Anybody heard from Sundance?
:-))Sundanceh said:Pat:)
Hi, honey:)
Nice to see may have lost Roger and Kerry, but you still got me:)
I guess I'll just have to do, LOL!
You'll like the "Double B" - he's one of us after all.
I remember when you had to take care of your parent's estates and health...and now it's my turn. So good seeing you again, even when we're apart - we're near:)
Smiling at you Craig :-))
Of course I still have you and many others and believe me, I love you all.For awhile I just got so surrounded by loved ones dying best friend, my Mom, my Dad, and even my devoted cat died of cancer. At that time we were losing so many here on the board and then Roger and Kerry passed and I went and just hid my head in the sand for several months.
Well I am back. I don't know much about lots of things you guys talk about, but that is okay because the thing is, I really do care.That is why I was moved to post to your thread....I care about you and I don't like to see anyone hurting.
Spring time in Texas yet? It sure is beautiful here in Bammy.
-Pat0 -
Tina:)geotina said:Hey Craig:
Just catching up on posts. Yikes your plate sure is full. Your Dad, well you just can't change the past and the way he is. You are a strong man, a compasionate man, a loving and caring man, just remember that. Yes, you will do the responsible thing regarding your Dad, thats the kind of man you are.
If I read you post right, you are dealing with a possible recurrence in the lung and liver. That totally sucks but I know you will face it with the same killer fight you have in the past.
Please give Kim my best and remember that no matter what, she has stayed by your side through this entire journey, the good, the bad and the ugly, and she is still there.
Hugs - Tina
Hi, Tina:)
You're right about Kim - and you've told me more than once. I really thought she was going to leave me on my last chemo cycle....she had just had enough of cancer...I was ready to let her go, because I felt she deserved more than a future with me...after all, we know where my future is headed, don't we?
It's just a matter of time...just don't when...and I don't WHEN to say when...and so on I go. I couldn't blame her though...I think that's what was really getting me last year...the thought of her being gone and then recurring....
...sends shivers down my spine. I needed her alot this year....the drive was too far to the hospital and there were times when I could not drive myself or even conduct simple business, because I was so sick out of mind on that Folfiri.
I drove myself back and forth for radiation treatments, though it was hard...but the chemo drew the line. All I could envision was my helpless self alone to fend for myself - and not being able to. I don't know of anything scarier than I have nobody else to help me.
While we're talking about Kim....let's give her the proper recognition that she deserves...she stands atop this board in longevity for "Active Careivers." She weighs in at 8-years of service this June '12.
So, for all the caregivers who are in their 1-3 period, step outside your world a minute and look at Kim and what she has seen and had to put up with over those 8-years. She's an inspiration - and an inspiration for all the caregivers who reside here.
Think you can't go on? Think of Kim - she's doubled and tripled the time many of you are at when you feel despondent, think of her...
I don't give her nearly enough credit and wanted to take this opportunity publically to acknowledge her hard work and trying to hold it all together with NO FRIEND OR FAMILY SUPPORT...just her by herself.
She's one tough broad:)
I think I realize more clearly than ever now what a help it is to have someone go through life with's not about the sex, it's not about the money, it's not about an extravagant lifestyle.
No. What it is, is being able to have someone "help" you through this life....having a partner that knows you and understand your eccentricities and stays with you in spite of all of that. I think I only really got that when I sat down to respond to you, Tina.
This is not news for you and George, of course. You've been together many years and continue to stand by one another - yours is the epitome of what a marriage is. It warms my heart to learn from you and many other successful couples.
You have certainly helped to keep my perspectives in sharp focus - and I thank you for that.
"Possible but Probable" recurrence, Tina...not confirmed yet as we're watching to see what happens on the next scan cyce. It will do more than suck...this would make #4 for me...and I'm quickly running out of a body to fight, though I might have one left in me....just don't what would be left or if whatever was left would be worth having.
We'll see towards the end of May...I'm not stupid...I've always felt that from the very last second of treatment, that #4 was still there and just waiting.
Alot of people don't realize that sure you do chemo - sure you do radiation - sure you do would expect to have some response, right?
The problem never seems to last for long....I got about 8-months after giving another hard fought this round was not even a DRAW. If I'm confirmed, I'm slipping and the slide won't be delicate.
But we'll see....the dye has been cast for some time....I think as people get farther along in the journey, they will begin to understand that Craig was not out of his frikkin' gourd after all.
We must look to the senior members - because we have traveled the roads that other have yet to find...we know just it from a different perspective than they do...but what would one cannot know what they have not been through....there was a time when I saw it differently.
And yes, I'll do the 'other thing' I need to do while I can - if I get sick again, I'm out of the game, because that chemo had me sick 30 days out of 30 days...which if my math is correct, is the whole month and therefore my whole life.
Just frustrated right now...but thank you for allowing me the opportunity to express myself.
Say hi to George and nice to see you again!
-Craig0 -
dupAnnabelle41415 said:Sorry
So sorry you are going through all that you are. You are such a great contributor on the board and consider you a true friend even though we have never met. Your heart is as big as the sun and it shows through your writings. I've not been on much so I'm not keeping up with what is going on in the daily posts for awhile, but just wanted to let you know that you are being thought of always.
Hugs! Kim
dup0 -
And In Other News.....Sundanceh said:Tina:)
Hi, Tina:)
You're right about Kim - and you've told me more than once. I really thought she was going to leave me on my last chemo cycle....she had just had enough of cancer...I was ready to let her go, because I felt she deserved more than a future with me...after all, we know where my future is headed, don't we?
It's just a matter of time...just don't when...and I don't WHEN to say when...and so on I go. I couldn't blame her though...I think that's what was really getting me last year...the thought of her being gone and then recurring....
...sends shivers down my spine. I needed her alot this year....the drive was too far to the hospital and there were times when I could not drive myself or even conduct simple business, because I was so sick out of mind on that Folfiri.
I drove myself back and forth for radiation treatments, though it was hard...but the chemo drew the line. All I could envision was my helpless self alone to fend for myself - and not being able to. I don't know of anything scarier than I have nobody else to help me.
While we're talking about Kim....let's give her the proper recognition that she deserves...she stands atop this board in longevity for "Active Careivers." She weighs in at 8-years of service this June '12.
So, for all the caregivers who are in their 1-3 period, step outside your world a minute and look at Kim and what she has seen and had to put up with over those 8-years. She's an inspiration - and an inspiration for all the caregivers who reside here.
