Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Nancy178 Member Posts: 7
edited February 2012 in Breast Cancer #1
Today I found your site.

I haven't been to a doctor yet to confirm my suspicions, I have an appointment on Friday, February 24, 2012. Unfortunately I don't have insurance so I guess I'm just going to see if my suspicion is correct. Don't know what to do if it is.

Last November I fell on top of a buggy I was pushing, and I fell hard on my right breast. Knocked the wind right out of me and I felt I broke my ribs. I didn't but I was pretty shaken up an sore.

The first week of January, I believe, I noticed under my right breast I had a type of discolor or bruise. Looked like an Iron Mark. Not red, but a very light brown/tan color.
I thought, wow I really did fall and hurt myself. Last week I noticed that it's not getting better, and I'm starting to get the same type of coloring on my left breast, so I did a google on discoloring of a breast and found two types. Breast infection and inflammatory breast cancer.

Most of the photo's I viewed don't look like my breast because it's not red and it's not blistery looking. It is a very light bruise but has some reddish tints to the outline of the bruise. It's a pinkish brown color bruise I guess.

Two weeks ago I had to buy a bigger size cup bra and thought wow, I'm really gaining weight. Didn't realize that with inflammatory breast cancer, that it causing your breast to swell. And the bruise is now moving to the other breast as well.

I'm afraid the cancer has spread to other organs as my head hurts all the time. Not headaches, but a pressure (I wen't deaf last year, and nobody knows why). The pressure causes heavy nose bleeds, especially if I get upset or cry. I've noticed lately that my head hurts when I try to concentrate on things.

I understand this is a fatal cancer. Survival rate is about 18 months. Usually comes back after a mastectomy.

Since I don't have insurance, I probably won't take any treatments and am just wondering how long will it be before I start feeling sick?

I have to admit I feel scared and sick to my stomach, but I am a strong woman and I have accepted what may be. Just wish I could get it over with quickly. It's wondering and perhaps waiting for all this to happen that is a real bummer.


    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Dear Nancy,

    There are many organizations that will help women with breast cancer treatments when they have no insurance. Hope this helps in putting your mind at ease.

    Glad to hear that you have an appointment to see a doctor about your bruised breast. I know a woman who is in her 9th year with a diagnose IBC. From what I know about breast cancer is this: No cancer is a death sentence until tumors have completely taken over a viscera organ which no longer allows that organ to do it's normal function.

    The internet has many benefits but, a lot of the statistics are very out of date. One does not diagnose themselves by looking at photos of symptoms. They can be many other things. Biopsies are needed along with many tests to know if one has cancer. It is never good to self diagnose and allowing the imagination to run wild.

    Waiting is never any fun but, patience is part of the game.

    Wishing you the best in learning what you have and hopefully a quick non threatening treatment.


  • Nancy178
    Nancy178 Member Posts: 7
    SIROD said:

    Dear Nancy,

    There are many organizations that will help women with breast cancer treatments when they have no insurance. Hope this helps in putting your mind at ease.

    Glad to hear that you have an appointment to see a doctor about your bruised breast. I know a woman who is in her 9th year with a diagnose IBC. From what I know about breast cancer is this: No cancer is a death sentence until tumors have completely taken over a viscera organ which no longer allows that organ to do it's normal function.

    The internet has many benefits but, a lot of the statistics are very out of date. One does not diagnose themselves by looking at photos of symptoms. They can be many other things. Biopsies are needed along with many tests to know if one has cancer. It is never good to self diagnose and allowing the imagination to run wild.

    Waiting is never any fun but, patience is part of the game.

    Wishing you the best in learning what you have and hopefully a quick non threatening treatment.



    Thank you Doris.

    I'm so overwhelmed. I'm 64 soon to be 65 and my husband is 77. We just retired. We rescued animals and have a young poodle and 1 young cat to look after. We have 5 senior citizen cats who are 18 years old and need care.

