone is a godsend. Everyone is so willing to talk about anything you may be facing.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I am a neighbor of sorts, living in Zwolle, The Netherlands...and in Southern California, U.S.

    I'm sorry that you and your husband have this fight...but glad you found this group!

    I am very far from active treatment, over 7 years from my diagnosis, so you won't have much good treatment advice from much has changed since mine...but I do welcome you, and there are many here that can help, I am certain!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Minnesotagirl
    Minnesotagirl Member Posts: 141
    Welcome Petra
    Hi Petra,

    Welcome! I am so sorry that you and your husband have to walk this journey with all of us here. I was diagnosed at age 49 with Stage 3 Rectal Cancer so I didn't have any involvement of cancer in the liver. I was treated with chemo and radiation, surgery and then more chemo.

    Quick question, does your Oncologist know that your husband added glutamin to his daily routine? The reason I ask is that it is easy to forget to mention these things to your Oncologist ~ very important that both of you are on the same page

    Neuropathy is certainly a bad side effect. I still deal with problems in my feet but I can walk o.k. and carry on life normally for the most part.

    You are not alone on the journey and must never feel like you are. There are so many people on this site that offer great education and personal stories here ~ sometimes it can be scarey to read everything that can happen to people. Just remember, everyone is different and it doesn't always mean it can happen that way to your husband~

    Blessings from cold Minnesota and I pray that your treatment journey will go smooth and as planned.

    ~Minnesotagirl "Minnie"
  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member

    Welcome Petra
    Hi Petra,

    Welcome! I am so sorry that you and your husband have to walk this journey with all of us here. I was diagnosed at age 49 with Stage 3 Rectal Cancer so I didn't have any involvement of cancer in the liver. I was treated with chemo and radiation, surgery and then more chemo.

    Quick question, does your Oncologist know that your husband added glutamin to his daily routine? The reason I ask is that it is easy to forget to mention these things to your Oncologist ~ very important that both of you are on the same page

    Neuropathy is certainly a bad side effect. I still deal with problems in my feet but I can walk o.k. and carry on life normally for the most part.

    You are not alone on the journey and must never feel like you are. There are so many people on this site that offer great education and personal stories here ~ sometimes it can be scarey to read everything that can happen to people. Just remember, everyone is different and it doesn't always mean it can happen that way to your husband~

    Blessings from cold Minnesota and I pray that your treatment journey will go smooth and as planned.

    ~Minnesotagirl "Minnie"

    Onc & Glutamin
    @Minnesotagirl: Yes, she (the Oncologist) knows...

    After I read about the glutamin we talked about that with her and she first made some "research" and read somee studies before giving us her "ok" (and the recipe for getting the glutamin)

    @all: thanks for your warm welcome! That's why I prefer this community to all the german ones I found. There everybody just seems to be sorry for himself and the mood is very very dark... Here - despite to all dark stories - you seem to be a kind of family ;-)

    @cat: that's one of our two black ladys, Hexe (=witch). The other one is called Saba

    Hm, how to post a link?

    Glad I found you!
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Semira said:

    Onc & Glutamin
    @Minnesotagirl: Yes, she (the Oncologist) knows...

    After I read about the glutamin we talked about that with her and she first made some "research" and read somee studies before giving us her "ok" (and the recipe for getting the glutamin)

    @all: thanks for your warm welcome! That's why I prefer this community to all the german ones I found. There everybody just seems to be sorry for himself and the mood is very very dark... Here - despite to all dark stories - you seem to be a kind of family ;-)

    @cat: that's one of our two black ladys, Hexe (=witch). The other one is called Saba

    Hm, how to post a link?

    Glad I found you!

    Welcome Petra !
    I'm sure you will find here answers to your questions and lots of friends to share your fears and your joyce !.
  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    Semira said:

    Onc & Glutamin
    @Minnesotagirl: Yes, she (the Oncologist) knows...

    After I read about the glutamin we talked about that with her and she first made some "research" and read somee studies before giving us her "ok" (and the recipe for getting the glutamin)

    @all: thanks for your warm welcome! That's why I prefer this community to all the german ones I found. There everybody just seems to be sorry for himself and the mood is very very dark... Here - despite to all dark stories - you seem to be a kind of family ;-)

    @cat: that's one of our two black ladys, Hexe (=witch). The other one is called Saba

    Hm, how to post a link?

    Glad I found you!

    Sorry, I don't manage a picture from cat No 2 :-(

    Perhabs you may see her in my facebook pictures....
  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    Semira said:

    Sorry, I don't manage a picture from cat No 2 :-(

    Perhabs you may see her in my facebook pictures....

    Hi Petra
    And also welcome to the most caring, supportive group of friends I know, no matter what role you play in this cancer journey. I am the mother of another member, Johnnybegood, and I have been accepted with open arms. You'll find all sorts of invaluable info here.

    I also have one cat(picture on my expressions page) who doesn't know that he is a cat. He's just a BIG baby and he likes Taco Bell.


  • tommycat
    tommycat Member Posts: 790 Member
    Welcome from sunny California :) I too had an ileo like your husband, and had mine for a year. Everything is working okay now (with a BIG learning curve).
    Best of luck!
  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    Hi Petra, I'm here for you
    Hi Petra, I'm here for you too. I'm in California, stage 3C and my 26 yr old daughter was my caregiver. I love and bless our caregivers!