Think you can't go on? Think of Kim - she's doubled and tripled the time many of you are at when you feel despondent, think of her...
I don't give her nearly enough credit and wanted to take this opportunity publically to acknowledge her hard work and trying to hold it all together with NO FRIEND OR FAMILY SUPPORT...just her by herself.
She's one tough broad:)
I think I realize more clearly than ever now what a help it is to have someone go through life with's not about the sex, it's not about the money, it's not about an extravagant lifestyle.
No. What it is, is being able to have someone "help" you through this life....having a partner that knows you and understand your eccentricities and stays with you in spite of all of that. I think I only really got that when I sat down to respond to you, Tina.
This is not news for you and George, of course. You've been together many years and continue to stand by one another - yours is the epitome of what a marriage is. It warms my heart to learn from you and many other successful couples.
You have certainly helped to keep my perspectives in sharp focus - and I thank you for that.
"Possible but Probable" recurrence, Tina...not confirmed yet as we're watching to see what happens on the next scan cyce. It will do more than suck...this would make #4 for me...and I'm quickly running out of a body to fight, though I might have one left in me....just don't what would be left or if whatever was left would be worth having.
We'll see towards the end of May...I'm not stupid...I've always felt that from the very last second of treatment, that #4 was still there and just waiting.
Alot of people don't realize that sure you do chemo - sure you do radiation - sure you do would expect to have some response, right?
The problem never seems to last for long....I got about 8-months after giving another hard fought this round was not even a DRAW. If I'm confirmed, I'm slipping and the slide won't be delicate.
But we'll see....the dye has been cast for some time....I think as people get farther along in the journey, they will begin to understand that Craig was not out of his frikkin' gourd after all.
We must look to the senior members - because we have traveled the roads that other have yet to find...we know just it from a different perspective than they do...but what would one cannot know what they have not been through....there was a time when I saw it differently.
And yes, I'll do the 'other thing' I need to do while I can - if I get sick again, I'm out of the game, because that chemo had me sick 30 days out of 30 days...which if my math is correct, is the whole month and therefore my whole life.
Just frustrated right now...but thank you for allowing me the opportunity to express myself.
Say hi to George and nice to see you again!
Home sick with the crud or whatever is floating around....
Tried to lay down but could not rest - got up to check my email. One of the agents I queried awhile back had responded to me!
Guess what?
Another rejection:) LOL!
I just had to smile...I guess the world is just not ready for me:)
-Craig0 -
Big Jeff:)janderson1964 said:My heart goes out to you. I
My heart goes out to you. I have had a loving family and wife so I can't begin to imagine what you have experienced. It seams like cancer is the least of it. Your words always mean a lot to me and I was missing your posts for the past couple of weeks. Your continued survival is an inspiration to me.
I am touched and honored that you feel such a way, buddy - really.
I've survived the abuses, my sister's murder, my uncle's suicide, an F-3 tornado, and 3 cancers...and that's the highlight reel. You'd think I'd get the hint by now, wouldn't you?
I know how hard it can be for a man to truly express himself, so I can truly appreciate your kind words to's nice to know that you mean something to someone...and I'm glad to know you. We're kindred you and I...I was born in ol' guys gotta' support each other.
And we like John Force, too. Hope you read that story - if you missed it, it is in back of the archives...titled "The Day I Met the Legend." It's also a chapter in my book.
Thanks again, man...thanks for posting.
-Craig0 -
Aww CraigSundanceh said:And In Other News.....
Home sick with the crud or whatever is floating around....
Tried to lay down but could not rest - got up to check my email. One of the agents I queried awhile back had responded to me!
Guess what?
Another rejection:) LOL!
I just had to smile...I guess the world is just not ready for me:)
You just didn't put enough SEX in that book. That must be the problem.
As for caregivers, I've been married to a diabetic heart patient for nearly 40 years. Now, not the same sort of care that I gave Johnnybegood when I was with her, but care nontheless for many years. He's had many surgeries and illnesses. So I've done my share of care giving. In fact, I had to leave her and come home to do things for him following another surgery. We've had our share of ups and downs over all those years. Each us of has threatened to leave the other, but who else would put up with us. LOL
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do, like putting the other person's needs first. I'm proud of Kim and so many others who stand by their spouse in any time of illness or adversity. After all, wouldn't that person do the same for you. That's what real love is all about, and although it's only a piece of paper with our names on it, I seem to remember some words long ago about "through sickness and health".
Luv Ya,
Wolfen0 -
Hiya Craig,Sundanceh said:All Points Bulletin - Suspect "On the Run" Has Been Apprehended
"10-4, the cover is code 3...we've got him detained and in custody, over."
Thank you, TC, for this post. I appreciate your concern…but my big question to you is, “Did you miss me?” Wait a minute – don’t answer that one – the truth might sting a little too much and you know how sensitive I am, right?
I want to take a minute and thank my “honey-pies” for reaching out to me, at a time in my life when I really needed someone to talk to. Trust is something we earn along the way if we’re very fortunate…the opening of one’s heart and sharing it with other folks, is perhaps the greatest reward that one can give to another. It’s not always easy to trust.
And so, I trusted…and opened my heart to them…to my surprise, my gals did not run for the hills – instead, they comforted and nurtured – something I’ve been sorely lacking for a long time.
It’s those kinds of experiences that form the bonds of strong feelings that equate to real friendship. I am blessed to have these kinds of ladies in my life. And it doesn’t matter whether we’ve met or not…because when one swaps real heartaches and stories and you get to know one another, then isn’t that about as real as you can get?
Ma’ Bell used to say, “Long distance – it’s the next best thing to being there.”
I was turning back towards the dark side with dark thoughts…the inspiration was gone…the well had suddenly run dry…the voice now eerily silenced…
I could not be what I wanted to be here with all that is going on, so I thought it better to stay clear of here, until I could once again regain my perspective. I wrote my own posts and replied to others, but chose to hit the delete key in each case….I just did not like the way it sounded. I could tell the hurt and pain I’m experiencing right now was bleeding over and I could not let that happen.
It was a combination of things really. The news of my 2 new spots on new lung and liver didn’t have time to really sink in, before my dad’s health began to fail him…the last 6-weeks we have been bouncing back and forth between nursing homes and hospitals. So, it has taken all of my available time tending to that.