    My husband was married twice and both wives died of cancer. I'm worried about my husband, worried about our animals and who will take care of them if my husband gets ill. And worried about my husband having to have all this burden on his shoulders now at his age!

    I'm in one of my weeping moments right now, but your words have giving me encouragement.

    Thank you my sweet little poster.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    IBC is NOT a death sentence!
    I'm an Inflammatory Breast Cancer Survivor who is riding NED (No Evidence od Disease) 2 1/2 yrs post diagnosis and 2 yrs post treatment. There are several other IBCers here.

    IBC is the most aggressive form of BC and can literally present overnight. Only between 1% and 5% of all BC are IBC and yes it's 'odds' aren't the greatest BUT it's not an automatic rapid death sentence. See a Dr ASAP as because I tis so aggressive - need to get in TX as quick as possible. (I started chemo 17 days after seeing my PA which was a week after I found the enlarged node under arm as she was out of town.)

    See a DR ASAP - time is of the essence IF (and that is a BIG IF) you are IBC.

    Thoughts and prayers!

  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    Rague said:

    IBC is NOT a death sentence!
    I'm an Inflammatory Breast Cancer Survivor who is riding NED (No Evidence od Disease) 2 1/2 yrs post diagnosis and 2 yrs post treatment. There are several other IBCers here.

    IBC is the most aggressive form of BC and can literally present overnight. Only between 1% and 5% of all BC are IBC and yes it's 'odds' aren't the greatest BUT it's not an automatic rapid death sentence. See a Dr ASAP as because I tis so aggressive - need to get in TX as quick as possible. (I started chemo 17 days after seeing my PA which was a week after I found the enlarged node under arm as she was out of town.)

    See a DR ASAP - time is of the essence IF (and that is a BIG IF) you are IBC.

    Thoughts and prayers!


    Please wait!!!!!
    Wait until you get your results from the Dr. it really sounds like breast infection,i mean were you having any trouble with the breast before you fell down own your buggy? i mean your really jumping to the worst conclusion before you know anything,please let us know as soon as possible.I'll be praying good news for you it's in God's hands.~~MollyZ~~
  • Nancy178
    Nancy178 Member Posts: 7
    mollyz said:

    Please wait!!!!!
    Wait until you get your results from the Dr. it really sounds like breast infection,i mean were you having any trouble with the breast before you fell down own your buggy? i mean your really jumping to the worst conclusion before you know anything,please let us know as soon as possible.I'll be praying good news for you it's in God's hands.~~MollyZ~~

    Answer to MollyZ
    I was fine before. But what has me concerned is that my other breast is now starting to get the same thing....discoloration in and there. I believe both breasts are getting redder.

    I want all of you to know how much your answers have helped me today, have calmed me down a little bit.

    I know what all of you have and are going through and are here to offer encouragement to those of us hearing or fearing the worst.

    Thank you for being here for me today and in the future days ahead.

    Some times we think we don't make a difference in someone's life, but believe me, YOU do!! You are making a difference in mine!

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Nancy178 said:

    Answer to MollyZ
    I was fine before. But what has me concerned is that my other breast is now starting to get the same thing....discoloration in and there. I believe both breasts are getting redder.

    I want all of you to know how much your answers have helped me today, have calmed me down a little bit.

    I know what all of you have and are going through and are here to offer encouragement to those of us hearing or fearing the worst.

    Thank you for being here for me today and in the future days ahead.

    Some times we think we don't make a difference in someone's life, but believe me, YOU do!! You are making a difference in mine!


    A suggestion
    Call the doctor's office and tell them you have symptoms that you think are consistent with IBC and want to be seen sooner than Friday. That way, you'll have this worry behind you or the wheels in motion if necessary. If the appointment person doesn't get you in sooner, ask her to please check with your doctor.

    I can only echo what others have said. We can be our own worst enemies with worries and self- diagnoses sometimes. Other times we're our own best advocates.

    A breast infection needs immediate attention as well. Friday really seems too long to wait.

    Good luck.

  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    I believed the internet, I would have died 6 years ago. Information alone can be a disaster and it took me months to get over what I read and I was a wreck.

