Jimbo...... hope all is going well
keep us updated, you are in my thoughts. I hope all is well.
Many changes
In the short time that has transpired, a lot has happened. I went for a PET last Thursday. My 4 localized nodes have multiplied many times over. I am now stage IVB. Surgery to remove the nodes is no longer an option due to the spread. My chemo obviously didn't work so we are regrouping. Since I am still relatively healthy, I am going to continue some type of treatment in order to squeeze a little more time out. I have a biopsy scheduled for Monday for one of the new nodes and we're going to retest for HER2. Wednesday I will be heading to Duke to see if there is anything they can do. I expect not but it never hurts to check.
I have no regrets about anything overall. I did have a few issues that I would be happy to discuss in PM but no need to air that here in public. I sought out what I believed was the best treatment. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 at stage III, I had my the MIE at UPMC in July, started post-op chemo in August. My first pet in October was bad. I restarted chemo in December. I was stage IV but operable. Worse PET in February. Stage IV, no surgery. I never received a reprieve even for a minute. This, as we all well know, is a brutal disease.
Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts.0 -
So glad you posted your UpdateJimboC said:Many changes
In the short time that has transpired, a lot has happened. I went for a PET last Thursday. My 4 localized nodes have multiplied many times over. I am now stage IVB. Surgery to remove the nodes is no longer an option due to the spread. My chemo obviously didn't work so we are regrouping. Since I am still relatively healthy, I am going to continue some type of treatment in order to squeeze a little more time out. I have a biopsy scheduled for Monday for one of the new nodes and we're going to retest for HER2. Wednesday I will be heading to Duke to see if there is anything they can do. I expect not but it never hurts to check.
I have no regrets about anything overall. I did have a few issues that I would be happy to discuss in PM but no need to air that here in public. I sought out what I believed was the best treatment. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 at stage III, I had my the MIE at UPMC in July, started post-op chemo in August. My first pet in October was bad. I restarted chemo in December. I was stage IV but operable. Worse PET in February. Stage IV, no surgery. I never received a reprieve even for a minute. This, as we all well know, is a brutal disease.
Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts.
We have all been wondering how you are and this sure breaks my heart to read your post. I think your decision to go to Duke is a very good one. You are a fighter and I truly admire your spirit and honesty and caring. I am so glad you posted your update. You know how we all become fans of one another and just want the very best for everyone who comes to this site - and when one suffers a setback, it truly saddens the rest of this group. We really are a great group of internet friends who care, support, advise, celebrate, mourn and hold each other together. No one truly knows what you are going through unless they've been there - done that (this means survivors and caregivers).
You have been through so much in the past 12 months and yet your spirit and beliefs are strong and true. I truly pray that the doctors at Duke have a plan that you are comfortable with. You have such a beautiful smile and I just love seeing your picture with your wife. When you write, you do so in such a manner that is so straight forward, open and honest and very touching - if we could all just cheer for you and pray you to good health - you would be an olympian athlete.
You are correct about the days on this earth. That is one God's best kept plans and quite possibly one of His greatest gifts to us - we can just be comfortable in knowing that only God knows the number of our days and it is up to us to do our best to leave fond memories for those who stay here a short while after.
A friend of ours has brain cancer and he goes to Duke - first doc here in Michigan who is a pretty good brain cancer doc, had reached his limitations and suggested a couple of other places and they chose Duke. His decision to go there has been a good one - we just saw him, his wife and sister at the cancer center today. So he has his treatment here at home, but travels to Duke like every 3-4 months to see his doctor. All of his scans are sent there to be read. I hope your outcome is as good as his.
I will be praying extra hard for you and if you get a chance to keep us posted - we'd sure love to hear how you're doing and what transpires at Duke for you.
Hang tough - you sound to me like you have a great head on your shoulders and wonderful supporting family, friends and loved ones around you and those are true blessings.