It’s much more than a physical task however; there is a raging sea of emotions that are churning inside me…many conflicting emotions as I look at the man, who is my dad and also as the man who I suffered under for 50 years with mental and verbal abuse. A man who expected everything out of me – but put nothing in me.
A man, whose last marriage ended up breaking up our family and sending my sister to another town, where she was subsequently murdered at 18. A man, who told me that this wife “was the most important thing to ever happen to him in his life.”
And then she left him 8-years ago when I got cancer and he had a stroke…just got on her broomstick and got the hell out of Dodge.
I stare back at a fallible man with some degree of bitterness and resentment, as I’m now the “Last of the Mohicans” left now to clean up all of this mess. My dad has not made it easy for me - even in his last days.
You see, mine is a duty out of responsibility, not out of love. For in order to love, one has to receive love…and I never got love….just the sting of the lash, or the even harder stinging of words meant to beat me down and destroy my spirit. If I was lucky, I just got silence.
So, when I look around this room, I see families who 'love' one another - really love one another, hell, you actually 'like' each other. And I long for that which I never had - I long for that, which I will never taste...
If you really knew me, you would ask how your Sundance manages to stay upbeat and mostly positive with all that his life has been. Through abuse, sibling's murder, tornadoes, and three cancers....I keep smilin' and trying to help...hoping that one day, I will finally get mine.
So, when the end does come and my dad passes, there will be no tears. If any tears are accidentally shed, they will be for the memories of "What COULD have been"...and "What SHOULD have been."
I could tell you a couple of stories, but I’ve said too much already…
I will tell you this one. The other day, we went to the hospital. I had to sit downstairs for a few minutes just to get nerve enough to go up there….the day before he pretended like he didn’t know me…would not look at me…would not talk to me…
Found out, it was because I did not say “bye” the night before….he had gone to sleep, so I just went on home...of course on that day, he made sure to embarrass me in front of his friends….an old trick. Made me look like an **** – and after me and Kim had both taken a ½ day off from work to go and clean out his room at the nursing home.
It actually gets worse, but I gotta' stop somewhere.
So, my heart was hurting like I was having a stroke or heart attack…very heavy…hard to breathe etc. etc. And then Kim, sensing the tension and the dread, walked up to me and put her around mine:)
I about passed out – I haven’t had a touch in such a long time, I had forgotten what it felt like. But, she was actually ‘tender’ to me for those few moments and was really trying to console me…you see, she knows all that has happened….her and my dad don’t get along…and for a lot of obvious reasons.
So, along with my own health concern and now my dad’s failing health, the news of Lisa’s impending passing and I just sorta went numb. I guess I can only take so much of anything. And I’m so tired of watching my friends die right in front of me.
Yesterday, I went down with a big ol’ round of vertigo…that stuff cripples the mind and makes you fearful that the next breath will rock your world…that’s what happened…I responded to a pm here and right after that, Whammo! See you tomorrow.
I hate living like this….I hate living in fear of when my 4th recurrence is coming…I hate living with the fear that my next breath or step is going to leave me dizzy and debilitated. I hate having to fit into the real world when my body is rebelling so. I hate losing all of my friends here that I grew up with to cancer.
I’m tired….so tired….so tired of fighting for every single thing…I had to fight so hard as a child growing up, raising myself….it was the real reality show of Survivor – and that’s why I am a tough nut to crack….believe me, The Best have all taken their shots and lost.
I may not be good – but I am stubborn and ornery – I survive because I’ve always had to.
Big Billy still wants to stop out and visit you…I’ll let him tell you a couple of stories about what’s been happening with the book project.
I’ll tell you that I got my “1st official rejection” email from one of my prospective agents this past Monday. She let me down nicely. I smiled, because at least she herself responded back to me. The others have hit the delete key.
I’ve got a good lead on a new agent though…she is “Passionate” about medical subjects. She likes snail mail, so I put together my book proposal, outline, and the first chapter on good stationary and mailed it out with a wing and a prayer.
I had to enclose a self-addressed envelope so they could mail their reply back to me in 8-9 weeks…what a shame to have to ‘pay’ to receive a rejection, LOL!
In between all of this madness, I’m trying not to forget about ME – my hopes and dreams with this book project Right now, it’s the only thing that is keeping me buoyed in this current stormy chapter of my life.
If things ever pop, I’ve got big plans for Big Billy. Wait till you hear what's on Big Billy’s Bucket List – I’m going to let him tell you all about it. The boy is nothing if not imaginative
But knowing him the way that I do – I “know” he can do what he will tell you he wants to do.
Thanks again, TC…I needed someone to talk to.
Welcome to all the new folks and best wishes to those currently in the fight. Thanks for listening.
Just wanted to
Hiya Craig,
Just wanted to let you know I am still out here pulling for you. Wishing I knew someone in the publishing business.... and one word about your Dad- ICK. You did not deserve the life and misery he gave you and he certainly did not deserve you.
But so we travel on, the bags of our past thick and heavy, trying our damnest to carve out the path, find the meaning and feel the life from within. Some never make it, dying bitter old people and some, like you, rise above the heartache, the physical, escalating drama of your body and find life through touch and reaching out to those that truly care.
We are here Craig. Some of us only temporary, but this board will always be here and its people who love and appreciate you.
Love always from Minnesota.
P.0 -
The lionwolfen said:Aww Craig
You just didn't put enough SEX in that book. That must be the problem.
As for caregivers, I've been married to a diabetic heart patient for nearly 40 years. Now, not the same sort of care that I gave Johnnybegood when I was with her, but care nontheless for many years. He's had many surgeries and illnesses. So I've done my share of care giving. In fact, I had to leave her and come home to do things for him following another surgery. We've had our share of ups and downs over all those years. Each us of has threatened to leave the other, but who else would put up with us. LOL
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do, like putting the other person's needs first. I'm proud of Kim and so many others who stand by their spouse in any time of illness or adversity. After all, wouldn't that person do the same for you. That's what real love is all about, and although it's only a piece of paper with our names on it, I seem to remember some words long ago about "through sickness and health".
Luv Ya,
He certainly can roar. But if it was not for his roar, how could we not prepare for what's coming. I hear your roars, they have never made me feel sad. The silence made me sad, the quiet before the storm makes me worry, the stillness makes me apprehensive.
I agree with you, the truth needs to be told, and you.....somehow you know how, to tell it. I use the delete more than u could ever imagine. The truth it's real. I prefer it!