    You have good reasons for many other causes for your symptoms, so don't go for the worst scenario without cause. PLEASE

    A doctor is the only way to go as soon as possible. See information on a "need to know" basis, even with facts on your side, the amount of info out there is daunting and not only dated, it represents an averaging of statistics and a single person is always a unique situation.

    All the best to you. Just chill till you actually know something.
  • Nancy178
    Nancy178 Member Posts: 7

    A suggestion
    Call the doctor's office and tell them you have symptoms that you think are consistent with IBC and want to be seen sooner than Friday. That way, you'll have this worry behind you or the wheels in motion if necessary. If the appointment person doesn't get you in sooner, ask her to please check with your doctor.

    I can only echo what others have said. We can be our own worst enemies with worries and self- diagnoses sometimes. Other times we're our own best advocates.

    A breast infection needs immediate attention as well. Friday really seems too long to wait.

    Good luck.


    Thank You
    Thank you DW. I called the doctors office this morning and I have an appointment within the hour today instead of Friday.

    Good or bad I will post what transpired.

  • Nancy178
    Nancy178 Member Posts: 7
    It's a Happy Happy Day!
    It's 1:30 p.m., and my doctor's appointment is over. I was prepared for whatever was going to happen. I've spent days agonizing over what I thought would be the verdict.

    The first thing my doctor said to me (I love him so much) is "Nancy, I see that you feel you have inflammatory breast cancer. What makes you think that?" I told him about my bruised breast and that I saw pictures on the Internet and although most pictures were really bad, there were some that looked like what I had".

    He said, "You know Nancy, I have patients comes in here all the time thinking they have something because they go on the Internet or they read. All these things are good, but bad if in the wrong hands". He continued, "I told one patient, when he told me he had a disease how many patience have you seen to determine your condition?"

    My doctor told me that Medicine is an Art. That one cannot assume or diagnose themselves. He said it so kindly and he is a true gem of a man. I told him I know, that he was right, but one thing led to another and I believed I actually had inflammatory breast cancer.

    When he took a look at my breasts he said, "You definitely don't have inflammatory breast cancer", what you have is a rash. (Honestly, it looks like a bruise, not a rash, but hey, I'm ain't arguing". Besides he can see it better than me since I see my breasts from a different view".

    He hugged me and scheduled me for a mammogram, just because I haven't had one in a long time and to be sure of no other type cancer, which he doubts.

    So...the moral of the story, and even though I'm embarrassed to think I had this condition, the moral of the story is to "COOL IT". AS everyone has said here to me, never diagnose yourself. Never get all hyped up because we think we may have something that isn't the case at all. And just get into see a doctor immediately if we think we do have something bad or just something.

    I have a different view of life now than earlier today. I truly thought I was going to die. If one believes it, then it is like it's true. Now that I know I am okay, I feel an urgency to be better today than I was yesterday. To pursue the important things in life, such as my religion more so than ever before. My gratefulness for life, and my desire to help cancer patients.

    Thank you all for your kind support.

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Nancy178 said:

    It's a Happy Happy Day!
    It's 1:30 p.m., and my doctor's appointment is over. I was prepared for whatever was going to happen. I've spent days agonizing over what I thought would be the verdict.

    The first thing my doctor said to me (I love him so much) is "Nancy, I see that you feel you have inflammatory breast cancer. What makes you think that?" I told him about my bruised breast and that I saw pictures on the Internet and although most pictures were really bad, there were some that looked like what I had".

    He said, "You know Nancy, I have patients comes in here all the time thinking they have something because they go on the Internet or they read. All these things are good, but bad if in the wrong hands". He continued, "I told one patient, when he told me he had a disease how many patience have you seen to determine your condition?"

    My doctor told me that Medicine is an Art. That one cannot assume or diagnose themselves. He said it so kindly and he is a true gem of a man. I told him I know, that he was right, but one thing led to another and I believed I actually had inflammatory breast cancer.

