Not what I wanted to hear today

Jim56 Member Posts: 4
Two week check up after stent placed. Still have a leak and now going back for a scope and possible replacement/repostions of the stent. Haven't been able to eat or drink since December 9, 2011. It's time to fix the leak and let me get on with my life.


  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    I don't know much about the leaks and stents yet, we haven't gotten that far. But sending you some mojo for the fix and keep us posted on how this goes for you. We will be thinking of you.

    Judy & Don
  • Ericalynn
    Ericalynn Member Posts: 200
    So sorry you are having so many issues, i am hoping and praying your issues will resolve.
    Sending positive thoughts your way!!!!!!
  • Ericalynn
    Ericalynn Member Posts: 200
    So sorry you are having so many issues, i am hoping and praying your issues will resolve.
    Sending positive thoughts your way!!!!!!
  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    Will be praying that your
    Will be praying that your issues are resolved and you can begin eating and enjoying life again soon.

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    I know you are getting discouraged but hang in there

    I am sure by now you are beginning to hate the sight of a medical staffer coming toward you because it seems like they have nothing but bad news. I had a major infection in the hospital after my surgery and it seemed like it was one thing after another for a while. It can get very discouraging and sometimes you wounder, do these folks really know what they are doing.

    The good news is most of the people here who have had leaks have had them resolved after a period of time. Unfortunately some took several weeks to resolve.

    I will be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way, hang in there!!!!

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • fredswilma
    fredswilma Member Posts: 185
    Thinking of you
    Hoping for the best, my thoughts are with you and your family.
  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    It can be fixed!
    Praying for you. They CAN get the stint right this time. Remember that!!!

    God bless

  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Hang tough, Jim. You will
    Hang tough, Jim. You will get over this bump in the road! Prayers for you!