Almost 4 years and its back - Is chemo worst the second time around

Judy133 Member Posts: 4
I made it almost four years to the day...went for my check up CA125 - 64 always had been 8. Sent for Cat Scan - spot on liver. Next week going in for surgery to remove the lower part of my liver then chemo again. My question is, I heard that chemo the second time around is worst then the first time. I had such bone pain in my legs the first time I can't imagine it being worst. Anyone have a answer to my question?


  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    Dear Judy
    Judy I am so sorry the stupid beast has returned in your life. I have had several different chemos and I didn't notice that the second, third, fourth time around was any worse. The biggest thing I always experience is the fatigue, just like the rest of the teal sisters. No nausea because they have pills for that. Loss of hair, that is usually a given with most of the chemos but there are some that you don't lose your hair. But hey, it grows back.

    I pray that you won't get the bone pain that you experienced before. Keep us posted.

  • Judy133
    Judy133 Member Posts: 4
    clamryn said:

    Dear Judy
    Judy I am so sorry the stupid beast has returned in your life. I have had several different chemos and I didn't notice that the second, third, fourth time around was any worse. The biggest thing I always experience is the fatigue, just like the rest of the teal sisters. No nausea because they have pills for that. Loss of hair, that is usually a given with most of the chemos but there are some that you don't lose your hair. But hey, it grows back.

    I pray that you won't get the bone pain that you experienced before. Keep us posted.


    You went through chemo 4 times........OMG. I never did get nausea or tired the first time. But the bone pain was total hell. The hair oh well, like you said it grows back. I never wore a wig the last time. I got beautiful scarfs and wore pins with the scarfs.. I think a lot of how you react is your overall strength you have within yourself to fight the demon. I will never give up. Way too much to live for. You seem to have a lot of strength to go through what you did, I am going to take that as a positive and add it to my inner strength. Thanks for your response.
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    Judy133 said:

    You went through chemo 4 times........OMG. I never did get nausea or tired the first time. But the bone pain was total hell. The hair oh well, like you said it grows back. I never wore a wig the last time. I got beautiful scarfs and wore pins with the scarfs.. I think a lot of how you react is your overall strength you have within yourself to fight the demon. I will never give up. Way too much to live for. You seem to have a lot of strength to go through what you did, I am going to take that as a positive and add it to my inner strength. Thanks for your response.

    I am so sorry
    you have to deal with this again. I am into my second year of NED and have no idea how I would handle that news. I had a lot of aches and pains with chemo especially the rounds after surgery. I wish you the very best for a successful treatment.

  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    kikz said:

    I am so sorry
    you have to deal with this again. I am into my second year of NED and have no idea how I would handle that news. I had a lot of aches and pains with chemo especially the rounds after surgery. I wish you the very best for a successful treatment.


    I am so sorry too that you have to go through this again. I've been NED for almost one year but want you to know that I'm praying for you as you prepare to go through surgery and chemo again. Please check in with us as your treatment progresses.

  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    So sorry to hear you're facing this again. Unfortunately, I found the carbo/taxol to be harder the second time around, and I was warned by the PA at my doctor's office. Nonetheless, I found it comforting that I at least knew what to expect and gathered my arsenal beforehand. It may not be more difficult for you, but be prepared. If there's something that helped your bone pain, ask for it ahead of time. Taking something as a 'preventative' so to speak sometimes work better than taking 'as needed'. I remember when I had a tooth pulled they told me to go home and take the pain meds right away or I will be chasing the pain. I do not like to take medications, so I thought I'd try to get by with 1/2 of a pill. Well, they were right. I took that other half so fast when I realized the first 1/2 wasn't working. But it took even longer to get relief.

    Will you be on carbo/taxol? I have low blood pressure, and this treatment made it even worse. Had to work around that, and once I figured out how to do that, I managed. Was your leg pain actual 'bone' pain or neuropathy? If neuropathy, many of us here have some suggestions that you can run by your doctor.

    So sorry, Judy. I have my check-up in March with my gyn/onc and I'm a little nervous. Haven't been feeling the greatest lately, but I'm chalking it up to an enormous amount of stress and my 'go-go-go' lifestyle. Dx in 2000, recurrance in 2006.

    Hugs and Prayers,
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi Judy
    Sorry you have to do this again. I was diagnosed in May 2006 and went almost 3 1/2 years before I had my recurrance. My experience sounds very similar to yours. Chemo was harder for me the first time because I didn't know how to prepare or what to expect. We'll be right here for you every step of the way. It took me forever to realize that I should be reporting any pains or problems to my ONC's office I thought they were just something that happens with chemo. My ONC has changed dosages, added different premeds and supplements etc. to make chemo more comfortable.
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • AnneBehymer
    AnneBehymer Member Posts: 738 Member
    so sorry
    I am so sorry to hear the cancer is back I will be praying for you. I have been in remission only for about four months and my CA125 has gone from 6 to 69 my catscan is clean. My doctor is going to watch my ca125 and see if it still goes up, Thursday I did tell him about this strange head ache I have been having for about six weeks not so if my number is up I will have a MRI of the brain. We do not believe that the cancer has come back and in my brain but we will do it just to be safe. I will pray that your surgery goes well and that you will once again be NED.

    Hugs, Love, and prays