Hugs and always a friend with an open ear,
Judy0 -
Oh Jimbo.. Damn it.. through my tearsJimboC said:Many changes
In the short time that has transpired, a lot has happened. I went for a PET last Thursday. My 4 localized nodes have multiplied many times over. I am now stage IVB. Surgery to remove the nodes is no longer an option due to the spread. My chemo obviously didn't work so we are regrouping. Since I am still relatively healthy, I am going to continue some type of treatment in order to squeeze a little more time out. I have a biopsy scheduled for Monday for one of the new nodes and we're going to retest for HER2. Wednesday I will be heading to Duke to see if there is anything they can do. I expect not but it never hurts to check.
I have no regrets about anything overall. I did have a few issues that I would be happy to discuss in PM but no need to air that here in public. I sought out what I believed was the best treatment. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 at stage III, I had my the MIE at UPMC in July, started post-op chemo in August. My first pet in October was bad. I restarted chemo in December. I was stage IV but operable. Worse PET in February. Stage IV, no surgery. I never received a reprieve even for a minute. This, as we all well know, is a brutal disease.
Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts.
I Respond, because it is not time to say goodbye to anyone!!!!!! Yes my friend,...This is a brutal disease. Believe it or not there is always hope! Sangora is stage 4..she is keeping the beast at bay.....there are a few others as well, Look at Chemosmoker he is like the pink energizer bunny guy. Please Jimbo..do not give up hope ...Damn it.
We are still rootin for you, praying, sending positive thoughts and lots of prayers your way. Believe it or not there is still hope.
Warm positive wishes,
Sal0 -
dear JimWife of patient 50378 said:Oh Jimbo.. Damn it.. through my tears
I Respond, because it is not time to say goodbye to anyone!!!!!! Yes my friend,...This is a brutal disease. Believe it or not there is always hope! Sangora is stage 4..she is keeping the beast at bay.....there are a few others as well, Look at Chemosmoker he is like the pink energizer bunny guy. Please Jimbo..do not give up hope ...Damn it.
We are still rootin for you, praying, sending positive thoughts and lots of prayers your way. Believe it or not there is still hope.
Warm positive wishes,
I just wrote you a very long letter here and the page froze up. So, now being super late, I 'll try to be brief. I was saying that I saw a quote by Einstein. He wrote it in a letter after he finished his general relativity theory. He wrote about feeling content, but tuckered out. His word was "kaput". Now that was about a long journey of work, but I thought of you because through all of this crap that you endured, you are humble and compassionate about your fellow man, and you are such a good good man and loving father and husband. So, I encourage, give you permission, and a kick in the butt a little bit to be very selfish in your thinking right now when it comes to making more decisions. Selfish is about you and your family and it's actually compassion and loving kindness for yourself right now that will guide you to make the choice that is right for you. Some folks may want to run from one center to the next and the next ..... and others might go to one like you are doing.. still others might say Eh?... why bother? I just know you'll find what is right for you through what / who guides you. Know that you have a loving community here and a safe place to fall when you need to. A safe place to share your concerns, ask questions, vent... we're here for you Jim and your optimism and faith will be your guide along with your loving family.
Cora0 -
Good but sad to hear from youJimboC said:Many changes
In the short time that has transpired, a lot has happened. I went for a PET last Thursday. My 4 localized nodes have multiplied many times over. I am now stage IVB. Surgery to remove the nodes is no longer an option due to the spread. My chemo obviously didn't work so we are regrouping. Since I am still relatively healthy, I am going to continue some type of treatment in order to squeeze a little more time out. I have a biopsy scheduled for Monday for one of the new nodes and we're going to retest for HER2. Wednesday I will be heading to Duke to see if there is anything they can do. I expect not but it never hurts to check.
I have no regrets about anything overall. I did have a few issues that I would be happy to discuss in PM but no need to air that here in public. I sought out what I believed was the best treatment. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 at stage III, I had my the MIE at UPMC in July, started post-op chemo in August. My first pet in October was bad. I restarted chemo in December. I was stage IV but operable. Worse PET in February. Stage IV, no surgery. I never received a reprieve even for a minute. This, as we all well know, is a brutal disease.
Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts.
It is good to hear from you again, but very sad to read of the continued spread of this disease.
I admire your courage and grace in moving through this process. I hope the issues have resolved with your income and insurance. I will be praying that the folks at Duke have an approach that will stabilize the cancer without negatively impacting your quality of life.
