"Osteogenic Sarcoma"--a Childhood Cancer?

I am a 32 year survivor of what my doctors all called "osteogenic sarcoma." Everyone else just called it bone cancer. I was treated in Sloan Kettering at Memorial Hospital in New York, but my surgery, recovery, and subsequent chemotherapy all occurred in the child's floor. For some reason that I can't remember, the doctors said my cancer was usually prevalent in children. Anyone have any idea whether this is true?


  • crazy98
    crazy98 Member Posts: 25
    Osteogenic sarcoma
    I am a 13 year osteo survivor! I was 15 when I found out I had a tumor in my left tibia. This is true that it is most commonly found in children. They have said mainly in athletes or active children/teens. I think it is 400 children a year get osteo a year. It is the number one bone cancer among children. If you have any other questions my email is passingthetest98@aol.com
  • osteo_survivor
    osteo_survivor Member Posts: 5
    crazy98 said:

    Osteogenic sarcoma
    I am a 13 year osteo survivor! I was 15 when I found out I had a tumor in my left tibia. This is true that it is most commonly found in children. They have said mainly in athletes or active children/teens. I think it is 400 children a year get osteo a year. It is the number one bone cancer among children. If you have any other questions my email is passingthetest98@aol.com

    long-term side effects
    Hi there.. I am also a osteo survivor (hence the name) diagnosed at 13. I have been off treatment for about 15 years.. or so. I had Adreomyacin, cisplatnin, and high-dose methotrexate (please excuse the spelling). I was wondering, as these are the common treatments for this cancer, if you have noticed any side effects from the drugs? I have the worst "chemobrain" that has gotten better over time, but it still makes things difficult for school and other tasks that I know weren't so hard before treatment. I just recently learned that there even was such a thing, I have spent so many years wondering what all those toxic drugs had damaged--feeling there was some residual effects. any insight or information you can give me would be great! I still worry about my health from drugs (heart related problems, and secondary cancers) but at least those are things that have been studied and doctors have quantitative data for...this "chemobrain" is newly recognized and just now starting to be studied.

  • CAC
    CAC Member Posts: 1

    long-term side effects
    Hi there.. I am also a osteo survivor (hence the name) diagnosed at 13. I have been off treatment for about 15 years.. or so. I had Adreomyacin, cisplatnin, and high-dose methotrexate (please excuse the spelling). I was wondering, as these are the common treatments for this cancer, if you have noticed any side effects from the drugs? I have the worst "chemobrain" that has gotten better over time, but it still makes things difficult for school and other tasks that I know weren't so hard before treatment. I just recently learned that there even was such a thing, I have spent so many years wondering what all those toxic drugs had damaged--feeling there was some residual effects. any insight or information you can give me would be great! I still worry about my health from drugs (heart related problems, and secondary cancers) but at least those are things that have been studied and doctors have quantitative data for...this "chemobrain" is newly recognized and just now starting to be studied.


    Late effects of treatment
    Hi have you been seen in a survivorship clinic yet? You might want to check out what resources are out there for you. try Concernsaftercancer.com and see what survivorship programs are near you. They have come along way in understanding what happens after treatment for childhood cancer.
    Good luck!!!!