Yall this head and neck cancer is TOUGH!!
Pain Meds
Communicate with your MD's concerning the constipation and painful hemorrhoids.
Always a possible side effect, but part of the game unfortunately at times. Hydration of course is always big, you can't get enough fluids during treatment it seems.
Pain meds are for a purpose, to help you get through treatment if needed. Deal with any potential complications from them after you are finished fighting cancer.
Anyways, my main point, get with your MD's and communicate your problems and concerns and work out the pain management issues and recommendations on dealing with your constipation and painful hemorrhoids.
John0 -
water and prune juice
As John said, water, water, water. Have you tried a stool softner? They didn't work well for my husband later in treatment but did erly on. Old remedy is Milk of Magnesia and prune juice. But start with half dose of the MM until used to it. It works when nothing else did. Doctor approved it. Be careful to not let it go to long because the bowel can get impacted and that creates a whole nother set of problems. Be sure to let your doctor know. Also let him/her know about excess weight loss. The Rads take alot of calories away from your body. My husband went from 180 to 159 in one month and he was on a PEG recieving 2000 calories a day.
Praying for relief for you.
Debbie0 -
I was curious so I looked it up, the spelling that is, otherwise you'd never guess. When I had your condition the ENT who did my neck dissection and my medical onc both kept telling me to drink prune juice, and if you can manage it, it will work and will help.
The roids are often the result of trying too hard, and the prune juice will help that too. Another old fold remedy, Prepartion H, always worked for me too.
As the Skif says, keep drinking something a lot, and talk to your docs. You'll get better, don't get discouraged. It took me well over a year post treatment to really start feeling like I was a part of the world again.
best, Hal0 -
Roid Rage....Hal61 said:Hemorrhoids
I was curious so I looked it up, the spelling that is, otherwise you'd never guess. When I had your condition the ENT who did my neck dissection and my medical onc both kept telling me to drink prune juice, and if you can manage it, it will work and will help.
The roids are often the result of trying too hard, and the prune juice will help that too. Another old fold remedy, Prepartion H, always worked for me too.
As the Skif says, keep drinking something a lot, and talk to your docs. You'll get better, don't get discouraged. It took me well over a year post treatment to really start feeling like I was a part of the world again.
best, Hal
LOL, I looked up the spelling also....
Could be a royal pain in the butt if old Pat or Greg caught me with my pants down and I had misspelled Hemorrhoids.
JG0 -
They can laugh about the spelling, but it ain't no joke.
The constipation seen with narcotic treatment can be worse than the problem the narcotics were used for to begin with. It is manageable, but it takes proper treatment. And unfortunately this problem is oftentimes just not important enough to the treatment team to be proactive about. The treatment mainstays of constipation related to narcotic us are different than ordinary constipation. Generally, bulk formers are contraindicated. Softeners may be needed, but the single biggest problem, that of lower GI motility, require StIMULANT usee. Here's a representative article:
Shoot, I have this problem horribly, if I let it get to me. Motility drops way down on narcs, and I have to get ahead of it or I'm absolutely miserable. The constipation is NOT related to narcotic dose, BTW, it stays the same on low dose, or on hgh dose narcotics.
This likely has a lot to do with your low apetite too. You need to get this solved on an emergency basis, really. And also, I can't spell hemmorhoid either, so I just say piles.
Pat0 -
Like everyone else suggested, stay hydrated. Mike got really constipated and we had to resort to enemas and suppositories. Might not be a bad idea to get some glycerin suppositories. Easy to use work FAST. Fleets enemas and Magnesium Citrate (green bottle-drink/put in tube) worked great as well. We also had our pharmacy (CVS) order liquid stool softener (Colace or docusate sodium). You can squeeze our the liquid from a gel cap of colace but it's messy and a pain. The caps are over the counter but the liquid needs to be ordered and is great for those w/PEG's or G-tubes.
Unfortunately constipation is not an easy discussion topic and Mike casually mentioned it to me and his constipated was really bad but rest assured, once we got him clear, we stayed on top of it. Don't forget the air freshener..he was very self conscious.
Hope this wasn't too much information...
Chris0 -
Just-A-DropCLRRN said:TMI????
Like everyone else suggested, stay hydrated. Mike got really constipated and we had to resort to enemas and suppositories. Might not be a bad idea to get some glycerin suppositories. Easy to use work FAST. Fleets enemas and Magnesium Citrate (green bottle-drink/put in tube) worked great as well. We also had our pharmacy (CVS) order liquid stool softener (Colace or docusate sodium). You can squeeze our the liquid from a gel cap of colace but it's messy and a pain. The caps are over the counter but the liquid needs to be ordered and is great for those w/PEG's or G-tubes.
Unfortunately constipation is not an easy discussion topic and Mike casually mentioned it to me and his constipated was really bad but rest assured, once we got him clear, we stayed on top of it. Don't forget the air freshener..he was very self conscious.
Hope this wasn't too much information...
Chris, you can keep that odor under control at all times now, LOL....
