PCa & aspirin

YTW Member Posts: 67
Our local news channel had a segment on PCa and aspirin so I did a
web search and came across a number of articles. They pretty much all said the same so I am sending only this one. I take a baby aspirin (81mg)
once a day so now I will add one regular aspirin (325mg) along with it.
An article in "The Lancet" publication claims that the most effective dose is 500mg. so my dosage should be about right. Any one else aware of this?



  • Beau2
    Beau2 Member Posts: 261
    PCa & Cancer
    Hey YTW,

    Thanks for the link.

    The article mentioned that aspirin can cause stomach problems (gastrointestinal bleeding) ... aspirin can also cause tinnitus (ringing in the ears) ... which I have.

    It was interesting that the researchers found that a particular gene changed its expression in cancers which spread, but not when the cancer did not spread (epigenetics); and that the gene is a link between a tumour's growth and the cellular pathway which can cause inflammation and dilation of vessels throughout the body.

    Well I'm off to gogggle more about aspirin (bloodthinners) and PCa. Thaks again for the link!
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    YTW…Yes, I have read a few
    YTW…Yes, I have read a few studies and articles on the “aspirin” theory and like you I increased my aspirin intake but from one 81 mg to two 81 mg (162mg)….I figure it cannot hurt…On the flipside, I have significantly reduced my intake of vitamins/supplements and have learned to replace them with a balanced diet….Best to you in your journey
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    bdhilton said:

    YTW…Yes, I have read a few
    YTW…Yes, I have read a few studies and articles on the “aspirin” theory and like you I increased my aspirin intake but from one 81 mg to two 81 mg (162mg)….I figure it cannot hurt…On the flipside, I have significantly reduced my intake of vitamins/supplements and have learned to replace them with a balanced diet….Best to you in your journey

    Thanks for the link
    I have been on aspirin 100mg since 2001recommended by my oncologist at JH. The data on my progressive PSA retrieved in 5 years was used in one of those studies involving aspirin vz PCa.
    In 2006 I increased the daily dose to 150mg. These pills are enteric coated and never caused any effect (bleeding, etc.).
    So far I cannot relate any “goody” in my progressive case by taking it. But who could deny that the aspirin is behind my 12 years of survival?
    Symptomless and no apparent metastasis is my continuous diagnosis. Nevertheless, the cancer is in my body for good though under control.

    The best to you.