I think many of us who are survivors live with the daily awareness that we have a limited amount of time in this physical experience. I know you have learned to view each new day as a gift to be savored particularly the "good" days.
I hope you have many more good days.
Best Regards,
Paul Adams
McCormick, South Carolina
DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
Two year survivor
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!0 -
sad newspaul61 said:Good but sad to hear from you
It is good to hear from you again, but very sad to read of the continued spread of this disease.
I admire your courage and grace in moving through this process. I hope the issues have resolved with your income and insurance. I will be praying that the folks at Duke have an approach that will stabilize the cancer without negatively impacting your quality of life.
I think many of us who are survivors live with the daily awareness that we have a limited amount of time in this physical experience. I know you have learned to view each new day as a gift to be savored particularly the "good" days.
I hope you have many more good days.
Best Regards,
Paul Adams
McCormick, South Carolina
DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
Two year survivor
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
This is not the post we wanted to see from you. Good to hear you are feeling well and pray you continue to do so for a long while.
Cyber hugs to you and your family,
Julie0 -
You are an encouragement to othersJimboC said:Many changes
In the short time that has transpired, a lot has happened. I went for a PET last Thursday. My 4 localized nodes have multiplied many times over. I am now stage IVB. Surgery to remove the nodes is no longer an option due to the spread. My chemo obviously didn't work so we are regrouping. Since I am still relatively healthy, I am going to continue some type of treatment in order to squeeze a little more time out. I have a biopsy scheduled for Monday for one of the new nodes and we're going to retest for HER2. Wednesday I will be heading to Duke to see if there is anything they can do. I expect not but it never hurts to check.
I have no regrets about anything overall. I did have a few issues that I would be happy to discuss in PM but no need to air that here in public. I sought out what I believed was the best treatment. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 at stage III, I had my the MIE at UPMC in July, started post-op chemo in August. My first pet in October was bad. I restarted chemo in December. I was stage IV but operable. Worse PET in February. Stage IV, no surgery. I never received a reprieve even for a minute. This, as we all well know, is a brutal disease.
Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts.
Your statement: "Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts."
Such eloquence depicts a man truly at peace and with understanding of his situation. As with each person who reports the diagnosis, I am saddened. I see such fighters. And you continue to be. Great!
Duke is a great medical center. You have made a good decision. You'll get answers, and you can make plans.
The posts in your support have been so moving as are the posts in support of others. Sometimes I get so disheartened by the silliness of the goings-on reported in the "media." However, my hope is rekindled when I read the posts of this brave band of fellow travelers. The beauty of their souls shine through each encouraging word.
As Paul said, may you have many, many more good days. We lift you up in prayer.
BMGky0 -
Dammit!JimboC said:Many changes
In the short time that has transpired, a lot has happened. I went for a PET last Thursday. My 4 localized nodes have multiplied many times over. I am now stage IVB. Surgery to remove the nodes is no longer an option due to the spread. My chemo obviously didn't work so we are regrouping. Since I am still relatively healthy, I am going to continue some type of treatment in order to squeeze a little more time out. I have a biopsy scheduled for Monday for one of the new nodes and we're going to retest for HER2. Wednesday I will be heading to Duke to see if there is anything they can do. I expect not but it never hurts to check.
I have no regrets about anything overall. I did have a few issues that I would be happy to discuss in PM but no need to air that here in public. I sought out what I believed was the best treatment. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 at stage III, I had my the MIE at UPMC in July, started post-op chemo in August. My first pet in October was bad. I restarted chemo in December. I was stage IV but operable. Worse PET in February. Stage IV, no surgery. I never received a reprieve even for a minute. This, as we all well know, is a brutal disease.
Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts.
Jimbo! So sorry for this news! Glad you're taking it "head on" like previous though. You are a match for this beast, that is for sure!
You know where we are when you need anything. We are here for you or any family that wishes to "talk" with us.
Strength back atcha, Jimbo! We will send prayers for strength and healing.
