Question for Double Whammy

AngieD Member Posts: 493
Hey, Suzanne! You told me you had infections with each chemo cycle. Did they do the round of cultures each time? How long did the fevers last? Would they let you start a new chemo
cycle before all fever was gone?
Thanks for any more input!


  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Mine always resolved
    Good grief! Are you still running a fever?

    My fevers always resolved within a few days - except for the last time. I had a lot of skin toxicities and cellulitis with Taxotere and was usually placed on antibiotics. The last cycle was different - I was really sick and that's when all the cultures, x-ray, etc were done. It also resolved, but took longer. I was on antibiotics, but the infection was never identified - if there was one.

    So, no, I didn't miss any chemo because I was always recovered by the time the next cycle rolled around and the last time was the last time.

    Are you having any diarrhea? My good friend (on chemo for uterine cancer) just got out of the hospital because she was having diarrhea, was dehydrated, running a fever, etc. She had been on a course of antibiotics about a month prior because she developed cellulitis from severe lymphedema (leg). In the hospital, one of the cultures they did was a stool sample and it turned out she had C-diff. She's home now and doing ok, but C-diff is scarey. The things that can happen to us when we're on chemo.

    Take good care of yourself and hope you get to the bottom of this.

  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493

    Mine always resolved
    Good grief! Are you still running a fever?

    My fevers always resolved within a few days - except for the last time. I had a lot of skin toxicities and cellulitis with Taxotere and was usually placed on antibiotics. The last cycle was different - I was really sick and that's when all the cultures, x-ray, etc were done. It also resolved, but took longer. I was on antibiotics, but the infection was never identified - if there was one.

    So, no, I didn't miss any chemo because I was always recovered by the time the next cycle rolled around and the last time was the last time.

    Are you having any diarrhea? My good friend (on chemo for uterine cancer) just got out of the hospital because she was having diarrhea, was dehydrated, running a fever, etc. She had been on a course of antibiotics about a month prior because she developed cellulitis from severe lymphedema (leg). In the hospital, one of the cultures they did was a stool sample and it turned out she had C-diff. She's home now and doing ok, but C-diff is scarey. The things that can happen to us when we're on chemo.

    Take good care of yourself and hope you get to the bottom of this.


    Thanks for the prompt
    Thanks for the prompt answers! Yes, still having chills and fevers that come and go. Cultures haven't grown anything yet. No diarrhea. So my chemo's going to be at least a week late now. So ready to be done with this!