Many of us have been "deported"-anyone been re-ported?

missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
I am finishing my 15 radiation treatments to my spine on Friday and from there go right to my medical oncologist to discuss what chemo treatment she has in store for me. Since my port was removed 18 months ago when treatment finished the first time, I am now portless. Chemo sure was easier with the port and my good arm only has only puny little vein.

Has anyone had a port put back in? Does it go right back in the same spot? I discussed it with my surgeon and he said he would definitely do it for me if necessary. Just curious to see if anyone's had to be "re-ported"!

Hugs, Renee


  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Sorry you're in the position of needing re-porting. When my MO told me it was time to be de-ported I argued that I was very superstitious and content to keep it, just in case. He said he was also superstitious and if I ever needed it again it was no problem to re-port me. Not sure if it'll be in exactly the same spot, but he made it sound like if it were necessary it wouldn't be a big deal.

    Hoping the rest of your treatment is as easy as it can possibly be.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Still have mine!
    Being IBC and it's 'odds' of making it to 5 yrs, there was no way I was going to have my port out til I hit the 'majik' 5 yrs. Look at it as my little Warrior standing guard to keep the Monster away or if it sneaks up, it's there ready for battle. Yeah - I know that's a silly way to look at it but that's how I invision it. It's been 2 1/2 yrs since it was put in and I'm still riding NED so guess my little Warrior is standing guard. Going for my monthly flush also gives me a good feeling as it is still something I'm doing actively - take my Femara too.

    From what I've heard - re-porting can be done but can be more tricky the 2nd time around. If it's put back. On the same side as before then there is some scar tissue from the previous one. Put in on the other side then you could have issue from the surgery and/or rads. I really don't know though - jjust what I've heard. Am sure some will have personal experiences.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Still have mine!
    Being IBC and it's 'odds' of making it to 5 yrs, there was no way I was going to have my port out til I hit the 'majik' 5 yrs. Look at it as my little Warrior standing guard to keep the Monster away or if it sneaks up, it's there ready for battle. Yeah - I know that's a silly way to look at it but that's how I invision it. It's been 2 1/2 yrs since it was put in and I'm still riding NED so guess my little Warrior is standing guard. Going for my monthly flush also gives me a good feeling as it is still something I'm doing actively - take my Femara too.

    From what I've heard - re-porting can be done but can be more tricky the 2nd time around. If it's put back. On the same side as before then there is some scar tissue from the previous one. Put in on the other side then you could have issue from the surgery and/or rads. I really don't know though - jjust what I've heard. Am sure some will have personal experiences.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    Sorry you're in the position of needing re-porting. When my MO told me it was time to be de-ported I argued that I was very superstitious and content to keep it, just in case. He said he was also superstitious and if I ever needed it again it was no problem to re-port me. Not sure if it'll be in exactly the same spot, but he made it sound like if it were necessary it wouldn't be a big deal.

    Hoping the rest of your treatment is as easy as it can possibly be.


    My Drs were for keeping mine
    All of my Drs were with me on keeping mine. Better to stay ready if needed. Chemo Dr told me he would have tried to talk me into keeping it if I. Had wanted it out. But then I'm IBC and when I was DX'd the consensious of opinions was even though I was Stage III take I probably would not make it a year - fooled them - it's 2 1/2 yrs and still doing great and riding NED.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Sorry you're in the position of needing re-porting. When my MO told me it was time to be de-ported I argued that I was very superstitious and content to keep it, just in case. He said he was also superstitious and if I ever needed it again it was no problem to re-port me. Not sure if it'll be in exactly the same spot, but he made it sound like if it were necessary it wouldn't be a big deal.

    Hoping the rest of your treatment is as easy as it can possibly be.


    I just wanted to say
    I just wanted to say congrats early on finishing rads this Friday Renee!

    Hugs, Jan
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    Rague said:

    Still have mine!
    Being IBC and it's 'odds' of making it to 5 yrs, there was no way I was going to have my port out til I hit the 'majik' 5 yrs. Look at it as my little Warrior standing guard to keep the Monster away or if it sneaks up, it's there ready for battle. Yeah - I know that's a silly way to look at it but that's how I invision it. It's been 2 1/2 yrs since it was put in and I'm still riding NED so guess my little Warrior is standing guard. Going for my monthly flush also gives me a good feeling as it is still something I'm doing actively - take my Femara too.

    From what I've heard - re-porting can be done but can be more tricky the 2nd time around. If it's put back. On the same side as before then there is some scar tissue from the previous one. Put in on the other side then you could have issue from the surgery and/or rads. I really don't know though - jjust what I've heard. Am sure some will have personal experiences.


    keep up the great work. i was dx in 07 with I B C jan 1 of this year made me 5 year we are out there and going to stay around for a long time. hugs to u