As to your wife I think of yentl, you ask me, do i love you, and i say for 25' years, I've cooked your meals, for .25 years I've washed your clothes, blah,blah, if that s not love, what is. I know the words are not perfect, but you get the idea.
You never make me sad, be proud of your book, take another look at, make some revisions, try again.
I was born in 1961 also. Our lives are very similar in the sense that I had no parental love or guidance. Even though they were alive. I have had a lot of sickness and many cancers. I remember being a small soul in heaven and god was helping each to chose their lives. When it came my turn he said why that one, it is much too hard, there are others too choose and I said father, I will take it because it is much too difficult for the others. He has offered .me to leave this earth twice in peaceful ways and I declined, because you see there are people,pets and things that I love Here, that I won't have there. Once I get there as wonderful as it is, it is forever. You chose your life Craig because you could live it, and you could live it well, even with all the adversaries.
I pray for best for you in your fight. You have already won because you are a good man0 -
toxic peopleSundanceh said:All Points Bulletin - Suspect "On the Run" Has Been Apprehended
"10-4, the cover is code 3...we've got him detained and in custody, over."
Thank you, TC, for this post. I appreciate your concern…but my big question to you is, “Did you miss me?” Wait a minute – don’t answer that one – the truth might sting a little too much and you know how sensitive I am, right?
I want to take a minute and thank my “honey-pies” for reaching out to me, at a time in my life when I really needed someone to talk to. Trust is something we earn along the way if we’re very fortunate…the opening of one’s heart and sharing it with other folks, is perhaps the greatest reward that one can give to another. It’s not always easy to trust.
And so, I trusted…and opened my heart to them…to my surprise, my gals did not run for the hills – instead, they comforted and nurtured – something I’ve been sorely lacking for a long time.
It’s those kinds of experiences that form the bonds of strong feelings that equate to real friendship. I am blessed to have these kinds of ladies in my life. And it doesn’t matter whether we’ve met or not…because when one swaps real heartaches and stories and you get to know one another, then isn’t that about as real as you can get?
Ma’ Bell used to say, “Long distance – it’s the next best thing to being there.”
I was turning back towards the dark side with dark thoughts…the inspiration was gone…the well had suddenly run dry…the voice now eerily silenced…
I could not be what I wanted to be here with all that is going on, so I thought it better to stay clear of here, until I could once again regain my perspective. I wrote my own posts and replied to others, but chose to hit the delete key in each case….I just did not like the way it sounded. I could tell the hurt and pain I’m experiencing right now was bleeding over and I could not let that happen.
It was a combination of things really. The news of my 2 new spots on new lung and liver didn’t have time to really sink in, before my dad’s health began to fail him…the last 6-weeks we have been bouncing back and forth between nursing homes and hospitals. So, it has taken all of my available time tending to that.
It’s much more than a physical task however; there is a raging sea of emotions that are churning inside me…many conflicting emotions as I look at the man, who is my dad and also as the man who I suffered under for 50 years with mental and verbal abuse. A man who expected everything out of me – but put nothing in me.
A man, whose last marriage ended up breaking up our family and sending my sister to another town, where she was subsequently murdered at 18. A man, who told me that this wife “was the most important thing to ever happen to him in his life.”
And then she left him 8-years ago when I got cancer and he had a stroke…just got on her broomstick and got the hell out of Dodge.
I stare back at a fallible man with some degree of bitterness and resentment, as I’m now the “Last of the Mohicans” left now to clean up all of this mess. My dad has not made it easy for me - even in his last days.
You see, mine is a duty out of responsibility, not out of love. For in order to love, one has to receive love…and I never got love….just the sting of the lash, or the even harder stinging of words meant to beat me down and destroy my spirit. If I was lucky, I just got silence.
So, when I look around this room, I see families who 'love' one another - really love one another, hell, you actually 'like' each other. And I long for that which I never had - I long for that, which I will never taste...
If you really knew me, you would ask how your Sundance manages to stay upbeat and mostly positive with all that his life has been. Through abuse, sibling's murder, tornadoes, and three cancers....I keep smilin' and trying to help...hoping that one day, I will finally get mine.
So, when the end does come and my dad passes, there will be no tears. If any tears are accidentally shed, they will be for the memories of "What COULD have been"...and "What SHOULD have been."
I could tell you a couple of stories, but I’ve said too much already…
I will tell you this one. The other day, we went to the hospital. I had to sit downstairs for a few minutes just to get nerve enough to go up there….the day before he pretended like he didn’t know me…would not look at me…would not talk to me…
Found out, it was because I did not say “bye” the night before….he had gone to sleep, so I just went on home...of course on that day, he made sure to embarrass me in front of his friends….an old trick. Made me look like an **** – and after me and Kim had both taken a ½ day off from work to go and clean out his room at the nursing home.
It actually gets worse, but I gotta' stop somewhere.
So, my heart was hurting like I was having a stroke or heart attack…very heavy…hard to breathe etc. etc. And then Kim, sensing the tension and the dread, walked up to me and put her around mine:)
I about passed out – I haven’t had a touch in such a long time, I had forgotten what it felt like. But, she was actually ‘tender’ to me for those few moments and was really trying to console me…you see, she knows all that has happened….her and my dad don’t get along…and for a lot of obvious reasons.
So, along with my own health concern and now my dad’s failing health, the news of Lisa’s impending passing and I just sorta went numb. I guess I can only take so much of anything. And I’m so tired of watching my friends die right in front of me.
Yesterday, I went down with a big ol’ round of vertigo…that stuff cripples the mind and makes you fearful that the next breath will rock your world…that’s what happened…I responded to a pm here and right after that, Whammo! See you tomorrow.
I hate living like this….I hate living in fear of when my 4th recurrence is coming…I hate living with the fear that my next breath or step is going to leave me dizzy and debilitated. I hate having to fit into the real world when my body is rebelling so. I hate losing all of my friends here that I grew up with to cancer.
I’m tired….so tired….so tired of fighting for every single thing…I had to fight so hard as a child growing up, raising myself….it was the real reality show of Survivor – and that’s why I am a tough nut to crack….believe me, The Best have all taken their shots and lost.
I may not be good – but I am stubborn and ornery – I survive because I’ve always had to.
Big Billy still wants to stop out and visit you…I’ll let him tell you a couple of stories about what’s been happening with the book project.