  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    I'm so glad you found the group here. I will be very interestedd on how well your husband progresses. I never had surgery but have been getting chemo.t since Jun 09. Sounds like your husband id doing good. Praying for a full recovery. Jeff
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Hello and welcome to our site, glad to meet you, of course the circumstances could have been better?
    I'm glad they discovered your husband's cancer before your trip to India, and were able to do surgery, hopefully you'll get to India in this year. I hope is chemo is going well, feel free to ask questions, there are so many that have been through so much and there is a collective wisdom in that.
    I used to have a black cat called Boo Boo very much like yours, he lived around 22 years. I love the pics of your cats yawns!!! That was so cute.
    Have a nice weekend, and welcome to our group.
    Winter Marie
  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    Hello and welcome to our site, glad to meet you, of course the circumstances could have been better?
    I'm glad they discovered your husband's cancer before your trip to India, and were able to do surgery, hopefully you'll get to India in this year. I hope is chemo is going well, feel free to ask questions, there are so many that have been through so much and there is a collective wisdom in that.
    I used to have a black cat called Boo Boo very much like yours, he lived around 22 years. I love the pics of your cats yawns!!! That was so cute.
    Have a nice weekend, and welcome to our group.
    Winter Marie

    WELCOME Petra
    hello Petra and welcome from cool howing Canada....bit of a storm going on here this morning. Wow how lovely to see people joining in from round the world. Petra I am stage 4 colon with 2 liver resections and multiple rounds of oxy and xeloda....65years old and still going after 8 years.
    I wish to welcome both you and your husband with love and if there is any way I can help just send out the dog team...

    all best love and a hug
  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    maglets said:

    WELCOME Petra
    hello Petra and welcome from cool howing Canada....bit of a storm going on here this morning. Wow how lovely to see people joining in from round the world. Petra I am stage 4 colon with 2 liver resections and multiple rounds of oxy and xeloda....65years old and still going after 8 years.
    I wish to welcome both you and your husband with love and if there is any way I can help just send out the dog team...

    all best love and a hug

    ... for your warm an kind welcome. Feels so good!

    Greetings from grey and cold Germany. I'm enjoying a lazy saturday while Thorsten is busy turning the kitchen in a battlefield (he's baking a french "gateau basque").

    So quite international greetings to you all
  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    Semira said:

    ... for your warm an kind welcome. Feels so good!

    Greetings from grey and cold Germany. I'm enjoying a lazy saturday while Thorsten is busy turning the kitchen in a battlefield (he's baking a french "gateau basque").

    So quite international greetings to you all

    my husband bakes bread every Saturday morning.....he uses an Italian recipe using a starter called biga....

    I am still in bed at 9 drinking coffee and chatting with you dear girl....

    welcome once more

    maggie.....Petra my daughter just took me to Florida for one week of warmth ....first trip in 8 years of cancer....put a couple of pics up for you on expressions

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    welcome from australia
    Sorry you had to find us, but your among friends here.
    I hope your husband's treatment goes well.
    Ask away any queations, or just let us know whats going on.

  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member
    Hugs Petra
    Sorry your here, but glad you found us. You really are amongst a great bunch of people, who I like to think of as my online family. :-)

    Btw nice to see our European side growing, I'm in the UK, Pepe in Spain, Kathi currently in Europe as well. :-)

    Lovely cat btw. :-)

  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    Sonia32 said:

    Hugs Petra
    Sorry your here, but glad you found us. You really are amongst a great bunch of people, who I like to think of as my online family. :-)

    Btw nice to see our European side growing, I'm in the UK, Pepe in Spain, Kathi currently in Europe as well. :-)

    Lovely cat btw. :-)


    WILLKOMMEN from canada
    Hallo Petra, Willkommen from Canada. I am originally from Holland therefor a ex-neighbour.
    sorry to hear about your husband. Good news that the CEA is allready down.

    Keep us posted,
    Hugs, Marjan
  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    thingy45 said:

    WILLKOMMEN from canada
    Hallo Petra, Willkommen from Canada. I am originally from Holland therefor a ex-neighbour.
    sorry to hear about your husband. Good news that the CEA is allready down.

    Keep us posted,
    Hugs, Marjan

    Marjan, Sonja & all of you...
    ... thank's a lot for your kind words. Hope I'll get more used to writing in english soon... reading and talking seems to be much easier and each posting is hard work ;-)

    Thursday Thorsten will start his 5th round (of 8) Oxi & Xeloda. So far his blood cound always stayed good enough to continue, although last Tuesday his platelets were down to 90000. Well, lets hope, they decide to rise during this (chemo-free) week.

  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    thingy45 said:

    WILLKOMMEN from canada
    Hallo Petra, Willkommen from Canada. I am originally from Holland therefor a ex-neighbour.
    sorry to hear about your husband. Good news that the CEA is allready down.

    Keep us posted,
    Hugs, Marjan

    Marjan, Sonja & all of you...
    ... thank's a lot for your kind words. Hope I'll get more used to writing in english soon... reading and talking seems to be much easier and each posting is hard work ;-)

    Thursday Thorsten will start his 5th round (of 8) Oxi & Xeloda. So far his blood cound always stayed good enough to continue, although last Tuesday his platelets were down to 90000. Well, lets hope, they decide to rise during this (chemo-free) week.

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Hi Petra, You have a

    Hi Petra, You have a beautiful kitty! I love that picture. :-) Welcome to the board, it's a nice place to come for support, encouragement and, of course, a lot of great information. My Rick is also 44 - so young to have this miserable disease.

    Take care, we'll be in touch again soon, Cyn