I was watching Dr.Oz the other day and they have this stuff for that. When you're out and about and get the urge.
You whip out just-A-Drop, a drop or two in the commode, and do your dooty deed, and this stuff eliminates the odor;
You're good to go....LOL, literally....and no odor to try and get rid of.
Of course, I don't need it, because....well, mine of course doesn't smell, LOL.
JG0 -
Echoing and emphasizing
I used glycerin suppositories with great success. They break up some of the hard stuff and grease the way. If the first one doesn't work, just send up another! I don't know if you're on the peg yet, but there are some great protien supplements out there to mix with your drinks which have flax seed and other proteins.
After about three weeks of really sweating it out in the bathroom, my mix of supplements (I.e. Vegan protiens +), 10 oz of prune juice very day, at least 150 oz of liquids daily and suppositories as needed - things seem to be getting into a livable routine. Note: I went about 12 days without a BM and no urge. The urge finally came 10 days ago after doing prune juice and some Phillips MOM through the tube. That first one afterward was a killer but it's gotten better since then. I'm 8 days post radiation treatment as of today.0 -
Don't Just Take This Sitting Down!Skiffin16 said:Just-A-Drop
Chris, you can keep that odor under control at all times now, LOL....
I was watching Dr.Oz the other day and they have this stuff for that. When you're out and about and get the urge.
You whip out just-A-Drop, a drop or two in the commode, and do your dooty deed, and this stuff eliminates the odor;
You're good to go....LOL, literally....and no odor to try and get rid of.
Of course, I don't need it, because....well, mine of course doesn't smell, LOL.
or something like that. I completely agree with the other posters about this problem. I really only had it when they were trying all sorts of drugs on me and I was mostly upchucking everything so even the liquids I could get in never made it very far. I am sure that DrMary will chime in with recommendation on colace and such. And I have to admit that, like everything else in today’s world, we had to go “digital” (if you catch my drift). This was not fun at all. I also let it creep up on me as first it was a day or so, then a couple of days and then, by the time it had a really bad impact (excuse the pun) it was critical. Did you know what this can also make you sick? So it reinforces the bad cycle. Maybe it is just the big backup into your bowels, I don’t know.
All kidding aside here, the only additional advice I can give is to go ahead and get outside hydration if you can’t get enough orally. We ended up going to the local hospital infusion center (where they also do chemo) and getting a quart 2-3 times a week. We kept up with this even a couple of weeks after treatment. In this way, we could concentrate the little I could swallow on nutrition and not push too far on fluids. Really, this was a major help and I hope you might consider it.
In fact, this started when I was in for my “tanning” sessions and the rad oncs and nurses noted how low I was and they hooked me up right there. It worked so well that we then started the regular outside program.
I truly hope this helps. Doug0 -
Not making light of the situation....I know it can be a serious amount of pain and discomfort. Like mentioned hydration is key to many problems and complications we face during treatment.
Meds, lack of a normal diet, many things come into play.
So anyways, please don't think I'm not concerned, I am and always take the proactive road when available.
Butt....I can't help myself, I still have this humor that always wants to kick little guy on my shoulder, LOL.
OK, I'll can it for now, I mean put a lid on it..., oh crap...dang it, I can't stop.
John0 -
thank youSkiffin16 said:Just-A-Drop
Chris, you can keep that odor under control at all times now, LOL....
I was watching Dr.Oz the other day and they have this stuff for that. When you're out and about and get the urge.
You whip out just-A-Drop, a drop or two in the commode, and do your dooty deed, and this stuff eliminates the odor;
You're good to go....LOL, literally....and no odor to try and get rid of.
Of course, I don't need it, because....well, mine of course doesn't smell, LOL.
Thank you for the information....might just invest in "just a drop"
And another thing....thanks for making me smile and laugh...I really needed it0 -
Tis the season to shareGoalie said:Don't Just Take This Sitting Down!
or something like that. I completely agree with the other posters about this problem. I really only had it when they were trying all sorts of drugs on me and I was mostly upchucking everything so even the liquids I could get in never made it very far. I am sure that DrMary will chime in with recommendation on colace and such. And I have to admit that, like everything else in today’s world, we had to go “digital” (if you catch my drift). This was not fun at all. I also let it creep up on me as first it was a day or so, then a couple of days and then, by the time it had a really bad impact (excuse the pun) it was critical. Did you know what this can also make you sick? So it reinforces the bad cycle. Maybe it is just the big backup into your bowels, I don’t know.
All kidding aside here, the only additional advice I can give is to go ahead and get outside hydration if you can’t get enough orally. We ended up going to the local hospital infusion center (where they also do chemo) and getting a quart 2-3 times a week. We kept up with this even a couple of weeks after treatment. In this way, we could concentrate the little I could swallow on nutrition and not push too far on fluids. Really, this was a major help and I hope you might consider it.
In fact, this started when I was in for my “tanning” sessions and the rad oncs and nurses noted how low I was and they hooked me up right there. It worked so well that we then started the regular outside program.