I’ll tell you that I got my “1st official rejection” email from one of my prospective agents this past Monday. She let me down nicely. I smiled, because at least she herself responded back to me. The others have hit the delete key.
I’ve got a good lead on a new agent though…she is “Passionate” about medical subjects. She likes snail mail, so I put together my book proposal, outline, and the first chapter on good stationary and mailed it out with a wing and a prayer.
I had to enclose a self-addressed envelope so they could mail their reply back to me in 8-9 weeks…what a shame to have to ‘pay’ to receive a rejection, LOL!
In between all of this madness, I’m trying not to forget about ME – my hopes and dreams with this book project Right now, it’s the only thing that is keeping me buoyed in this current stormy chapter of my life.
If things ever pop, I’ve got big plans for Big Billy. Wait till you hear what's on Big Billy’s Bucket List – I’m going to let him tell you all about it. The boy is nothing if not imaginative
But knowing him the way that I do – I “know” he can do what he will tell you he wants to do.
Thanks again, TC…I needed someone to talk to.
Welcome to all the new folks and best wishes to those currently in the fight. Thanks for listening.
Sounds like your dad is one. As a son, the hardest, but healthiest thing to do is forgive. Our parents are human beings, complicated and messy. As children we worship or fear them, and as adults we often feel betrayed or let down. And then we become parents, and whatever unforgiven damage we suffered we pass to our offspring, often in new and interesting ways (mom stifled me and gave me no love, I am going to be my child's best friend).
When I am dealing with a bully I've found that you can neutralize them by pointing out they are bullying, sort of how Joe McCarthy was brought down (have you no shame).
My family visits here, so I avoid putting down anything that might cause them pain (if you are reading this, know I love you) but like any family we have stories, and I can feel yours.
Last bit: eight years. Yeah it cost you, but it's eight years! Beats the heck out of the alternative. And you wrote a book! Published or not, that is a lifetime achievement in itself. (Have you thought about asking ACS to publish?)
Rambled enough, peace out
Blake0 -
Your spirit is amazing. You are filled with so much love and you are a man of true courage. Hugs to you. You mean so much to many of us.
Kathleen0 -
Aww is anotherSundanceh said:All Points Bulletin - Suspect "On the Run" Has Been Apprehended
"10-4, the cover is code 3...we've got him detained and in custody, over."
Thank you, TC, for this post. I appreciate your concern…but my big question to you is, “Did you miss me?” Wait a minute – don’t answer that one – the truth might sting a little too much and you know how sensitive I am, right?
I want to take a minute and thank my “honey-pies” for reaching out to me, at a time in my life when I really needed someone to talk to. Trust is something we earn along the way if we’re very fortunate…the opening of one’s heart and sharing it with other folks, is perhaps the greatest reward that one can give to another. It’s not always easy to trust.
And so, I trusted…and opened my heart to them…to my surprise, my gals did not run for the hills – instead, they comforted and nurtured – something I’ve been sorely lacking for a long time.
It’s those kinds of experiences that form the bonds of strong feelings that equate to real friendship. I am blessed to have these kinds of ladies in my life. And it doesn’t matter whether we’ve met or not…because when one swaps real heartaches and stories and you get to know one another, then isn’t that about as real as you can get?
Ma’ Bell used to say, “Long distance – it’s the next best thing to being there.”
I was turning back towards the dark side with dark thoughts…the inspiration was gone…the well had suddenly run dry…the voice now eerily silenced…
I could not be what I wanted to be here with all that is going on, so I thought it better to stay clear of here, until I could once again regain my perspective. I wrote my own posts and replied to others, but chose to hit the delete key in each case….I just did not like the way it sounded. I could tell the hurt and pain I’m experiencing right now was bleeding over and I could not let that happen.
It was a combination of things really. The news of my 2 new spots on new lung and liver didn’t have time to really sink in, before my dad’s health began to fail him…the last 6-weeks we have been bouncing back and forth between nursing homes and hospitals. So, it has taken all of my available time tending to that.
It’s much more than a physical task however; there is a raging sea of emotions that are churning inside me…many conflicting emotions as I look at the man, who is my dad and also as the man who I suffered under for 50 years with mental and verbal abuse. A man who expected everything out of me – but put nothing in me.
A man, whose last marriage ended up breaking up our family and sending my sister to another town, where she was subsequently murdered at 18. A man, who told me that this wife “was the most important thing to ever happen to him in his life.”
And then she left him 8-years ago when I got cancer and he had a stroke…just got on her broomstick and got the hell out of Dodge.
I stare back at a fallible man with some degree of bitterness and resentment, as I’m now the “Last of the Mohicans” left now to clean up all of this mess. My dad has not made it easy for me - even in his last days.
You see, mine is a duty out of responsibility, not out of love. For in order to love, one has to receive love…and I never got love….just the sting of the lash, or the even harder stinging of words meant to beat me down and destroy my spirit. If I was lucky, I just got silence.
So, when I look around this room, I see families who 'love' one another - really love one another, hell, you actually 'like' each other. And I long for that which I never had - I long for that, which I will never taste...
If you really knew me, you would ask how your Sundance manages to stay upbeat and mostly positive with all that his life has been. Through abuse, sibling's murder, tornadoes, and three cancers....I keep smilin' and trying to help...hoping that one day, I will finally get mine.
So, when the end does come and my dad passes, there will be no tears. If any tears are accidentally shed, they will be for the memories of "What COULD have been"...and "What SHOULD have been."
I could tell you a couple of stories, but I’ve said too much already…
I will tell you this one. The other day, we went to the hospital. I had to sit downstairs for a few minutes just to get nerve enough to go up there….the day before he pretended like he didn’t know me…would not look at me…would not talk to me…
Found out, it was because I did not say “bye” the night before….he had gone to sleep, so I just went on home...of course on that day, he made sure to embarrass me in front of his friends….an old trick. Made me look like an **** – and after me and Kim had both taken a ½ day off from work to go and clean out his room at the nursing home.
It actually gets worse, but I gotta' stop somewhere.
So, my heart was hurting like I was having a stroke or heart attack…very heavy…hard to breathe etc. etc. And then Kim, sensing the tension and the dread, walked up to me and put her around mine:)
I about passed out – I haven’t had a touch in such a long time, I had forgotten what it felt like. But, she was actually ‘tender’ to me for those few moments and was really trying to console me…you see, she knows all that has happened….her and my dad don’t get along…and for a lot of obvious reasons.