    When he took a look at my breasts he said, "You definitely don't have inflammatory breast cancer", what you have is a rash. (Honestly, it looks like a bruise, not a rash, but hey, I'm ain't arguing". Besides he can see it better than me since I see my breasts from a different view".

    He hugged me and scheduled me for a mammogram, just because I haven't had one in a long time and to be sure of no other type cancer, which he doubts.

    So...the moral of the story, and even though I'm embarrassed to think I had this condition, the moral of the story is to "COOL IT". AS everyone has said here to me, never diagnose yourself. Never get all hyped up because we think we may have something that isn't the case at all. And just get into see a doctor immediately if we think we do have something bad or just something.

    I have a different view of life now than earlier today. I truly thought I was going to die. If one believes it, then it is like it's true. Now that I know I am okay, I feel an urgency to be better today than I was yesterday. To pursue the important things in life, such as my religion more so than ever before. My gratefulness for life, and my desire to help cancer patients.

    Thank you all for your kind support.


    Nancy, I didn't respond to
    Nancy, I didn't respond to your post earlier because I am one of the statistics, triple neg IBC now with mets, and I didn't want to scare you.

    I can't tell you how happy I am that you have a kind caring doctor, and even better that what you have is a rash. What a relief to have something so very treatable. I wish you the best.


  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    Nancy178 said:

    It's a Happy Happy Day!
    It's 1:30 p.m., and my doctor's appointment is over. I was prepared for whatever was going to happen. I've spent days agonizing over what I thought would be the verdict.

    The first thing my doctor said to me (I love him so much) is "Nancy, I see that you feel you have inflammatory breast cancer. What makes you think that?" I told him about my bruised breast and that I saw pictures on the Internet and although most pictures were really bad, there were some that looked like what I had".

    He said, "You know Nancy, I have patients comes in here all the time thinking they have something because they go on the Internet or they read. All these things are good, but bad if in the wrong hands". He continued, "I told one patient, when he told me he had a disease how many patience have you seen to determine your condition?"

    My doctor told me that Medicine is an Art. That one cannot assume or diagnose themselves. He said it so kindly and he is a true gem of a man. I told him I know, that he was right, but one thing led to another and I believed I actually had inflammatory breast cancer.

    When he took a look at my breasts he said, "You definitely don't have inflammatory breast cancer", what you have is a rash. (Honestly, it looks like a bruise, not a rash, but hey, I'm ain't arguing". Besides he can see it better than me since I see my breasts from a different view".

    He hugged me and scheduled me for a mammogram, just because I haven't had one in a long time and to be sure of no other type cancer, which he doubts.

    So...the moral of the story, and even though I'm embarrassed to think I had this condition, the moral of the story is to "COOL IT". AS everyone has said here to me, never diagnose yourself. Never get all hyped up because we think we may have something that isn't the case at all. And just get into see a doctor immediately if we think we do have something bad or just something.

    I have a different view of life now than earlier today. I truly thought I was going to die. If one believes it, then it is like it's true. Now that I know I am okay, I feel an urgency to be better today than I was yesterday. To pursue the important things in life, such as my religion more so than ever before. My gratefulness for life, and my desire to help cancer patients.

    Thank you all for your kind support.


    Nancy Nancy Nancy!!!!!!!!!!
    Thats the best news I've heard in a long time.dont ever work yourself up like that again until you find out something, that really gets on us pink girls nerves lol just to hear of another sister hearing that news thats the shock of your life time and to us too just hearing of it,so glad for you,your welcome to stay on the boards and keep us calm and remind new ones it might not be what you think. so happy for you.~~MollyZ~~
  • Nancy178
    Nancy178 Member Posts: 7

    Nancy, I didn't respond to
    Nancy, I didn't respond to your post earlier because I am one of the statistics, triple neg IBC now with mets, and I didn't want to scare you.

    I can't tell you how happy I am that you have a kind caring doctor, and even better that what you have is a rash. What a relief to have something so very treatable. I wish you the best.