I truly hope this helps. Doug
We're right there with you....we went digital too. Not pleasant for either of us but I put away my "caregiver hat" and put on that nursing cap and did what I needed to do.
Mike initially pushed back with the weekly IV hydration and after the first time, he was hooked. He felt so much better. Towards the end of his RT, he was going twice a week and like you, Doug, he continued the fluids for a few weeks after treatment.0 -
Between the pain killers and the cancer med (oral) that I am on, constipation became a huge issue. It has been my experience that the medical folks don't warn us enough about this. Mine was so bad that I had two trips into the emergency room for an enema to get it under control. And,, yes, it hurt something awful and I was a bit of a bloody mess. I keep this pretty much under control now with lots of liquds and every night I have a stool softener a couple of tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia. In the middle of a chemo cycle, I have to increase this to another softener in the morning along with a couple more tablespoons of the Milk of Magnesia. I also keep emergency disposable enema bags around just in case. A very nice nurse taught me how to use these. Because my problem ebbs and flows (no pun intended) with the chemo cycles, it is difficult to hit the right amount of things to take. One doctor told me to drink prune juice with just about everything, but I really hate that stuff. So, when planning medications for this problem, I have a simple philosophy: "It's better to squirt than to hurt".
Roger0 -
SeriousSkiffin16 said:Kim50
Not making light of the situation....I know it can be a serious amount of pain and discomfort. Like mentioned hydration is key to many problems and complications we face during treatment.
Meds, lack of a normal diet, many things come into play.
So anyways, please don't think I'm not concerned, I am and always take the proactive road when available.
Butt....I can't help myself, I still have this humor that always wants to kick little guy on my shoulder, LOL.
OK, I'll can it for now, I mean put a lid on it..., oh crap...dang it, I can't stop.
While this among other things is a serious matter, I too like to put humor in this. My wife asks me all the time how I can be so calm and laugh. Trust me on the inside I am not calm at all but they say laughter is the best medicine and well I am not going down without a fight.
Mike0 -
Never...Redwngs said:Serious
While this among other things is a serious matter, I too like to put humor in this. My wife asks me all the time how I can be so calm and laugh. Trust me on the inside I am not calm at all but they say laughter is the best medicine and well I am not going down without a fight.
Never give up........
Welcome Mike, as I always said (at the time)...other than having cancer, I'm in perfect health.
John0 -
Love the advice everyone.mixleader said:NoPoopAtol
Between the pain killers and the cancer med (oral) that I am on, constipation became a huge issue. It has been my experience that the medical folks don't warn us enough about this. Mine was so bad that I had two trips into the emergency room for an enema to get it under control. And,, yes, it hurt something awful and I was a bit of a bloody mess. I keep this pretty much under control now with lots of liquds and every night I have a stool softener a couple of tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia. In the middle of a chemo cycle, I have to increase this to another softener in the morning along with a couple more tablespoons of the Milk of Magnesia. I also keep emergency disposable enema bags around just in case. A very nice nurse taught me how to use these. Because my problem ebbs and flows (no pun intended) with the chemo cycles, it is difficult to hit the right amount of things to take. One doctor told me to drink prune juice with just about everything, but I really hate that stuff. So, when planning medications for this problem, I have a simple philosophy: "It's better to squirt than to hurt".
Love the advice everyone. It really becomes a serious issue. I did find the humor in some of the posts however!
I didn't know I could go to the hospital a few times a week for hydration. That sound wonderful. I'll have to find out more about that. How often can I go I wonder?
And by the way.. I can't spell the H word , but I can spell CONSTIPATION!! LOL!!!0 -
Concentration.....LOLkim50 said:Love the advice everyone.
Love the advice everyone. It really becomes a serious issue. I did find the humor in some of the posts however!
I didn't know I could go to the hospital a few times a week for hydration. That sound wonderful. I'll have to find out more about that. How often can I go I wonder?
And by the way.. I can't spell the H word , but I can spell CONSTIPATION!! LOL!!!
I don't think anyone was teasing you about the spelling..., I started to spell it and couldn't remember how...LOL.
For hydration, you should be able to stop in at anytime you feel you need it. I stopped in for extra several times, never a problem.
They actually gave me some crap (LOL, there I go again...., OH, LOL...(there I go))...
They gave me crap for not coming in sooner than I did a few times.
John0 -
Senekot S is your (my) friend.par said:# 2
Hospitalized twice for this problem during treatment.
SeneKot S and a lot of liquids solved the problem.
I tried many different laxatives but this worked the best for me and was reccomended by doctors at M D Anderson.
So far, I have taken 3 series of Tumordar orally.
The first was 10/11 and was fairly light. The next, more aggressive, then a bit MORE aggressive with the 3rd.
I used NO Senekot S with the first treatment as it seemed fairly light. A "trial" Sencot version with the 2nd (5 doses) BUT ... with the 3rd I took a pill with every Tumordar (5 daily doses).
DO NOT overlook this wonderful purgative .. Use it
Take Care,0
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