So, along with my own health concern and now my dad’s failing health, the news of Lisa’s impending passing and I just sorta went numb. I guess I can only take so much of anything. And I’m so tired of watching my friends die right in front of me.
Yesterday, I went down with a big ol’ round of vertigo…that stuff cripples the mind and makes you fearful that the next breath will rock your world…that’s what happened…I responded to a pm here and right after that, Whammo! See you tomorrow.
I hate living like this….I hate living in fear of when my 4th recurrence is coming…I hate living with the fear that my next breath or step is going to leave me dizzy and debilitated. I hate having to fit into the real world when my body is rebelling so. I hate losing all of my friends here that I grew up with to cancer.
I’m tired….so tired….so tired of fighting for every single thing…I had to fight so hard as a child growing up, raising myself….it was the real reality show of Survivor – and that’s why I am a tough nut to crack….believe me, The Best have all taken their shots and lost.
I may not be good – but I am stubborn and ornery – I survive because I’ve always had to.
Big Billy still wants to stop out and visit you…I’ll let him tell you a couple of stories about what’s been happening with the book project.
I’ll tell you that I got my “1st official rejection” email from one of my prospective agents this past Monday. She let me down nicely. I smiled, because at least she herself responded back to me. The others have hit the delete key.
I’ve got a good lead on a new agent though…she is “Passionate” about medical subjects. She likes snail mail, so I put together my book proposal, outline, and the first chapter on good stationary and mailed it out with a wing and a prayer.
I had to enclose a self-addressed envelope so they could mail their reply back to me in 8-9 weeks…what a shame to have to ‘pay’ to receive a rejection, LOL!
In between all of this madness, I’m trying not to forget about ME – my hopes and dreams with this book project Right now, it’s the only thing that is keeping me buoyed in this current stormy chapter of my life.
If things ever pop, I’ve got big plans for Big Billy. Wait till you hear what's on Big Billy’s Bucket List – I’m going to let him tell you all about it. The boy is nothing if not imaginative
But knowing him the way that I do – I “know” he can do what he will tell you he wants to do.
Thanks again, TC…I needed someone to talk to.
Welcome to all the new folks and best wishes to those currently in the fight. Thanks for listening.
Aww is another arm around yours! That is one of the things I seem to do best. Help others carry through. What an emotionally eventful couple of months. But looks like more chapters in your book to me.
huggin you, gail0 -
Hi Patteee:)Patteee said:Hiya Craig,
Just wanted to
Hiya Craig,
Just wanted to let you know I am still out here pulling for you. Wishing I knew someone in the publishing business.... and one word about your Dad- ICK. You did not deserve the life and misery he gave you and he certainly did not deserve you.
But so we travel on, the bags of our past thick and heavy, trying our damnest to carve out the path, find the meaning and feel the life from within. Some never make it, dying bitter old people and some, like you, rise above the heartache, the physical, escalating drama of your body and find life through touch and reaching out to those that truly care.
We are here Craig. Some of us only temporary, but this board will always be here and its people who love and appreciate you.
Love always from Minnesota.
It's been awhile...thought you forgot about me:) LOL!
Great seeing you around again - thank you for this post...I appreciate what you had to say.
I'm often reminded of the Pattee's Craig, who had a "cut through the crap gentleness..."
He's a little more raw and edgy since he first joined...but it comes from the things he's seen and witnessed - things that he could no longer turn a blind eye too:)
And this continues to shape and form who he is.
Thank you so much for posting and I'm so glad all is well with you.
-Craig0 -
Hey Blake!Buckwirth said:toxic people
Sounds like your dad is one. As a son, the hardest, but healthiest thing to do is forgive. Our parents are human beings, complicated and messy. As children we worship or fear them, and as adults we often feel betrayed or let down. And then we become parents, and whatever unforgiven damage we suffered we pass to our offspring, often in new and interesting ways (mom stifled me and gave me no love, I am going to be my child's best friend).
When I am dealing with a bully I've found that you can neutralize them by pointing out they are bullying, sort of how Joe McCarthy was brought down (have you no shame).
My family visits here, so I avoid putting down anything that might cause them pain (if you are reading this, know I love you) but like any family we have stories, and I can feel yours.
Last bit: eight years. Yeah it cost you, but it's eight years! Beats the heck out of the alternative. And you wrote a book! Published or not, that is a lifetime achievement in itself. (Have you thought about asking ACS to publish?)
Rambled enough, peace out
My dad had such a profoundly negative impact on my life that I decided I did not want to have any children - I did not want to be to them what my dad and my mom were to me - emotionally vacant and mentally cruel.
I decided I had to stop this madness once and for all - and break the bloodline. After my sister was murdered, I knew that if I stopped it that our family name's bloodline would come grinding to a halt.
I like your reaction to wanting to be a better parent for your children, based on what you received growing up. Upon reflection, I wish I had the courage and conviction that you had...I don't know if I would have been a good parent or's water under the bridge now...but it wasn't fair to my wife.
That's the kind of impact that my dad had. Another one of his great motivating tools was to tell me that I "was not worthy enough to carry his last name."
Now, go get 'em, right?
Do you know that it was "23 years" before I could say my last name clearly when people asked me what my name was? I could get the Craig part out just fine...but the last name I mumbled and often had to repeat.
That's the type of impact that my dad had on me.
Now, I'm proud of my name - because through cancer, I've become proud of who I am - what I stand for and represent - and the knowledge that I'm not my dad or my mom's son...and that my name is all that I'm ever going to have - and through all of this, I find that I've finally accepted me - and more importantly, that I like myself okay now.
It was his and her loss - I don't know a parent can have a child and then not have 'any interest' in their lives whatsoever - brow beat them for their mistakes - never encourage or support any of their interests and then expect them to be anything more than what they received.
"8 is Great." It's been something I near that 8th anniversary in June, it's really surreal and hard for me to believe that it has been this long, Blake. I'm a "dinosaur" in the cancer world and I don't know how I've made it...I should have been gone once or twice by now...but then the sun rises and I do it all again:)
I don't know for how much longer...and that's always the rub...but I've outlived many's expectations, including my own. I carry with me a sense of accomplishment for making it this so far - but also the guilt of surviving when so many of our friends have not.
From where I was sitting, their lives seemed to have more purpose and meaning than mine and they seemed far more deserving than I. Their passings have left an indelible mark on my soul that I will always carry. It is through their memories that I honor them with every breath that I take.
