big dreams are contagious! i love winter! biology health conference and a little mcp info

pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
edited February 2012 in Colorectal Cancer #1
dear winter,

i have caught your big dreams, i want to run an alternative health conference with a focus on health and biology. i already am dealing with the best researchers in australia that could fill a one day program. i know ideas are easy and events are hard work.

the speakers would be, the focus would be science not marketing.........

The theme, how to be an exceptional patient

genetics fitgenes, Dr BP
antioxidants and sfn dr C
progurt probiotics Dr Bob
iv vitamin C Dr ID
iv minterals Dr
metals Dr IR
chemist Dr bob
Surg Dr K or G video of a colonoscopy and endoscopy with commentary.

is n't it amazing how out of what could be a negative situation, those comments that upset you, well they have in a sense been turned around into something so much more positive, for lots of us here on the board.

we need heaps of hope on this board. when we have an abundance, maybe some other the other cancer forums can come hear and visit and pickup a little of our surplus hope.


ps i have been on mcp for 14 months, i hope its helping!
just found this good summary of mcp studies,

pps an easy summary of key studies for colon


  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    You know Pete there are just some things you've got to go for. Good for you.
    Winter Marie