HI! it's me :)

carriesoup Member Posts: 144
edited February 2012 in Breast Cancer #1
it's been a really long time since i posted! i know i keep up with all my "pink ladies" on facebook, but i'd like to get reacquainted on here again!

for everyone i don't know, i'm carrie, i'm 30 years old, and i have cancer :) HI!

things have progressed a bit since my last posts. finished with all my breast cancer treatments to find out just a few months after that i have bone mets now. spots in my c-spine, ribs and femur. i had 32 more rounds of radiation on my neck and femur, that ended in january. i'm currently taking aromasin and it's working well! CA 27.29 is going down! (just had my monthly appt yesterday and it went down 50 pts! yeah) also, i get xgeva shots once a month.
oh yeah, i'm positive for the BRCA 2, so my drs advised that i have a hysterectomy, which i did, in october.

so, that gets us up to speed!



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Welcome back Carrie
    Sorry for progression of your cancer and BRACA 2 mutation. Glad to hear that your recent treatment is working and markers are down to normal. I hope your mother is alive and she and other relatives were tested and are negative for this mutation. Sometimes cousins need to be tested too.
    Thank you for posting I recognize your picture.
    New Flower
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Welcome back
    It is always good to have people return.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hello, Carrie!
    Nice to find you here! :-)

    So sorry for the additional trials & tribulations. But, glad & relieved you're on an upswing now. Hope you're done with it all.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Good Hearing from You.
    Hi Carrie... good to see you posting. I am taking a breather from fb. I still consider you a Maori Warrior, Carrie. You have been through much, but your fighting spirit shines through. Keep going, you're doing GREAT!

    Hugs and well wishes to you and yours.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Welcome back Carrie. You
    Welcome back Carrie. You are a brave courageous strong woman. Mets are not easy but I've always admired your spunk.


  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944

    Welcome back Carrie. You
    Welcome back Carrie. You are a brave courageous strong woman. Mets are not easy but I've always admired your spunk.



    Hello sweet Miss Carrie
    Hello sweet Miss Carrie soup, ♥

    Love you girl, you definitely have that warrior spirit and you know we are all your biggest fans.

  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    I remember you
    How could I forget. You are ONE amazing lady miss Carrie.

    You took so much in stride and amazed me over and over again.

    I hope you keep posting, you are an inspiration.