No, I haven't thought about ACS to help me publish. I'll look into that. They probably get enough of me everday through my posts, LOL!
Thanks for reaching out, buddy...and mend up fast!
-Craig0 -
Gail:)plh4gail said:Aww is another
Aww is another arm around yours! That is one of the things I seem to do best. Help others carry through. What an emotionally eventful couple of months. But looks like more chapters in your book to me.
huggin you, gail
Hey, there's another one of my California gals:) LOL!
I probably could write another book, lol!
Take care, Craig0 -
Mahalo nui loaKathleen808 said:Craig
Your spirit is amazing. You are filled with so much love and you are a man of true courage. Hugs to you. You mean so much to many of us.
So nice to see you once again, Kathleen...please pass along my congratulations to **** on his recent success...thank you for continuing to be my friend.
Aloha nui loa
-Craig0 -
Craig, I don't have much toSundanceh said:Mahalo nui loa
So nice to see you once again, Kathleen...please pass along my congratulations to **** on his recent success...thank you for continuing to be my friend.
Aloha nui loa
Craig, I don't have much to add, so many on here have expressed exactly what I was feeling when I read your post (and I might add they put their thoughts down in writing far better than I could do, putting words to paper certainly isn't my strong point). Go ahead express what you are feeling good and bad, at some point we all have baggage brought on by other family members and it's nice to know we're not alone with that. Keep on keepin on. I always enjoy reading your posts. Thinking of you.0 -
"The Lion's Roar"Phoebesnow said:The lion
He certainly can roar. But if it was not for his roar, how could we not prepare for what's coming. I hear your roars, they have never made me feel sad. The silence made me sad, the quiet before the storm makes me worry, the stillness makes me apprehensive.
I agree with you, the truth needs to be told, and you.....somehow you know how, to tell it. I use the delete more than u could ever imagine. The truth it's real. I prefer it!
As to your wife I think of yentl, you ask me, do i love you, and i say for 25' years, I've cooked your meals, for .25 years I've washed your clothes, blah,blah, if that s not love, what is. I know the words are not perfect, but you get the idea.
You never make me sad, be proud of your book, take another look at, make some revisions, try again.
I was born in 1961 also. Our lives are very similar in the sense that I had no parental love or guidance. Even though they were alive. I have had a lot of sickness and many cancers. I remember being a small soul in heaven and god was helping each to chose their lives. When it came my turn he said why that one, it is much too hard, there are others too choose and I said father, I will take it because it is much too difficult for the others. He has offered .me to leave this earth twice in peaceful ways and I declined, because you see there are people,pets and things that I love Here, that I won't have there. Once I get there as wonderful as it is, it is forever. You chose your life Craig because you could live it, and you could live it well, even with all the adversaries.
I pray for best for you in your fight. You have already won because you are a good man
Hi Phoebe:)
I think that this beauty of this thread was that it allows us the freedom and permission to say what we would not ordinarily say. Somehow, hearing from other people's struggles validates that part of our souls that lets us know that we're not 'alone' in how we feel and think.
The real gift lies right there.
My mom and my dad are two peas in a pod - there was no love or guidance as you say. It's hard growing up on your takes alot longer to get to where you want to be. Being a parent is more than a biological exchange of body fluids.
I've often wondered how I would have turned out if I had parents who stood behind me and supported me - and actually liked me. I look back now and regret not trying to have kids of my own...maybe I would have been something to them...but the thought of being to them what was to me...well, no child deserves that. So, I broke it off clean.
Now, I get to live that for the rest of my live - another legacy passed down to me by two failing parents. I've done okay on my own as it turns out...I had to. I try not to look back with too much regret...I am proud of who I am now...and what it's taken me to get there.
As for the book, yes, I have made revisions. The problem, Phoebe, is that we are never even getting to the content of my book....I'm being rejected outright without a glance of any chapters in the book...most require a proposal that is used to sell the idea to the's one page long and if they do review my proposal, they are not willing to take the chance with me.
As one of the agents told me the other day...they are hesitant to take on projects that they don't know will sell....and the bigger problem is that I'm "Mr. Nobody" in the publishing's a mighty tough club to gain membership to.
But, I tell you what, Phoebe...I have come to this conclusion so far in the book journey. I think my failures to date don't stem from the fact that I've got nothing to say, or that the content of the book is not relevant...I just can't get them to want to read any sample chapters.
Again, for the reasons I stated above. Still, I must continue to try - at least for awhile.
The great news is that I have all of you to share this with me...and for that, I'm eternally was through strong convictions and urgings that this book got written in the first guys put me over the hump to step out and take the chance - even though we all know what a true longshot it really is...
The biggest victory for me is that you folks believed enough in me to do it. Even if it sold a million copies, it will always mean the most to me for you folks to get to see are the ones who have stood so valiantly by my side.
How does one ever repay something like that?
-Craig0 -
*hugs*Sundanceh said:All Points Bulletin - Suspect "On the Run" Has Been Apprehended
"10-4, the cover is code 3...we've got him detained and in custody, over."
Thank you, TC, for this post. I appreciate your concern…but my big question to you is, “Did you miss me?” Wait a minute – don’t answer that one – the truth might sting a little too much and you know how sensitive I am, right?
I want to take a minute and thank my “honey-pies” for reaching out to me, at a time in my life when I really needed someone to talk to. Trust is something we earn along the way if we’re very fortunate…the opening of one’s heart and sharing it with other folks, is perhaps the greatest reward that one can give to another. It’s not always easy to trust.
And so, I trusted…and opened my heart to them…to my surprise, my gals did not run for the hills – instead, they comforted and nurtured – something I’ve been sorely lacking for a long time.
It’s those kinds of experiences that form the bonds of strong feelings that equate to real friendship. I am blessed to have these kinds of ladies in my life. And it doesn’t matter whether we’ve met or not…because when one swaps real heartaches and stories and you get to know one another, then isn’t that about as real as you can get?
Ma’ Bell used to say, “Long distance – it’s the next best thing to being there.”
I was turning back towards the dark side with dark thoughts…the inspiration was gone…the well had suddenly run dry…the voice now eerily silenced…
I could not be what I wanted to be here with all that is going on, so I thought it better to stay clear of here, until I could once again regain my perspective. I wrote my own posts and replied to others, but chose to hit the delete key in each case….I just did not like the way it sounded. I could tell the hurt and pain I’m experiencing right now was bleeding over and I could not let that happen.
