Sad News

Hi all:

Just thought I'd let you know that Eddie (the husband of my brother's caregiver I told y'all about) passed away last Wed. morning. I am so glad I went to see them last Monday. He had stage 3 pancreatic cancer with mets to liver and probably had spread rather quickly. At least he is now cancer free and no longer suffering. He had started chemo on 2/3 with schedule of 1/week for 4 weeks and then scans and see what was happening. However when he went for his treatment on 2/10 all blood counts were low. I was concerned then as he had had 4 pints of blood when he was in the hospital in Jan. which should have held him for awhile. Anway, went to his funeral on Sunday and did get to meet his granddaughter who is Ciara for those of you who know about hip hop. Anyway she was lovely but very sad over the loss of her grandfather. Gladys his wife is doing well. Having been a caregiver for so long she knew what she was in for but of course doesn't make it any easier. She was helping him with his bath on Wed. morning and he just fell over and died in her arms. They did say it was cardiac arrest probably brought on by everything else. Anyway please keep them in your prayers.

Saw my nephew on Sat. while in Chatt. and he's progressing. May have to have more surgery on leg that was the worst and did have to have surgery Friday because on Thursday the CNA was getting him cleaned up and got the shirt caught in his feeding tube and when she yanked it down she pulled out the tube. Not good! But did get it replaced and he eats by mouth too. Has had some sodium and potassium issues but they're working on that. All in all it's a miracle he's come as far as he has. Will be headed to NC on Thurs. to see in-laws (Charlie's dad's birthday is Friday; he'll be 88) and my brother in law will do my taxes for me! He's so good to me! Anyway will report in when I get back. God Bless!

Jan (Basketcase)


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Sorry to hear about the death. Praying the family finds peace and comfort.

    As always, praying for your nephew.

    Blessings to you.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Jan~~~~Warrior Woman
    Morning Jan, sorry about Eddie, but at least he has no more pain and suffering, and him and Charlie can catch up these days....

    Dang, that just sounds nasty, jerking the tube out accidently. But on the positive side, I guess he knows what he's in for when the time comes to get rid of it...

    Glad all is going as best can be in your life...

    You are one busy woman...Charlie has taught you to be a warrior.