Love & Hugs,
Terry0 -
JimboJimboC said:Many changes
In the short time that has transpired, a lot has happened. I went for a PET last Thursday. My 4 localized nodes have multiplied many times over. I am now stage IVB. Surgery to remove the nodes is no longer an option due to the spread. My chemo obviously didn't work so we are regrouping. Since I am still relatively healthy, I am going to continue some type of treatment in order to squeeze a little more time out. I have a biopsy scheduled for Monday for one of the new nodes and we're going to retest for HER2. Wednesday I will be heading to Duke to see if there is anything they can do. I expect not but it never hurts to check.
I have no regrets about anything overall. I did have a few issues that I would be happy to discuss in PM but no need to air that here in public. I sought out what I believed was the best treatment. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 at stage III, I had my the MIE at UPMC in July, started post-op chemo in August. My first pet in October was bad. I restarted chemo in December. I was stage IV but operable. Worse PET in February. Stage IV, no surgery. I never received a reprieve even for a minute. This, as we all well know, is a brutal disease.
Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts.
You are truly an inspirational and uplifting man, I am so sorry for this change in diagnosis, prayers and strength to you and your family.
Ann0 -
Thank you allJimboC said:Many changes
In the short time that has transpired, a lot has happened. I went for a PET last Thursday. My 4 localized nodes have multiplied many times over. I am now stage IVB. Surgery to remove the nodes is no longer an option due to the spread. My chemo obviously didn't work so we are regrouping. Since I am still relatively healthy, I am going to continue some type of treatment in order to squeeze a little more time out. I have a biopsy scheduled for Monday for one of the new nodes and we're going to retest for HER2. Wednesday I will be heading to Duke to see if there is anything they can do. I expect not but it never hurts to check.
I have no regrets about anything overall. I did have a few issues that I would be happy to discuss in PM but no need to air that here in public. I sought out what I believed was the best treatment. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 at stage III, I had my the MIE at UPMC in July, started post-op chemo in August. My first pet in October was bad. I restarted chemo in December. I was stage IV but operable. Worse PET in February. Stage IV, no surgery. I never received a reprieve even for a minute. This, as we all well know, is a brutal disease.
Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts.
Thank you for all of your words of encouragement. As my oncologist said, the battle isn't over, it's just changed. I am at peace with this. I have spent the past year preparing myself for it. I was diagnosed on February 28th of 2011. I spent several weeks in March in a deep depression after I learned of the survival rates. Working through that brought me a lot closer to God and to myself. I asked that I get to spend my anniversary, children and wife's birthdays and the holidays with them. I made it and received what I asked for. I can't be upset that I got what I asked for. Would have rather had much longer and I may still get a little longer but I can say thank you for what I have gotten. As for the insurance, I must continue working to keep my insurance. I have to admit, it makes me a little angry to see some of those people who are obviously cheating the system who are able to work but won't. I just want a little time to enjoy my family before I have to leave them. Even that is alright in the end. I am proud of the battle I have fought and continue to fight.
Take care everyone!0 -
Damn this disease!JimboC said:Thank you all
Thank you for all of your words of encouragement. As my oncologist said, the battle isn't over, it's just changed. I am at peace with this. I have spent the past year preparing myself for it. I was diagnosed on February 28th of 2011. I spent several weeks in March in a deep depression after I learned of the survival rates. Working through that brought me a lot closer to God and to myself. I asked that I get to spend my anniversary, children and wife's birthdays and the holidays with them. I made it and received what I asked for. I can't be upset that I got what I asked for. Would have rather had much longer and I may still get a little longer but I can say thank you for what I have gotten. As for the insurance, I must continue working to keep my insurance. I have to admit, it makes me a little angry to see some of those people who are obviously cheating the system who are able to work but won't. I just want a little time to enjoy my family before I have to leave them. Even that is alright in the end. I am proud of the battle I have fought and continue to fight.
Take care everyone!