It was a combination of things really. The news of my 2 new spots on new lung and liver didn’t have time to really sink in, before my dad’s health began to fail him…the last 6-weeks we have been bouncing back and forth between nursing homes and hospitals. So, it has taken all of my available time tending to that.
It’s much more than a physical task however; there is a raging sea of emotions that are churning inside me…many conflicting emotions as I look at the man, who is my dad and also as the man who I suffered under for 50 years with mental and verbal abuse. A man who expected everything out of me – but put nothing in me.
A man, whose last marriage ended up breaking up our family and sending my sister to another town, where she was subsequently murdered at 18. A man, who told me that this wife “was the most important thing to ever happen to him in his life.”
And then she left him 8-years ago when I got cancer and he had a stroke…just got on her broomstick and got the hell out of Dodge.
I stare back at a fallible man with some degree of bitterness and resentment, as I’m now the “Last of the Mohicans” left now to clean up all of this mess. My dad has not made it easy for me - even in his last days.
You see, mine is a duty out of responsibility, not out of love. For in order to love, one has to receive love…and I never got love….just the sting of the lash, or the even harder stinging of words meant to beat me down and destroy my spirit. If I was lucky, I just got silence.
So, when I look around this room, I see families who 'love' one another - really love one another, hell, you actually 'like' each other. And I long for that which I never had - I long for that, which I will never taste...
If you really knew me, you would ask how your Sundance manages to stay upbeat and mostly positive with all that his life has been. Through abuse, sibling's murder, tornadoes, and three cancers....I keep smilin' and trying to help...hoping that one day, I will finally get mine.
So, when the end does come and my dad passes, there will be no tears. If any tears are accidentally shed, they will be for the memories of "What COULD have been"...and "What SHOULD have been."
I could tell you a couple of stories, but I’ve said too much already…
I will tell you this one. The other day, we went to the hospital. I had to sit downstairs for a few minutes just to get nerve enough to go up there….the day before he pretended like he didn’t know me…would not look at me…would not talk to me…
Found out, it was because I did not say “bye” the night before….he had gone to sleep, so I just went on home...of course on that day, he made sure to embarrass me in front of his friends….an old trick. Made me look like an **** – and after me and Kim had both taken a ½ day off from work to go and clean out his room at the nursing home.
It actually gets worse, but I gotta' stop somewhere.
So, my heart was hurting like I was having a stroke or heart attack…very heavy…hard to breathe etc. etc. And then Kim, sensing the tension and the dread, walked up to me and put her around mine:)
I about passed out – I haven’t had a touch in such a long time, I had forgotten what it felt like. But, she was actually ‘tender’ to me for those few moments and was really trying to console me…you see, she knows all that has happened….her and my dad don’t get along…and for a lot of obvious reasons.
So, along with my own health concern and now my dad’s failing health, the news of Lisa’s impending passing and I just sorta went numb. I guess I can only take so much of anything. And I’m so tired of watching my friends die right in front of me.
Yesterday, I went down with a big ol’ round of vertigo…that stuff cripples the mind and makes you fearful that the next breath will rock your world…that’s what happened…I responded to a pm here and right after that, Whammo! See you tomorrow.
I hate living like this….I hate living in fear of when my 4th recurrence is coming…I hate living with the fear that my next breath or step is going to leave me dizzy and debilitated. I hate having to fit into the real world when my body is rebelling so. I hate losing all of my friends here that I grew up with to cancer.
I’m tired….so tired….so tired of fighting for every single thing…I had to fight so hard as a child growing up, raising myself….it was the real reality show of Survivor – and that’s why I am a tough nut to crack….believe me, The Best have all taken their shots and lost.
I may not be good – but I am stubborn and ornery – I survive because I’ve always had to.
Big Billy still wants to stop out and visit you…I’ll let him tell you a couple of stories about what’s been happening with the book project.
I’ll tell you that I got my “1st official rejection” email from one of my prospective agents this past Monday. She let me down nicely. I smiled, because at least she herself responded back to me. The others have hit the delete key.
I’ve got a good lead on a new agent though…she is “Passionate” about medical subjects. She likes snail mail, so I put together my book proposal, outline, and the first chapter on good stationary and mailed it out with a wing and a prayer.
I had to enclose a self-addressed envelope so they could mail their reply back to me in 8-9 weeks…what a shame to have to ‘pay’ to receive a rejection, LOL!
In between all of this madness, I’m trying not to forget about ME – my hopes and dreams with this book project Right now, it’s the only thing that is keeping me buoyed in this current stormy chapter of my life.
If things ever pop, I’ve got big plans for Big Billy. Wait till you hear what's on Big Billy’s Bucket List – I’m going to let him tell you all about it. The boy is nothing if not imaginative
But knowing him the way that I do – I “know” he can do what he will tell you he wants to do.
Thanks again, TC…I needed someone to talk to.
Welcome to all the new folks and best wishes to those currently in the fight. Thanks for listening.
I'm sorry for all you've gone through, Craig. You're such a wonderful person, and you don't deserve all the meanness in your life.
I pray that you and Kim will find your way back to a place where that tender touch is not so unexpected.
I have been going through some tough times with work lately and haven't been around much. When I am, though, your posts are ones that I look for right away.
Gail0 -
Leena:)smokeyjoe said:Craig, I don't have much to
Craig, I don't have much to add, so many on here have expressed exactly what I was feeling when I read your post (and I might add they put their thoughts down in writing far better than I could do, putting words to paper certainly isn't my strong point). Go ahead express what you are feeling good and bad, at some point we all have baggage brought on by other family members and it's nice to know we're not alone with that. Keep on keepin on. I always enjoy reading your posts. Thinking of you.
Thank you for your support...I'll keep writin' 'em - if you keep readin' 'em.
-Craig0 -
Dearest Gail:)tootsie1 said:*hugs*
I'm sorry for all you've gone through, Craig. You're such a wonderful person, and you don't deserve all the meanness in your life.
I pray that you and Kim will find your way back to a place where that tender touch is not so unexpected.
I have been going through some tough times with work lately and haven't been around much. When I am, though, your posts are ones that I look for right away.
Three years ago when I barged into this room, there was a kindly, dear woman named Gail. I asked if "I could unpack my bags and stay awhile?"
The rest, as they say, is history...:)
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