    Of course there are no words to convey what I am feeling now reading your post. You have to know my heart after reading this.

  • Nancy178
    Nancy178 Member Posts: 7
    mollyz said:

    Nancy Nancy Nancy!!!!!!!!!!
    Thats the best news I've heard in a long time.dont ever work yourself up like that again until you find out something, that really gets on us pink girls nerves lol just to hear of another sister hearing that news thats the shock of your life time and to us too just hearing of it,so glad for you,your welcome to stay on the boards and keep us calm and remind new ones it might not be what you think. so happy for you.~~MollyZ~~

    I will check in
    Yes, MollyZ you are absolutely right. I've learned my lesson. But I've learned a lot more because of this too.

    Bless you MollyZ. I will be checking in to see how all of you are doing.

    Love you all!

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Nancy178 said:

    It's a Happy Happy Day!
    It's 1:30 p.m., and my doctor's appointment is over. I was prepared for whatever was going to happen. I've spent days agonizing over what I thought would be the verdict.

    The first thing my doctor said to me (I love him so much) is "Nancy, I see that you feel you have inflammatory breast cancer. What makes you think that?" I told him about my bruised breast and that I saw pictures on the Internet and although most pictures were really bad, there were some that looked like what I had".

    He said, "You know Nancy, I have patients comes in here all the time thinking they have something because they go on the Internet or they read. All these things are good, but bad if in the wrong hands". He continued, "I told one patient, when he told me he had a disease how many patience have you seen to determine your condition?"

    My doctor told me that Medicine is an Art. That one cannot assume or diagnose themselves. He said it so kindly and he is a true gem of a man. I told him I know, that he was right, but one thing led to another and I believed I actually had inflammatory breast cancer.

    When he took a look at my breasts he said, "You definitely don't have inflammatory breast cancer", what you have is a rash. (Honestly, it looks like a bruise, not a rash, but hey, I'm ain't arguing". Besides he can see it better than me since I see my breasts from a different view".

    He hugged me and scheduled me for a mammogram, just because I haven't had one in a long time and to be sure of no other type cancer, which he doubts.

    So...the moral of the story, and even though I'm embarrassed to think I had this condition, the moral of the story is to "COOL IT". AS everyone has said here to me, never diagnose yourself. Never get all hyped up because we think we may have something that isn't the case at all. And just get into see a doctor immediately if we think we do have something bad or just something.

    I have a different view of life now than earlier today. I truly thought I was going to die. If one believes it, then it is like it's true. Now that I know I am okay, I feel an urgency to be better today than I was yesterday. To pursue the important things in life, such as my religion more so than ever before. My gratefulness for life, and my desire to help cancer patients.

    Thank you all for your kind support.


    So happy for your results
    So happy for your results Nancy!

    Big hugs,

  • kabanfield
    kabanfield Member Posts: 5

    Nancy, I didn't respond to
    Nancy, I didn't respond to your post earlier because I am one of the statistics, triple neg IBC now with mets, and I didn't want to scare you.

    I can't tell you how happy I am that you have a kind caring doctor, and even better that what you have is a rash. What a relief to have something so very treatable. I wish you the best.



    wondering how your doing



    Just wondering how you are doing. My mom was recently diagnose with ibc that Mets to her liver and lungs and am just trying to find hope out there.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    wondering how your doing



    Just wondering how you are doing. My mom was recently diagnose with ibc that Mets to her liver and lungs and am just trying to find hope out there.


    Hello sorry to hear about your mother diagnosis,

     For encougement please visit additional website:

    Most people there are facing stge IV diagnosis and will provide you with additional information and inspiration. Please keep us posted

    Blessings to yuo and your mother 

  • kabanfield
    kabanfield Member Posts: 5


    Hello sorry to hear about your mother diagnosis,

     For encougement please visit additional website:

    Most people there are facing stge IV diagnosis and will provide you with additional information and inspiration. Please keep us posted

    Blessings to yuo and your mother 


    Thanks for the link I will check it out.