Jim - I am praying like crazy for you. You have youth on your side and are a statistic of ONE! Keep fighting! We are all pulling for you and you and your family have been in my thoughts constantly. Please, please keep us posted and hope things go well at Duke. Love to you - Kim0 -
JimboJimboC said:Thank you all
Thank you for all of your words of encouragement. As my oncologist said, the battle isn't over, it's just changed. I am at peace with this. I have spent the past year preparing myself for it. I was diagnosed on February 28th of 2011. I spent several weeks in March in a deep depression after I learned of the survival rates. Working through that brought me a lot closer to God and to myself. I asked that I get to spend my anniversary, children and wife's birthdays and the holidays with them. I made it and received what I asked for. I can't be upset that I got what I asked for. Would have rather had much longer and I may still get a little longer but I can say thank you for what I have gotten. As for the insurance, I must continue working to keep my insurance. I have to admit, it makes me a little angry to see some of those people who are obviously cheating the system who are able to work but won't. I just want a little time to enjoy my family before I have to leave them. Even that is alright in the end. I am proud of the battle I have fought and continue to fight.
Take care everyone!
You are in my thoughts and prayers. This new development is shocking, but you have responded with grace once again.
Lee Ann0 -
Hang in there......JimboC said:Many changes
In the short time that has transpired, a lot has happened. I went for a PET last Thursday. My 4 localized nodes have multiplied many times over. I am now stage IVB. Surgery to remove the nodes is no longer an option due to the spread. My chemo obviously didn't work so we are regrouping. Since I am still relatively healthy, I am going to continue some type of treatment in order to squeeze a little more time out. I have a biopsy scheduled for Monday for one of the new nodes and we're going to retest for HER2. Wednesday I will be heading to Duke to see if there is anything they can do. I expect not but it never hurts to check.
I have no regrets about anything overall. I did have a few issues that I would be happy to discuss in PM but no need to air that here in public. I sought out what I believed was the best treatment. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 at stage III, I had my the MIE at UPMC in July, started post-op chemo in August. My first pet in October was bad. I restarted chemo in December. I was stage IV but operable. Worse PET in February. Stage IV, no surgery. I never received a reprieve even for a minute. This, as we all well know, is a brutal disease.
Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts.
Was saddened to read of the spread of the disease. I echo everyone here that mentioned your inspiration and willingness to fight. We will continue to keep you in our prayers. God Bless.......
Gerry0 -
Jimbo,JimboC said:Many changes
In the short time that has transpired, a lot has happened. I went for a PET last Thursday. My 4 localized nodes have multiplied many times over. I am now stage IVB. Surgery to remove the nodes is no longer an option due to the spread. My chemo obviously didn't work so we are regrouping. Since I am still relatively healthy, I am going to continue some type of treatment in order to squeeze a little more time out. I have a biopsy scheduled for Monday for one of the new nodes and we're going to retest for HER2. Wednesday I will be heading to Duke to see if there is anything they can do. I expect not but it never hurts to check.
I have no regrets about anything overall. I did have a few issues that I would be happy to discuss in PM but no need to air that here in public. I sought out what I believed was the best treatment. I did everything I was supposed to do. I was diagnosed in February of 2011 at stage III, I had my the MIE at UPMC in July, started post-op chemo in August. My first pet in October was bad. I restarted chemo in December. I was stage IV but operable. Worse PET in February. Stage IV, no surgery. I never received a reprieve even for a minute. This, as we all well know, is a brutal disease.
Strength my friends. I'm alright with my change of diagnosis. I was never going to get one day more than what I was going to get and it was never going to be enough. Likewise, there was never going to be a day when my family, friends and loved ones would be alright with saying goodbye. No matter when it comes, it hurts.
I was saddened to
I was saddened to hear your news, and understand completely how you and your family feels. Rickie would tell everyone that his cancer was "not curable, not operable, but manageable" and he squeezed out and managed as much time as he could. In the end his worry was not about himself, but about me and our family. As you state, there was never going to be a day when we would be alright with saying goodbye, though in the end we knew we had to let him go, and it still hurts. Please take care of yourself and try to keep a positive attitude as you always have. I will keep you all in my prayers.
Wife of Rickie dx stage IV EC, Oct. 2010
Mets to bones and brain
Deceased Jan. 4, 20120 -
Keep Fighting
Hey Jimbo....
So sorry to hear the latest in your journey. As many have said, don't give up the fight! Not that you need to be told that. You seem to be a pretty strong guy with a great support system in place. And an amazing and humbling grasp of all that you've faced and are facing. You are a class act my friend and I wish you all the best. Now go beat this beast!
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